Hi Bob and all

Sure presses your button Bob when someone questions vaccinations.

Actually, the post was about bird flu, and it's correct, it's a hoax 
and worse than a hoax, and we're able to consider it without having 
another major wrangle over Mercola because he isn't the only one who 
says so, GRAIN also says so, with plenty of solid references, and so 
does ISIS, with same, and, hey! it's in the archives I do believe. 
(And I say so too.)

Also, it's kind of important, in quite a few ways. One being that if 
indeed future of biofuels depends on small-scale local production, 
which it does do, it doesn't make a lot of sense to knock one of the 
main props of small farmers right out from under them, that being 
poultry, and for such utterly lousy reasons.



>Howdy Kirk,
>ah yes more anti vaccination literature from mercola. As far as I am
>aware, Mercola never met a vaccination that he didn't blame for damage
>to the public health, contrary to just about every public health
>official on this planet.
>I haven't read the book, I may agree that the bird flu risk has been
>over estimated, but if you were a public health official wouldn't you
>rather err on the side of caution?
>Kirk McLoren wrote:
> >
> >
> > */Fit Over 40 Newsletter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> >
> >     Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 05:02:28 UT
> >     From: "Fit Over 40 Newsletter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     Subject: The "Great Bird Flu" HOAX...please read and pass along
> >
> >     Dear Kirk,
> >
> >     The following message is sent only for your information
> >     and your protection against an upcoming 'scam'.
> >
> >     You need to be aware of this. You'll hear about it in
> >     the media...but you need to hear what it's 'really'
> >     all about: profits.
> >
> >     The problem is: this is a dangerous hoax.
> >
> >     http://www.fitover40.com/dangeroushoax.php
> >
> >     I created this page to tell you all about it.
> >
> >     Go see what I mean.
> >
> >     Sincerely,
> >
> >     Jon Benson
> >     Creator/Co-Author, "Fit Over 40"
> >
> >     P.S. This is not a product of mine, nor do I make
> >     one penny from passing this on to you. This page
> >     was created solely to keep all of you informed.

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