I traded my old car in for a pretty economical turbo diesel which,
although it isn't running on BD yet, it will be once I get past the
experimenting stage and on to bigger batches.  My neighbour is taking a
keen and reasoned interest in my endeavours and suggests his next vehicle
will be diesel so he can take the same route as I.

I would have no problem sharing my BD with him if the net effect of two
cars on say, BD50 is better than one on BD100, even though I would
reluctantly have to take some from the pumps.

My biggest issue is that I love to fly.  Almost all aeroplanes still use
leaded avgas in very old, mega-inefficient engines.  So, all the work I
may do to reduce my nasty emissions every day is probably cancelled by the
one or two hours flying I do every month.  Yes, there are diesel 'planes
coming on to the market, but what we really need is bio jet fuel which
probably won't happen in my lifetime given the speed at which the aviation
regulators work.  Or even better, electric aeroplanes.


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