Joe Street wrote:
Ok this is the part I don't get.  You keep saying there in a massive cohort of subjects walking around with amalgams and how come we aren't seeing a problem, and I'm telling you there's a massive cohort of subjects and we are seeing problems. I can't prove it is the amalgam and you can't prove it's not.

    How can I prove a negative?  There SHOULD be some indication of widespread health issues linked to amalgam if the problem actually exists because the cohort with amalgam fillings is so large.  If that's the case, what are the medical indications?  If you can't prove ill effects from amalgam fillings--and I've had them in my mouth for decades now, without problems--how do you expect to convince me that a problem exists?

And it has nothing to do with a coverup or conspiracy by the medical association cause they don't know for sure either.( but there is the precautionary principle right?)

    The precautionary principle is something I learned about HERE.  Nobody else talks about it, at least in my circles, and this discussion outlines its merits.  I'm learning a lot in reading and writing to other people in this forum, and that's why I'm still a subscriber after all these years.  The flip side to the precautionary principle is that if I have the fillings already, I'm better off leaving them in than removing them because by removing them, I increase my exposure to mercury vapor.
  At the time amalgams were first used they seemed like a wonderful solution.

    Amalgams are tough, yet tender.  They're softer than porcelain, so they're easier on the jaw, last far longer than porcelain, and they're cheaper than gold.  That's why they're used.

Trans fat was going to be the solution to a problem as well remember? All I'm saying is that one day when you say to yourself 'crap, I just found out that I should wear gloves when I change the engine oil on my car cause there's stuff in there that can harm me if I get it on my skin' then you wear gloves right?  You don't go on getting motor oil all over your hands.  But maybe if you're an unscrupulous garage owner you don't bother to tell your mechanics about the issue because then you have to do something for them and it might cut into your profits.
    How do we know that skin exposure to oil causes problems?  Couldn't we use similar techniques to draw definitive conclusions about mercury in amalgam fillings and vaccines?

Unfortunately I'm just as skeptical of UV cure epoxies as I am now of the amalgam I have in my head.  Epoxy is the new wonderful solution but it has even less of a track record. Gold is probably fine but then I have to be careful next time I go to the third world walking around with that gold flashing in my mouth.  If I go porcelain my buds will accuse me of having a glass jaw and what can I say? Ahh you can't win.  Stay away from candy kiddies!

    You'd better brush, floss and visit your dentist regularly!!!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
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