Please watch the video (40 min) at the end of the page. The rest is optional. 
The video is most important. Be sure to visit the speaker's website and take 
action --->> 
Peace, D. Mindock  P.S. If you get a message about running scripts, do choose 
Yes, otherwise the movie 
can't be run.


                  Federal, State Regulators Target Raw Milk Sources 

                  The Michigan Agriculture Department, together with state 
police, confiscated an estimated $7,000 worth of food products from a 
three-farm cooperative. Raw milk was the concern at the center of the 

                  No charges have yet been filed, but the investigation has 
expanded; the FDA and Indiana Board of Animal Health have twice sent 
investigators to the Amish Indiana dairy that supplies the cooperative's raw 

                  The investigators are exploring possible violations of a 
federal prohibition on the sale of raw milk via interstate commerce.

                  Friendly retailers providing space to the coop have also felt 
the effects of the crackdown. Because one small Ann Arbor grocer was served 
cease and desist orders by Michigan's Agriculture Department to prevent the 
coop from distributing raw milk and organic food to customers in a warehouse 
behind the store, others are shying away from the coop for fear of losing their 
         October 25, 2006 


                  Dr. Mercola's Comment:

                        It is interesting that this made the national news as 
this Amish farmer is one of the original farmers we connected with to provide 
raw dairy to the patients in our clinic. 

                        Richard Hebron continued to drive weekly from his 
Michigan farm to Chicago every week to supply the people in our local community 
with his raw diary, cage free chicken eggs, and grass fed beef.

                        Even though the people who purchased his food did not 
become sick or ill and they had voluntarily chose to participate in his cow 
share program, the Big Brother government decided they knew better than the 
consumer they were "trying to protect".

                        This is simply inexcusable government intrusion on the 
freedom of choice of American consumers.

                        Just as the consumption of raw milk is growing in 
America, so are heavy-handed attempts by state officials in some states to kill 
it. Of course, the intimidating wrath of state and federal regulators hasn't 
yielded charges against anyone for anything yet. Nonetheless, they've still 
confiscated thousands of dollars worth of food, which is often all it takes to 
bankrupt a business and squelch a movement.

                        Just remember, despite all the health myths they like 
to throw around, pasteurized milk producers can't claim their worthless 
health-harming products reduce the incidence of eczema or hay fever. Only raw 
milk is responsible for those benefits.

                        Raw milk is one of the finest sources of calcium 
available for humans. From my perspective, there just simply is not any 
rational justification to ever drink pasteurized milk, even organic pasteurized 
milk. Once you heat milk to pasteurize it there is serious damage that is done 
to the fragile milk proteins that actually cause it to function as a potent 
allergen. That is one of the main reasons why milk is the most common allergy.

                        Even if you start with organic milk from grass-fed 
cows, once you heat it the milk is ruined and should not be consumed.

                        Additionally, the pasteurization process virtually 
eliminates the good bacteria normally present in the milk and radically reduces 
the micronutrient and vitamin content of this healthy food. I encourage you to 
read my past articles to learn why you don't want to drink pasteurized milk, 
and why raw milk is becoming more popular in the United States.

                        Fortunately, no matter how far public health officials 
will go to discredit the benefits of raw milk, a growing number of Americans 
are choosing natural dairy sources, even though they may be breaking the law.

                        Here's an excellent video, pointed out to us by a 
newsletter reader, describes how nutrition, in the form of herbs and other 
natural foods, has been increasingly criminalized by the U.S. government.




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