      Did you do a wash test ("shake test") before washing the biodiesel?
      Do you perform quality tests on your biodiesel?
(See JTF: "Quality Testing")
     An emulsion at any point in the wash, even "minor emulsion problems in the first wash that I could handle pretty good with hot water or some vinegar."  suggest processing problems. I lean towards incomplete reactions, as glycerine contamination and soaps produced during the reaction would produce emulsions or a thick soap layer in the wash test.
     I've only had emulsions occur in the wash, after having good wash test results, when I've had incomplete reactions (BD failed quality tests).
      The problem may be an incomplete reaction. Quality test will tell.
     Why did it show up in 5th wash, not first or second  ....
I could only speculate.
     Let me know how the quality test goes, 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 12:58 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Never seen wash problem

Dear List members,
     I need your ideas of what went worng with my washing
I make 45 l batches for almost a year now and I have only had minor emulsion problems
in the first wash that I could handle pretty good with hot water or some vinegar.
I make BD from WVO with 2 stage base - base, and I stir wash it all the time.
Today morning I started to do the 5th (last wash) on my batch.
the previous (4th) wash water was see through but not chrystal clear.
The fuel handeled stir washing very well - long time, and even high rpm.
As I stired for the 5th what I got was a thick emulsion.
I am shocked!!!!
The wash water is from the household water heater, ph 7 and around 60 deg C
Overall tempreture of the mix is around 35 - 40 deg C.
The emulsion separated in a couple hours and as I drained the wash water
a brown layer remained on the inside wall of the wash tank. This looks like rust
But it is not rust
I just don't get it. Do you???
Never ever had such a problem before.
Any ideas?

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