Interesting! Polar bears have black skin.


Thomas Kelly wrote:
     I think you are right re: Vit A being toxic. It is definitely 
considered to be teratogenic.
     I thought it was Vitamin D in polar bear and walrus liver that was 
     One explanation of the evolution of light skin color was based on the 
idea that sunlight converts precursors (ergosterol?) into Vit D 
(calciferol). Primitive diets were low in Vitamin D. The explanation 
suggests that as humans migrated, increasing latitudes ----> more skin 
covering + less direct sunlight. Those with lighter skin  ....  greater 
absorption of appropriate wavelengths, and Vit D production. The exceptions 
to the northern environment and light skin story are those whose diet 
included the livers of polar bears and walruses  ...  rich in Vit D.
      I heard that you should not eat polar bear or walrus liver more than 
once a month. Personally, I'm trying to give it up entirely.

P.S.  I meant no disrespect re:  "Howdy". I think it is more personal than 
"Hello". I wish it flowed as naturally from my mouth as it does from my 
       Howdy seems to be short for "How do you do?"
What does "Hello" mean?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "bob allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt

D. Mindock wrote:
There have been a considerable number of studies on herbs. It is a myth 
herbs haven't
been studied. BTW, an herb is any plant that has
special properties. A carrot might be called an herb since it helps the
your example is proving one of my points.  you cant necessarily trust
traditional wisdom. Further confounding things is that not only is
vitamin A essential in small amounts, it is both toxic and teratogenic
at higher concentrations.  There is enough Vit. A in a polar bear
liver to kill a person, and there are documented cases of fishermen
you became violently ill from consuming certain fish livers such as

Claim:   Eating carrots results in improved vision.

Status:   False.

your example is proving one of my points.  you cant necessarily trust
traditional wisdom. Further confounding things is that not only is
vitamin A essential in small amounts, it is both toxic and teratogenic
at higher concentrations.  There is enough Vit. A in a polar bear
liver to kill a person, and there are documented cases of fishermen
you became violently ill from consuming certain fish livers such as

If thing were so simple as natural is safe and good and synthetic is

 Strawberries slow
down cancer.
I.E., they have medicinal properties. Big Pharma will study an
herb to pick out those chemicals that have the properties they're looking
for. E.g., Cat's Claw (graviola is another) is believed to have 
properties. So a drug company will look for what they believe is the
"active" ingredient and find the chemical analogue.
I am not well versed in chemical patent law but I think you are
oversimplifying here.  Generally the reason companies look for analogs
is to find better efficacy, lowered side effects,  simpler structures
which lend themselves to production, or any combination thereof.

 Merely extracting the
active ingredient will not allow the patenting of it. But the man-made
analogue of it will. So they test the analogue and then submit it to the 
for its test. 200 million dollars is the figure
I have heard that this test costs. So, the ability to get a patent on a
synthetic analogue is what gives Big Pharma
the leverage to make billions on just one new drug. The markup on a drug 
sometimes as high as
50,000%, making drug manufacturing obscenely lucrative. The ones that 
like Vioxx, are just the
cost of doing business. With the huge markups and huge profits comes
political power, unfortunately for us
no argument there

Peace, D. Mindock

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Street" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] amazing himalayan salt

Hey Bob;

Again, follow the money.  Where is the funding going to come from to
test the efficacy of something anyone can grow and pick themselves.
Drug companies are loathe to spend a dime on any testing unless they are
forced to do so by the regulating bodies. They sure as hell aren't going
to waste that dime on something they can't control or sell.


bob allen wrote:


problem with herbs is, as I have said before, there is little to no
proof of efficacy for the vast majority of them. I not saying they
don't work, I am just saying that scientific evidence for efficacy is


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