In the United States that I live in good intentions pave the path to hell.

Good intentions created: 

Social Security - A system that was designed to allow a better retirement for 
each generation that followed.  Such a good idea and it got off to a good 
start, but now my generation is going to spend a lifetime paying into something 
they will not reap.  Where did the money go? Bi-partisan spending to pay for 
bi-partisan military engagements around an otherwise peaceable world? Can you 
think of perhaps other pockets? 

More recently we have witnessed our government consistently use military power 
with complete irresponsibility all around the globe while stressing 
relationships with allies. 

Environmentally our Bi-partisan government has shown contempt for science and 
global warming the record is clear.

Now it is clear, as mentioned before, Republicans and Democrats are just a 
single party owned by the people that pay the lobbyists.

That is why many people that have private health care don't want the government 
involved. They just don't trust the government to administer it. 

And we see the fruit of a two party system. We are the American sheep being 
fleeced and flocked all around where ever they wish us to go. No leaders among 
us just some rich rich guys that smoke cigars and tell the presidents and 
congressmen what to do - kind of a sport - like chess.

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