Hi D ..

Actually, I believe that so much we are given is given to allow us the 
opportunity to Learn .. and learning can cover a lot of territory.

We either get it or we don't and when we don't .. that lesson comes back 
again and again.

Tonight, one of my business partners and I were talking about either that 
film or one very similar she had either seen or heard about while in 
Maryland .. but I thought she said that there were 3 "healers" working at 
the same time while the tumor was actually being filmed .. 3 inch tumor .. 
sorry that's all I remember about that brief discussion.

Definitely want to see that film!! .. and not that it matters if there were 
1, 3 or 15 "healers" commanding a physical tumor to "be gone"  .. it was 
done .. WOW!!

.. and now we have some contacts and hopefully will soon be obtaining it.

Having been raised in a fundamental christian religion I was always told 
that if I really wanted something I should pray for it .. if I didn't get it 
then my "Faith" wasn't strong enough.

Perhaps that's why I've become such a fan of Dr.Emoto's work in "Messages 
from Water". His discovery of Positive vs. Negative and their effect on 
water took that sunday school lesson of guilt and just pitched it out the 
window .. Thank you Dr.Emoto!!

Also having been raised in a household of 3 Chemical Engineers .. President 
of Solvey (division of Allied Chemical at the time), Head of Patients of 
Union Carbide before her retirement (and before Dow), .. and brother .. 
keeper of records of ALL those tests that are done before something is 
marketed for at least 3 different chemical companies.

Such a vested interest in acknowledging the PHYSICAL and ONLY THE PHYSICAL 
concerning what life and living is all about .. not to mention a vested 
interest in making a profit at whatever cost .. called the "bottom line".

This was "Table Talk" .. you know, family gatherings like birthdays, 
anniversaries, holidays.

BUT with that film of the eradication of a "physical" tumor .. whoever made 
it ..  takes  that "Only The Physical" concept and also does a pitching out 
of windows action .. humm .. I like it!!

Some days I am so grateful to be living in today's emerging awareness that 
so much of what we have be taught to be ABSOLUTE is more of a MAYBE ..  or 
even a maybe.

I know so many people who do this stuff on a daily basis .. really good 
ones.  I repeatedly see physical results from psychic connections and I find 
such a sadness when those in authority will not act on information and life 
is actually lost .. such blindness.

