Here is a treasure trove of the fallacies of vaccination. If some weak 
people insist on getting
vaccinated, fine. But it goes over the line when they force others to get 
vaccinated as well. And that
is what is happening. Big Pharma wants total control of your body. And they 
are inducing weak
politicians to make the laws necessary.

>From AAPS:

The Physician's Desk Reference cites adverse reactions to the hepatitis B in 
less than 1 percent. However, if more than 70 million American children 
receive the vaccine, that means more than 700,000 children are likely to 
suffer adverse reactions.

Children are a very low risk group for hepatitis B. Primary risk factors are 
dependent on lifestyle, i.e. multiple sex partners, drug abuse or an 
occupation with exposure to blood.

Rampant conflicts of interest in the approval process has been the subject 
of several Congressional hearings, and a recent Congressional report 
concluded that the pharmaceutical industry has indeed exerted undue 
influence on mandatory vaccine legislation toward its own financial 

The vaccine approval process has also been contaminated by flawed or 
incomplete clinical trials, and government officials have chosen to ignore 
negative results. For example, the CDC was forced to withdraw its 
recommendation of the rotavirus vaccine within one year of approval. Yet 
public documents obtained by AAPS show that the CDC was aware of alarmingly 
high intussuception rates months before the vaccine was approved and 

Mandatory vaccines violate the medical ethic of informed consent. A case 
could also be made that mandates for vaccines by school districts and 
legislatures is the de facto practice of medicine without a license.

The CDC's own "Guide to Contraindications to Childhood Vaccination" warns 
that when assessing children's common symptoms, "if any one of them is a 
contraindication, DO NOT VACCINATE" [caps added]. And yet, under legislated 
mandates, the vaccines are still required.

End AAPS excerpt.

IMO, mandatory vaccinations are not Constitutional. We have nothing if we 
have no control over our own
bodies against outside forces. If my home is my castle, then what is my 

Peace, D. Mindock  P.S. Marilynn, thanks for this topic as it hits home to 
what this country is becoming.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 6:19 PM

> All those bumper stickers loudly proclaiming that Abortion Is Not A 
> Medical
> Procedure has always made me wonder if the average individual actually 
> knows
> that Childbirth is Not a Medical Procedure Either.
> Historically the midwife (mid-wiff-ery) or the village medicine woman
> assisted with the help of the women of the family .. but back a couple of
> thousand years with the rise of the church any woman with herbal knowledge
> was branded as a witch and disposed of .. and THEN the church got to
> confiscated any property she may have owned .. glory be.
> .. and so the present day medical profession was born .. and the medical
> profession will tell you all the horror stories about all the things that
> can go wrong in gory detail.
> The reality is that things can go wrong with a tooth extraction but the
> majority of births in the majority of countries are normal, go well and 
> the
> living child is healthy.
> It almost sounds as if the hospital environment was a well timed hostage
> situation with that "paper work".
> Perhaps it is time to reconsider finding a midwife.
> .. Or .. I don't have the details right now, but I believe a congresswoman
> (forgotten name for now) DEMANDED that the vaccine safety studies include
> the 3 separate non-vaccinated groups that exist here in the United States
> and be compare, side by side with those that have been vaccinated.
> .. the pharmas & company have been reluctant to include them in their
> studies .. humm
> One large group is the Amish .. a Second large group is the Home Schooled 
> ..
> and the Third group was a medical practice in the Illinois/Kansas area.
> Medical doctors who assist in your home who do not vaccinate .. wow .. you
> would wonder why the AMA hasn't shut those suckers down!!
> Mary Lynn
> Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification 
> .
> Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy 
> Practitioner
> . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
> The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
>>From: "Jason& Katie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 16:14:44 -0500
>>it was in kansas city about a month ago, all of the stuff was standard
>>issue, but the fact that i couldnt be involved because of HIPAA really
>>pissed me off. i had already threatened to hurt one of the clerks because
>>they couldnt legally tell me, ME- HER FRAGGING HUSBAND!, anything about my
>>wife's health in the months prior to the birth. i dont like to talk about
>>it, it just makes me mad again.
>>ICQ#:  154998177
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "robert and benita rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 12:39 AM
>> > Jason& Katie wrote:
>> >
>> >>they made my wife sign the papers for the boys' vaccinations when she
>> >>in
>> >>labor.  just exactly how in the hell is someone supposed to read all
>> >>legal garbage when they are in recurring intense pain?
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >    That's ridiculous!
>> >
>> >    Where did this happen?
>> >
>> >> they wouldnt let me
>> >>read any of it, and said since i was not the patient, i could not sign
>> >>anything. out of paranoia i demanded to see all the labels before the
>> >>vaccines were used, but they were single doses only good for about an
>> >>outside of refrigeration, and had no preservatives, but it still makes
>> >>mad.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >    When were the vaccinations administered?
>> >
>> >>ANYWAYS, back to my original thought, i had a lot of sleeping problems
>> >>supposed ADD when i was in school, but i also had a really rotten habit
>> >>only eating one huge meal a day(dinner), and surviving on caffeine
>> >>during classtime. hmm, i wonder why i had so many problems growing 
>> >>up...
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >    As I had written:  Learning problems are often the result of complex
>> > interactions . . .
>> >
>> > robert luis rabello
>> > "The Edge of Justice"
>> > Adventure for Your Mind
>> >
>> >
>> > Ranger Supercharger Project Page
>> >
>> >
>> >

>> >
>> > --





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