Hi All ;

Ridiculous amount of stainless tanks, pumps and other
equipment in Richmond, VA.  Sale ends June 22.  Good
luck bidding.


Peter G.

--- Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Vegetarianism is a cultural and social, rather than
> a biological, 
> phenomenon. Anatomically and physiologically, the
> digestive organs of 
> the human species are designed for both animal and
> plant foods. 
> Moreover, a global cross-cultural survey
> demonstrates the fact that 
> all cultures, past and present, have revealed a
> preference for at 
> least some form of animal fat and protein and that
> none have ever 
> been totally vegetarian" -- Leon Abrams. The
> preference for animal 
> protein and fat: A cross-cultural survey. In Food
> and evolution 
> Toward a theory of human food habits, ed Marvin
> Harris and Eric B 
> Ross, 207-23. Philadelphia, Pa. 1987
> "Price never found a totally vegetarian culture.
> Modern 
> anthropological data support this: all cultures and
> peoples show a 
> preference for animal foods and animal fat." -- H.
> Leon Abrams. 
> Vegetarianism: An Anthropological/Nutritional
> Evaluation, Jnl of 
> Applied Nutrition, 32:2, 1980.
> "As yet, I have not found a single group.....which
> was building and 
> maintaining excellent bodies by living entirely on
> plant foods....In 
> every instance where groups involved had been long
> under this 
> teaching, I found evidence of degeneration"...
> -- Weston A. Price, "Nutrition and Physical
> Degeneration" by Weston 
> A. Price, 1939; 1945
> Full text online at the Small Farms Library:
> http://journeytoforever.org/farm_library.html#price
> Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A.
> Price, 1939, Paul B. 
> Hoeber, Inc, New York, London
> Weston Price (1870-1948) was truly "the Charles
> Darwin of nutrition". 
> He discovered what health is made of, and proved it
> beyond any doubt. 
> In the early 1930s Price travelled more than 100,000
> miles to study 
> the diets and health of isolated primitive peoples
> all over the 
> world, at a time when such communities still existed
> -- people "who 
> were living in accordance with the tradition of
> their race and as 
> little affected as might be possible by the
> influence of the white 
> man". What he found makes fascinating reading,
> turning many of our 
> modern ideas on their heads. Then Price compared
> these communities to 
> other, less isolated groups of the same peoples,
> exposed to the 
> "trade foods" produced by industrial society
> (processed foods grown 
> by synthetic farming methods), in the shape of the
> "white man's 
> store". He found it takes only one generation of
> eating 
> industrialized food to destroy health and immunity.
> But he leaves us 
> with the promise of regeneration -- thwarted health
> can be 
> recaptured. Full text online. See Journey to
> Forever's review of this 
> extraordinary book.
> http://journeytoforever.org/text_price.html
> See the Weston A. Price Foundation for more
> information:
> http://www.westonaprice.org/
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