Would you rather have A huge mess or a manageable mess?  Make it in small batches as the experience gained each time will prepare you for larger batches. When things go wrong - and they will - you will not be in for a really bad day - only a bad day.  WVO is a much more challenging level, Work up slowly is my advice.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Dunn
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 6:00 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] I need some advice

I have stumbled on about 200 gallons of WVO in the ~5 gallon containers that it came in.  That part is great!  I'll be picking it up this weekend.  Now, the tricky part - in the spring I broke my ankle while skateboarding.  That put an immediate halt to my processor development.  Its probably 80% completed but, I don't even really remember what I was working on last.  Now the even trickier part - my wife is not likely to be too patient with me having 50 - 5 gallon containers in the garage for too long.  Now, I have 2 empty 55 gallon drums that I could put about half of it in but, I'm not sure if I want to tie those up for that purpose.  Ok, so the question here is, do I work on the reactor to process the oil or do I just get down to the knitty gritty and make biodiesel?  I could use the 5 gallon containers that the oil is in and just use the simple bucket method to get the job done.  I suppose I feel a bit more confident in the simple method (probably because I have less waste if something goes wrong).  I guess that I should add that at this point, I've only ever done test batches.  I haven't done anymore that a gallon at a time.  What do you think?

I hope everyone is doing well!

Take care,
Lancaster County, PA

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