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

>From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis 
>asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
>Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 01:15:19 -0500
>Hi Marylynn,
>    Some do volunteer to be tested. I saw one woman, a psychic, from
>California in a documentary,
>I think on the Learning Channel. Anyway, she was filmed for the test. She
>was presented
>a person with a disease. That is all she knew. First she located the area 
>the disease.
>It was in the abdomen and she found the diseased area quickly. It was a
>tumor. Then she worked on the area using energy techniques (Reiki, Qi
>Gong?). The camera switched
>over to infrared. As she worked on the man, you could see the tumor
>shrinking. She did not
>touch the man. Within an hour the tumor had essentially disappeared. This 
>not science but it was very dramatic.
>This documentary was filmed in Japan, I believe. I don't remember the
>woman's name.
>Maybe someone else has details on this? It was perhaps three or four years
>ago when I saw
>I think being sick with a dis-ease happens to get our attention & to teach
>us something.
>Peace, D. Mindock
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 7:24 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as
>AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
> > Anyone who "looks and listens" at what is daily offered will have a life
> > full of wonders and with wonders there comes something called gratitude
> > for
> > being even momentarily allowed to witness/experience that particular 
> >
> > But it's been my observation to observe that many people do not and/or 
> > not accept what is placed before them.
> >
> > They do not and/or can not accept for a variety of reasons .. these
> > reasons
> > range from truly not being able to see/hear all the way to having placed
> > their being-ness (other wo/men's opinions of him/her) into such a
> > compromised situation that to acknowledge the existence of that "gift"
> > would
> > acknowledge their very life has been based upon lies/partial 
> > out right deceit.
> >
> > This, of course, would also include having built a life on a particular
> > "truth".  Defending that life/truth would become necessary even if that
> > life/truth were flawed .. it is a very courageous act that the physical
> > form
> > (human) that can say to their world .. opps .. I was mistaken.
> >
> > But, there have been a few.
> >
> > While I haven't read this book, I will consider it when I make out my 
> > list .. so not understanding exactly what is encompassed under that 
> > of
> > "morphic fields", I will say that while I do not consider myself a
> > "telepathic animal communicator", I believe anyone who works with any
> > given
> > field "grows" and/or enhances their subtle "awareness" within those 
> >
> > .. I work with animals so sometimes I "just get it", but if I need
> > specific
> > detailed information I'll go to those I happen to know have true talent
> > down
> > to the fine toning and are "for real".
> >
> > Because I do accept these areas as being helpful I have, with the help 
> > talented communicator and a dog been able to find poison that was known 
> > be near a children's playing field (within 500 feet), and thanks to the
> > dog
> > we got it.
> >
> > For those not familiar with "telepathic animal communication" this skill
> > is
> > absolutely wonderful with autistic and comma.
> >
> > I also work with a group of talented people who do things like "map
> > dowsing"
> > .. and can and do work with those law enforcement agencies that don't 
> > to rush out and arrest someone in the midwest, canada, or india for a
> > murder
> > that took place in london .. but these people can/and do provide GPS 
> > for missing people, dead/alive, people lost in snow storms.
> >
> > I tend to go with what works .. I guess that's why I like biofuel .. I
> > consider me a "jack of many trades"  but because I do what I do, I
> > generally
> > know where to find the "Masters".
> >
> > I'll chose to go mentally .. if possible .. into the snow storm and 
> > and rescue those who may be facing extreme difficulty if not more .. 
> > chose to go mentally into other situations when I can.
> >
> > .. I can only hope that those "skeptics" do not jeopardise lives while
> > waiting to prove and/or understand exactly "how" it works .. because 
> > what they are working with, they will not be able to understand.
> >
> > If those who wish to prove it's NOT possible and/or want to spend some
> > time
> > trying to figure out the what and why of the whole thing ..sorry, there 
> > usually a time constraint going on here .. You simply need get out of 
> > way.
> >
> > .. and before it's asked .. no one I know will sit down and be tested
> > because someone else wants to know if it works.
> >
> > It truly isn't important to us that you can gather data.
> >
> > Mary Lynn
> > Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> > TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 
> > .
> > Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
> > Practitioner
> > . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
> > The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> > http://members.tripod.com/~MLSchmidt/
> > http://allcreatureconnections.org
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: "Thomas Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >>To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as
> >>AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
> >>Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 13:23:01 -0400
> >>
> >>Marylynn,
> >>      A friend recently told me of a book dealing with the very thing 
> >>are
> >>speaking about; he referred to "morphic fields".
> >>      The reason the book came up is because we were talking about my 
> >>I
> >>have a dog that gets very agitated several minutes before a particular
> >>person even comes into sight on her walk past my house. My dog's 
> >>to
> >>other people range from total indifference to barking with tail wagging.
> >>This happens when they are in the driveway, or at least in sight.
> >>       Recently a young man stopped by to see my biodiesel setup. He is 
> >>veterinarian. As he played with my dog I told him about "the walker" as 
> >>call her. She thinks the dog is ferocious. He just laughed at the idea. 
> >>said the dog is friendly/playful, not ferocious.
> >>       A few minutes later my dog began to pace and become agitated. We
> >>were
> >>outside. My visitor asked what's going on? I had seen this numerous 
> >>before. I said that the woman is coming. He looked up the road. There 
> >>nobody in sight. There was little/no breeze, and what little there was 
> >>blowing in the direction the woman was coming from.
> >>      The vet. found it "very interesting". My dog was getting agitated.
> >>When
> >>this happens I play with her to distract her; to calm her down.
> >>      It was a full 5 minutes later that we saw the woman approaching,
> >>still
> >>more than a quarter of a mile away.
> >>      By the time the woman passed in front of the house my dog was
> >>barking,
> >>and the fur on her back was up. The veterinarian, raised and trained in
> >>Europe, wanted to talk to the woman  .... find out if she's on any
