Bob, Joe,
   I avoid both butter and margarine by using coconut creme, ghee, etc. 
Organic, if possible.
   Joe, you can take an extra multi-mineral capsule to offset the leaching 
from the RO water.
I use carbon-block filter followed by distillation; I take extra minerals. 
The thing is that if
mercury, strontium, and cadmium are being leached out of one's body, that's 
great. Take a
kelp capsule too to keep the trace minerals intact. And use sea salt. I use 
Real Salt (TM).
   Herbs can be standardized during the extraction process. Not to worry 
though as most
herbs are much more gentle in action than prescription drugs. Herbs have 
been thoroughly
studied and their effects are known. There are thousands of studies on 
herbs. Most have
been used for thousands of year and probably a lot longer than that. 
Prescription drugs
makers will find what they think is the herb's active ingredient then design 
a chemical
analogue of that ingredient. Since this synthetic analogue is man-made it 
can be patented
and thus be a money maker, with proper promotion. But oftentimes this new 
drug can
act like a monkey wrench to a human's system, even after extensive testing 
for safety.Why?
Because during testing, negatives results are ignored or downgraded. Besides 
contrived outcome
testing, there is the issue of the singling out of one component of the herb 
and designating that
as the "active ingredient". This is just plain wrong thinking. Herbs work 
because of several,
sometimes hundreds, of other allied chemical components of the herb. These 
helpers all work
together in a synergistic fashion. Also, imo, the fact that herbs have been 
around for millions
of years, along with humans and our ancestors, there could be some genetic 
factors which
allow us to use these herbs successfully. But a synthetic analogue is 
unknown to the body and
the liver will work overtime, trying package the drug for expulsion. This is 
why almost all
prescription drugs are hard on the liver and can damage it. There are other 
problems as well.
So, we end up with prescription drugs being the number three killer here in 
the USA! Why
anyone would want to take these drugs? It could be because they're not aware 
of any other way or think that herbs are unsafe. But the fact is that it is 
prescription drugs which are really unsafe. We're told
that they're safe, if taken properly, and yet people still die, lots of 
them. (There are herbals that're deadly,
but they're well known and no one purports that they're safe.) Taking herbs, 
vitamins, supplements, essential oils, under direction of a naturopathic 
doctor is a far better way to go than using prescription drugs. Herbs like 
ginseng and ginkgo biloba are taken by millions of folks with no ill 
effects. The FDA and AMA are out to discredit alt medicine and have been 
doing their disinfo campaign for more than fifty years.  They use statements 
similar to Bob's.
Some interesting sites:
Wikipedia entry
Organic strawberries stop cancer
St John's Wort better than Prozac
HerbMed Links
American Herbal Pharmacopeia
Peace, D. Mindock

> Howdy Joe, Mike, et al
> Joe Street wrote:
>> Hi Mike;
>> There is a part of me ( the part I like to think is wise) that tends to
>> trust what comes out of mother nature's laboratory much more than the
>> industrial product. This is why I use butter not margarine.
> better the devil you know than the devil you don't know? (butter,
> saturated fat and cholesterol vs margarine, trans fats)
> This is why
>> I prefer herbs over medicines
> most medicines are herbs, or modeled after them and are purer and more
> predictable, with known side effects, at least after time to
> accumulate statistically relevant data.   The problems with herbs as I
> see it is two fold- frequently there is a lack of proven efficacy and
> secondly, dosage is unclear.  Amounts of efficacious agents varies
> from species to species and even plant to plant depending on where/how
> it is grown.
>  and organic foods over factory.
> agreed, with the exception of "factory Organic"  ala recent spinach issue
> This voice
>> is always whispering that the more raw something is, the closer it is to
>> it's natural state, the better.  This voice tells that the converse, the
>> more refined anything is, the more goodness has been stripped away and
>> the more unhealthy in terms of preservatives and traces of processing
>> steps are left behind in the product.
