They used to do without any real significant oil back when?  Say 1800s?

The only difference was the size of the population.  That will be the
cause of chaos since oil bred the population.

I expect I only have 20 years left and with my luck, it will happen
before than.

Sorry.  Just my 2cents rambling.


On 10/19/2006, "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     No doubt about it, the world runs on oil.  No oil, no world, at least as 
> we have known it.  The realization of this when gas prices spiked a year 


     Yeah...whatever.  "Everything changes."  And, I guess I'll
"cross that bridge when I come to it."  Maybe I'll know how to use a
knife and bow and arrow by then--or maybe not.  Mike DuPree


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