"Vegetarianism is a cultural and social, rather than a biological, 
phenomenon. Anatomically and physiologically, the digestive organs of 
the human species are designed for both animal and plant foods. 
Moreover, a global cross-cultural survey demonstrates the fact that 
all cultures, past and present, have revealed a preference for at 
least some form of animal fat and protein and that none have ever 
been totally vegetarian" -- Leon Abrams. The preference for animal 
protein and fat: A cross-cultural survey. In Food and evolution 
Toward a theory of human food habits, ed Marvin Harris and Eric B 
Ross, 207-23. Philadelphia, Pa. 1987

"Price never found a totally vegetarian culture. Modern 
anthropological data support this: all cultures and peoples show a 
preference for animal foods and animal fat." -- H. Leon Abrams. 
Vegetarianism: An Anthropological/Nutritional Evaluation, Jnl of 
Applied Nutrition, 32:2, 1980.

"As yet, I have not found a single group.....which was building and 
maintaining excellent bodies by living entirely on plant foods....In 
every instance where groups involved had been long under this 
teaching, I found evidence of degeneration"...
-- Weston A. Price, "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston 
A. Price, 1939; 1945

Full text online at the Small Farms Library:

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price, 1939, Paul B. 
Hoeber, Inc, New York, London
Weston Price (1870-1948) was truly "the Charles Darwin of nutrition". 
He discovered what health is made of, and proved it beyond any doubt. 
In the early 1930s Price travelled more than 100,000 miles to study 
the diets and health of isolated primitive peoples all over the 
world, at a time when such communities still existed -- people "who 
were living in accordance with the tradition of their race and as 
little affected as might be possible by the influence of the white 
man". What he found makes fascinating reading, turning many of our 
modern ideas on their heads. Then Price compared these communities to 
other, less isolated groups of the same peoples, exposed to the 
"trade foods" produced by industrial society (processed foods grown 
by synthetic farming methods), in the shape of the "white man's 
store". He found it takes only one generation of eating 
industrialized food to destroy health and immunity. But he leaves us 
with the promise of regeneration -- thwarted health can be 
recaptured. Full text online. See Journey to Forever's review of this 
extraordinary book.
See the Weston A. Price Foundation for more information:

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