I'm not sure a second opinion is called for.  I really haven't seen any 
evidence second opinions are even effective.  Most studies show that 
fewer than 23% of second opinions are even useful.


Joe Street wrote:

> Better get a second opinion, I don't think the cure 'took'.
> j;)
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>I cured myself of scepticism using a Rife machine.
>>Joe Street wrote:
>>>I Tom;
>>>I was thinking more on this after I posted and realized just what you 
>>>are saying.  I asked myself ok what if heterodynes 
>>><http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterodyne> were generated
>>>in some object smaller than a micron and I was looking at it with a 
>>>conventional microscope.  I suppose that I would see a light source 
>>>but I wouldn't be able to resolve it's shape due to the limitations of 
>>>the optics. More comments below...
>>>Thomas Kelly wrote:
>>>>     You wrote:
>>>>    "This would produce harmonic mixing and would result in the 
>>>>generation of two new wavelengths which are the sum and difference 
>>>>frequencies of the original light sources." 
>>>>     I don't plan to try it at home, but I don't doubt this to be true.
>>>>     I can't see how stimulating an organism to emit light would get 
>>>>around the difficulties of resolution at magnifications necessary to 
>>>>see viruses  ....  alive or not. 
>>>>     Organisms that emit light naturally are still subject to the 
>>>>limitations nature seems to have imposed on our various light 
>>>>microscopes. Fluoroscopic techniques ....  binding fluorescent 
>>>>antibodies to cells ... allows for ID/sorting of cells 
>>>>including microbes, but the glowing cells can only be magnified to 
>>>>about 1000X (light microscope)  1400X with UV microscopes.
>>>>     I am curious about the "harmonic mixing" you refer to.
>>>>     The monochromatic light sources ....  laser generated?
>>>They could be although they wouldn't have to be monochromatic. A broad 
>>>band light source containing spectral components that are suitably 
>>>spaced to create the difference frequency we need ( in the visible 
>>>spectrum) would work fine. So then I asked myself why I have never 
>>>seen anything curious like this.  We were talking about mixing two UV 
>>>wavelengths (due to the ability of the short wavelengths to offer 
>>>superior resolution) but if harmonic mixing could take place as we are 
>>>talking about it could happen with wavelengths from any part of the 
>>>visible or invisible spectrum.  Your typical optical scope uses a 
>>>halogen bulb which is a heavy radiator in the infrared. Harmonic 
>>>mixing of sub visible spectra should result in heterodynes (sum 
>>>frequencies) up in the visible. I mean light from the infrared end ( 
>>>say 900 nm) could mix with light from the UV end ( say 400 nm) to 
>>>result in a difference frequency of 450 THz which would have a 
>>>wavelength of 660 nm right in the red wavelength area of the visible 
>>>spectrum. So why has no-one noticed this? The answer is probably due 
>>>to switching speed.  In a semiconducting junction pairs of charge 
>>>carriers are formed when a current flows. When the wave polarity 
>>>reverses these charge carriers have to move to prevent current flow in 
>>>the opposite direction ( this is the essence of the switching action 
>>>which IS the non linearity which creates the heterodyne effect) If the 
>>>charge carriers cannot move fast enough in the material to perform 
>>>this function then the material will not act as a harmonic mixer. 
>>>Switching speeds would have to be exceedingly fast to heterodyne 
>>>light.  For example for a 500nm wavelength ( mid visible spectrum) the 
>>>frequency of this light wave would be 600 e12 Hz! (THz)  The fastest 
>>>semiconductors manufactured are about 10 000 times slower than this 
>>>(60 Ghz to maybe 100 Ghz). Superconducting josephson junctions are 
>>>touted to be about ten times faster than conventional semiconductors 
>>>but that still only gets us up to 1 THz. I was initially wondering if 
>>>something in a DNA strand could act as a switch at these frequencies 
>>>but of course if it were possible we would see the colours of the 
>>>rainbow emmanating from some points in the cell nucleus which would be 
>>>too small to resolve. The world would probably look quite different if 
>>>harmonic mixing of light was happening anywhere!
>>>>     Only two wavelengths generated?  .... one the sum and one the 
>>>>difference of the original wavelengths ....    No heat?
>>>Some heat would be dissipated as there are always losses in 
>>>materials.  The amount would equal the energy in the incoming spectra 
>>>minus the energy in the radiated spectra.
>>>>      I ask about the heat because the brightness of the field of 
>>>>view of a microscope is inversely proportional to the magnification. 
>>>>At 6000X a very high illumination, or emission of light would be 
>>>>necessary in order to see anything. Heat could be bad.
>>>>      Would the object continue to emit light after the sources were 
>>>>stopped (a la glow in the dark frisbees ...  electrons doing quantum 
>>>>leaps)? Would there be pulses or continuous flow?
>>>No the radiated light would only be the result of mixing of components 
>>>in the incomming spectra. It would be continuous if the lamp was on 
>>>>     "This would require that both the source waves be focused onto a 
>>>>point whch has the property of a semiconducting junction ."
>>>>     The points we are referring to are microscopic ..... a trillion 
>>>>viruses in a period (New Times Roman 12) at the end of a sentence.
>>>>     I'm only asking, Joe  ....  Is it reasonably possible to achieve 
>>>>harmonic mixing on a microscope slide and would it somehow allow for 
>>>>magnifications, using glass lenses, that are not achievable w/o it?
>>>Now that I have thought about it more I guess the answer is no.
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