> >>medications/diagnosed with any psychological/emotional disorders, etc. I
> >>told him "Not a good idea." "We don't get along." He simply commented 
> >>"the dog is saying a something about her."
> >>
> >>      A woman in our town has a "seizure dog". It lets her know before 
> >>has an epileptic siezure. She takes it into the market, post office, 
> >>the way a blind person may have a "seeing eye dog." Dogs are able to
> >>detect
> >>certain cancers earlier than standard medical diagnosis. These may 
> >>their sense of smell.
> >>      I haven't gotten a good scientific explanation of my dog's 
> >>towards the "walker". It happens whether the dog is inside or out. She
> >>(the
> >>dog) seems to be getting a bit less responsive as she gets older (turned 
> >>in June).
> >>      To re-iterate a line from Mike D.   "I don't know."
> >>                                              Tom
> >>
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> >>Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 11:36 AM
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
> >>WasTestimonials as Evidence)
> >>
> >>
> >> > I've found curiosity in many things and have always enjoyed the
> >> > "wondering"
> >> > process my mind can take.
> >> >
> >> > Anyone who has ever lived with a pet perhaps has wondered why the
> >> > animal
> >> > is
> >> > always waiting at the door when they have returned home.  There have
> >>been
> >> > many varying answers down to and including sight, scent, feelings of
> >> > physical vibrations relating to how the animal knows.
> >> >
> >> > There was a filmed test done that was televised.  This test was
> >> > repeated
> >> > many times with many different people and their animals.
> >> >
> >> > Basically, the human was taken away by a "controller" .. This
> >> > controller
> >> > made all the decisions as to where they went, how long they stayed 
> >> > the
> >> > route and method of returning home.
> >> >
> >> > This was filmed by a 3rd person with a camcorder.
> >> >
> >> > At the house, a second camcorder had been set up that gave a fairly
> >> > wide
> >> > view of the room and the approach to the front door.
> >> >
> >> > What the film showed was the animal sleeping, eating, drinking from
> >> > it's
> >> > water bowl .. doing what our animals do when we are not at home.
> >> >
> >> > At the exact moment (side by side timers on the 2 separate 
> >> > when
> >> > the "controller" announced that "now we are going home", the animal
> >>would
> >> > get up and go and sit by the front door.
> >> >
> >> > Now I can imagine that someone could very well be jumping up and down
> >> > screaming that "that isn't science" .. and if that were to happen, I
> >>could
> >> > only speculate that they would be missing a vital portion of what 
> >>has
> >> > to offer.
> >> >
> >> > Shortly after the massive tsunami left thousands dead and lying on 
> >> > beaches one of the things that was noted and announced but with very
> >> > little
> >> > (if any) follow up was the fact that there were no bodies of the wild
> >> > animals .. and very few stray animals were found .. nor was there any
> >>harm
> >> > done to those peoples who lived and followed their tribal ways .. 
> >> > people had started moving inland and to higher ground as much as a 
> >>in
> >> > advanced.
> >> >
> >> > Reliable conclusions have existed through out our existence.  That is
> >>the
> >> > reason we survived.  Those that reached unreliable conclusions can be
> >> > counted among the extinct.
> >> >
> >> > I have had the honor of knowing an individual who was given the
> >>technical
> >> > writing job(s) of projects far beyond any technical writing abilities
> >> > he
> >> > had.
> >> >
> >> > He was given the jobs with unreasonable time frames and this was 
> >>in
> >> > my
> >> > opinion, to discredit him and have him lose his "devoted" following
> >> > with
> >> > the
> >> > clients.
> >> >
> >> > I understood what he was doing when he would have a 2 week time frame
> >> > to
> >> > complete a project for final review.  If he had 2 weeks he would walk
> >>the
> >> > halls for 1.5 of those weeks and sit down and write fairly straight 
> >>3
> >> > days .. one time, no corrections, no revisions .. and it was done and
> >> > it
> >> > was
> >> > done far beyond the clients hopes and/or expectations.
> >> >
> >> > Science has it's place but equally the wonder of the mystics also 
> >>to
> >> > be
> >> > acknowledged.
> >> >
> >> > Mary Lynn
> >> > Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> >> > TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
> >>Modification
> >> > .
> >> > Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
> >> > Practitioner
> >> > . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
> >> > The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> >> > http://members.tripod.com/~MLSchmidt/
> >> > http://allcreatureconnections.org
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >>From: Michael Friebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >> >>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
> >> >>WasTestimonials as Evidence)
> >> >>Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 13:15:28 -0700 (PDT)
> >> >>
> >> >>".but I am also a sceptic of the idea that science is
> >> >>the be all and end all or that it has all the
> >> >>answers."
> >> >>
> >> >>So then, what other epistemic method do we have from
> >> >>which to form reliable conclusions?  It may be that it
> >> >>is the definition/scope of science that is in question
> >> >>here.  I claim that there is no epistemic method that
> >> >>does not rely upon verifiable experience.  I also
> >> >>claim that the reliability of any conclusion is solely
> >> >>dependent upon & proportional to the amount of
> >> >>empirical support garnered.  What method is there that
> >> >>isn't empirical?  How can the reliability of a
> >> >>proposition vary without regard to empirical support?
> >> >>
> >> >>It is an understatement that science does not have all
> >> >>the answers, but we have achieved grandly by it and
> >> >>there is no competition to be found.  In that sense,
> >> >>it is the end-all, be-all.
> >> >>
> >> >>"All I am suggesting to Bob is that even though
> >> >>science cannot explain something at the present time,
> >> >>that does not mean it must necessarily be rejected."
> >> >>
> >> >>While it must be rejected as proven true, it does not
> >> >>need to be rejected outright and be considered false.
> >> >>Instead, it needs to be viewed as a possibly false &
> >> >>unreliable proposition that could be dangerous if
> >> >>relied upon, depending on the evidence available & the
> >> >>context.  That brings up a critical point: context.  I
> >> >>would not cross a street without looking regardless of
> >> >>unproven claims stating the lack of necessity.
> >> >>However, I only eat organic food despite possessing
> >> >>little evidence to show it worthwhile.  This is
> >> >>because although I am relying upon an unproven claim,
> >> >>I am putting myself (or others) in no further danger
> >> >>by doing so while possibly lessening my risk, and I
> >> >>personally find the cost to be inconsequential.
> >> >>
> >> >>Mike
> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
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