I Tom;

I was thinking more on this after I posted and realized just what you are saying. I asked myself ok what if heterodynes <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterodyne> were generated in some object smaller than a micron and I was looking at it with a conventional microscope. I suppose that I would see a light source but I wouldn't be able to resolve it's shape due to the limitations of the optics. More comments below...

Thomas Kelly wrote:

     You wrote:
"This would produce harmonic mixing and would result in the generation of two new wavelengths which are the sum and difference frequencies of the original light sources." I don't plan to try it at home, but I don't doubt this to be true. I can't see how stimulating an organism to emit light would get around the difficulties of resolution at magnifications necessary to see viruses .... alive or not. Organisms that emit light naturally are still subject to the limitations nature seems to have imposed on our various light microscopes. Fluoroscopic techniques .... binding fluorescent antibodies to cells ... allows for ID/sorting of cells including microbes, but the glowing cells can only be magnified to about 1000X (light microscope) 1400X with UV microscopes.


I am curious about the "harmonic mixing" you refer to.
     The monochromatic light sources ....  laser generated?

They could be although they wouldn't have to be monochromatic. A broad band light source containing spectral components that are suitably spaced to create the difference frequency we need ( in the visible spectrum) would work fine. So then I asked myself why I have never seen anything curious like this. We were talking about mixing two UV wavelengths (due to the ability of the short wavelengths to offer superior resolution) but if harmonic mixing could take place as we are talking about it could happen with wavelengths from any part of the visible or invisible spectrum. Your typical optical scope uses a halogen bulb which is a heavy radiator in the infrared. Harmonic mixing of sub visible spectra should result in heterodynes (sum frequencies) up in the visible. I mean light from the infrared end ( say 900 nm) could mix with light from the UV end ( say 400 nm) to result in a difference frequency of 450 THz which would have a wavelength of 660 nm right in the red wavelength area of the visible spectrum. So why has no-one noticed this? The answer is probably due to switching speed. In a semiconducting junction pairs of charge carriers are formed when a current flows. When the wave polarity reverses these charge carriers have to move to prevent current flow in the opposite direction ( this is the essence of the switching action which IS the non linearity which creates the heterodyne effect) If the charge carriers cannot move fast enough in the material to perform this function then the material will not act as a harmonic mixer. Switching speeds would have to be exceedingly fast to heterodyne light. For example for a 500nm wavelength ( mid visible spectrum) the frequency of this light wave would be 600 e12 Hz! (THz) The fastest semiconductors manufactured are about 10 000 times slower than this (60 Ghz to maybe 100 Ghz). Superconducting josephson junctions are touted to be about ten times faster than conventional semiconductors but that still only gets us up to 1 THz. I was initially wondering if something in a DNA strand could act as a switch at these frequencies but of course if it were possible we would see the colours of the rainbow emmanating from some points in the cell nucleus which would be too small to resolve. The world would probably look quite different if harmonic mixing of light was happening anywhere!

Only two wavelengths generated? .... one the sum and one the difference of the original wavelengths .... No heat?

Some heat would be dissipated as there are always losses in materials. The amount would equal the energy in the incoming spectra minus the energy in the radiated spectra.

I ask about the heat because the brightness of the field of view of a microscope is inversely proportional to the magnification. At 6000X a very high illumination, or emission of light would be necessary in order to see anything. Heat could be bad. Would the object continue to emit light after the sources were stopped (a la glow in the dark frisbees ... electrons doing quantum leaps)? Would there be pulses or continuous flow?

No the radiated light would only be the result of mixing of components in the incomming spectra. It would be continuous if the lamp was on continuously.

"This would require that both the source waves be focused onto a point whch has the property of a semiconducting junction ." The points we are referring to are microscopic ..... a trillion viruses in a period (New Times Roman 12) at the end of a sentence. I'm only asking, Joe .... Is it reasonably possible to achieve harmonic mixing on a microscope slide and would it somehow allow for magnifications, using glass lenses, that are not achievable w/o it?

Now that I have thought about it more I guess the answer is no.


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