> processing is relative.  Cassava is dangerously poisonous without
> processing
>  I, like some others, confound
>> myself at times with doublethink on this front however.  For example
>> water purified by reverse osmosis  definitely is free of VOC's and
>> chlorine, flourine etc but so are the minerals removed and drinking
>> highly purified water can leach minerals from the body.  So I stuggle to
>> understand where the correct balance is at times.
>  we all struggle- nobody said life was easy
>  Bottled spring water
>> can contain higher than the municipal level of heavy metals.  I have
>> wondered about natural salt deposits in this regard although I admit I
>> have been lazy about doing my homework and looking for an assay on
>> alternative salt products.
> as far as I am aware there is no such thing as unnatural salt.
>  I was told that iodine was added to salt
>> because there were many more cases of thyroid problems in the population
>> before this was done
> iodination of salt began in earnest in the great lakes regions where
> the available salt had particularly low levels of iodine.  See info on
> the "goiter belt"
> (unless this is disinformation and I am to learn
>> that it aint so and it was just a way to unload iodine from some excess
>> industrial process on an unsuspecting population vis the flouride scene
>> with toothpaste and city water)  It is often hard to know who or what to
>> believe unless it is right in your area of knowledge. All I can hope to
>> do is fight laziness and keep looking for information.  This list is a
>> goldmine in this regard and I can never give enough thanks for all I
>> have learned from all the contibuting members here.
>> BTW the sea salt I use doesn't pour well.
> pure salt, as well as salt without a desiccant clumps up in humid
> climates (it is hygroscopic)  Hence Sodium alumino silicate or a
> similar desiccant is added.  Mortons has advertised this property for
> years-when it rains it pours.
>  I regard this as
>> encouraging.  What have 'they' done to regular table salt to make it run
>> so easily hmmm? I wonder.
>> Joe
>> M&K DuPree wrote:
>>> Hi Bob and List...I don't know.  But I wish I could know all the time
>>> what is right and what is wrong, what is on one side and what is on
>>> another, whether or not there really is one side or another, but I
>>> don't know, the lines between this and that oftentimes become
>>> obscure.  Maybe we should vaccinate, maybe we shouldn't.  Maybe hell
>>> is freezing over, maybe it isn't.  I don't know.
>>>      I do know this, however, I have no one to blame but myself.  I'm
>>> not sure I can say the same for anyone else, because it's really none
>>> of my business, but this is true for me--I have no one to blame but
>>> myself.  And it is this that I seek for everyone, that they are able
>>> to one day and forever thereafter accept and say the same thing for
>>> him/her self.  Why?  I can't answer that for you.  So it's for me to
>>> know and you to find out...for yourself.  I can see you are trying,
>>> just like others are trying too.  And this is where I hope we of this
>>> List can all find peace with each other, that each of us is trying in
>>> his or her own way to take responsibility for oneself, to have no one
>>> to blame but ourself.
>>>      Maybe we should be trying to understand each other better.  And
>>> when we don't agree, rather than throw ridicule at each other, stop
>>> and ask a question.  I don't know.  Maybe the path of ridicule,
>>> conjecture, leads to personal responsibility.  Maybe.
>>>      Anyway, there's so much that goes on here that is worthy of being
>>> labeled of real WORTH.  Maybe it's the freedom to ridicule too.  Ok.
>>>      Ah's a beautiful day here today...perfect temperature,
>>> sunshine and a breeze--for breakfast outside with the flys.
>>>      Mike DuPree
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>>> To: < <>>
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 10:23 AM
>>> Subject: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > and what a deal, only 7.95 usd (plus shipping and handling) for 4
>>> ounces.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Bob Allen,
>>> > =========================================================
>>> > The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
>>> in moral philosophy; that is,
>>> > the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness  JKG
>>> >
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> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bob Allen,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
> in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
> justification for selfishness  JKG
> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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