Joe...I've posted this link before, but here it is again since you're thinking 
along these are not alone brother.  Mike DuPree  It begins with:
Global Warming: 
Can Earth EXPLODE ?

The real danger for our entire civilization comes not from slow climate 
changes, but from overheating the planetary interior. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joe Street 
  Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 8:13 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

  Nice take on the issue Tom;

  I also like to look at it from a larger perspective.  Consider the earth from 
a systems approach.  A ball floating in a vacuum being irradiated from one 
position in space, radiating heat energy into the cold sink of space on the 
opposite side.  The earth has been cooling from a much hotter state billions of 
years ago.  At some point the temperature stabilized around a point where 
incoming radiation balances the loss of energy from the dark side into space.  
Greeenhouse gasses reduce the radiative losses.  Other atmospheric polutants 
with high albido values can reduce the incomming flux also ( sufuric acid 
droplets in the stratosphere for instance) and the balance can be shifted.  But 
what I wonder about is the balance beneath the earth's surface.  I haven't 
heard anyone talking about this but there is a balance there too obviously with 
energy adsorbed into the earth itself and radiated away.  If this balance is 
tipped in the warming direction ( which it seems to be) then doesn't it stand 
to reason that the temperature of the earth itself, not just the atmosphere and 
oceans will begin to rise?  Will this result in increased seismic and volcanic 
activity?  I think volcanic ejecta are one of the major negative feedback modes 
which limit and eventually reverse global warming trends, by drastically 
limiting influx of heat.  Could we be headed for not only severe weather but 
also severe seizmic activity such as eruptions, quakes and the resulting 
tsunamis and eventual ice age as well?  Sound a little apocalyptic anyone?  The 
four horsemen ( Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz) have been abroad 
spreading their  I'm no religious fanatic but it is a thought....
  Ha, now what am I gonna say when they come knocking on my door on Sunday hmmm?


  Thomas Kelly wrote:

          CO2 levels are on the rise  .....   nowhere near 250% since 2000.
    In the year 2000,  CO2 levels were at 368ppm (vol)  =  .0368% of air by 
volume. As of March, 2006 the CO2 levels were 381ppm  =  .0381% of the air by 
volume .....  a  3.53% increase.
          If temp change caused by CO2, alone, was all we had to be concerned 
with, climate change associated with it would not be very significant. The 
problem is the cascading effect that even a slight temp change can initiate.
         Ex.  Slight increase in temp  ----->  less ice cover   ----->  less 
reflected solar energy, more absorbed   ---->  more heat  --->  less ice cover  
                Slight increase in temp  ---> melting of permafrost  ---->  
release of methane gas contributing to greenhouse effect  ---->  temp increase  
    melting of permafrost   etc.

         The current 381ppm level represents a 100ppm increase over 
pre-industrial levels  ....   a 36% increase  .....  Very significant. Recent 
studies done involving the analysis of air trapped in tiny bubbles in Arctic 
Ice, show that changes such as these have occurred in the past, but over a much 
greater (as in 10's of thousands of years) rather than a few lifetimes.
         There are homeostatic mechanism that allow the earth to maintain 
relatively stable conditions. Large bodies of water absorb CO2. Homeostatic 
mechanisms can be overloaded. Because CO2 reacts with the water to form 
carbonic acid (dissociates into bicarbonate ion and hydrogen ion), over-loading 
the oceans with CO2 can result in a slight drop in pH. (A similar series of 
events occurs in our bodies. We transport CO2  ... as the bicarbonate ion ....  
away from tissues. Increased metabolic rate ----> additional CO2 ------> 
Increased carbonic acid and a very slight drop in pH of our blood. We feel the 
urge to breath faster  ......  result: we eliminate the CO2. Unfortunately our 
large bodies of water do not enjoy such a luxury.) A slight drop in the pH of 
oceans ----> breakdown and release of vast quantities CO2 sequestered in 
carbonates (shells of animal great and small).

         At what point does the cascade of events leading to "meltdown" occur?
    ..... the "Tipping Point"?  Has it already occurred? 

         Do we just sit and do nothing?
         I wish I paid more attention in English class ...  Was it Dylan 
Thomas?  ... "Do not go silent  ........."
         Maybe all we can do is mitigate the devastation; fight the good fight  
....  Are you in?

            Fatheads Unite ..... 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: M&K DuPree 
      Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:42 PM
      Subject: Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

      Terry...any chance you could direct us to where you read this?  Last 
night I was thinking about global warming and the reasons behind it and I 
wondered if everything might start suffocating at some point.  Now today comes 
your mentioning the CO2 increase.  I don't like these kind of coincidences, but 
they happen.  On the other hand, maybe I really shouldn't read the 
documentation of this number.  Maybe I shouldn't read anything about anything 
that seems to really matter.  "Ignorance is bliss," my wife reminds me, not 
because she believes it, but because she doesn't understand why I should try to 
learn what I can about something over which I have little or no control.  Maybe 
she's right, but I'm a fathead and want to know anyway.  Thanks.  Mike DuPree

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: "Terry Dyck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      To: <>
      Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:30 PM
      Subject: Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

      > Hi Jason,
      > A new report states that CO2 has increased by 250% since the year 2000. 
      > That could explain the weird weather.
      > Terry Dyck
      >>From: "Jason& Katie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      >>To: <>
      >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather
      >>Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 23:22:07 -0600
      >>i have a theory about how all of this climate change is going to 
      >>all the gases and toxins that are being shoved into the atmosphere will 
      >>hold heat and all this fantastic energy will hyperactivate the weather, 
      >>rain will pull particulates and volatiles out of the air in the 
      >>rainshadows. the droughts will clear the landscape in certain key 
      >>equatorial areas which will be prime ground for containment, and over 
      >>hundreds (maybe thousands) of years, the water cycle will carry the 
      >>to the sun blasted equator where they will be deposited as salts and 
      >>contaminated solids and be truly sequestered (or become rancid 
      >>swamps where no creature would dare go). granted during this time, 
      >>and most of the weaker species on earth will be killed off... but hey, 
      >>can i say?
      >>ICQ#:  154998177
      >>   ----- Original Message -----
      >>   From: robert and benita rabello
      >>   To:
      >>   Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:11 PM
      >>   Subject: Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather
      >>   JAMES PHELPS wrote:
      >>     This year was hotter than the records set in 1930 in Wyoming ND SD 
      >>and it was a tie in Montana.
      >>     A caveat when discussing weather in relation to Global warming.  I 
      >>often hear people say so much for global warming on days like this in 
      >>Montana ( -40 F wind chills +10 deg F still) but they really don't 
      >>understand that this is nothing - Montana has not had a "normal winter" 
      >>well over 6 years.
      >>       My point in using these extreme examples, is that climate change 
      >>results in weather patterns that fall outside of "norms."  In simple 
      >>the earth acts like a giant heat engine.  All of the energy that's 
      >>trapped in the atmosphere gets expressed in the form of stronger high 
      >>pressures (warm air) and lower low pressures (cold air).  The warmth in 
      >>oceans is transpiring into the atmosphere as vapor and condensing as 
      >>rain or snow, depending on the air temperature.  We've had an enormous 
      >>amount of precipitation recently, which means that somewhere on earth, 
      >>rain and snow is falling.
      >>       Drought and deluge are part of the shifting climate, as is the 
      >>increasing severity of the storms we're seeing.
      >>robert luis rabello
      >>"The Edge of Justice"
      >>Adventure for Your Mind
      >>Ranger Supercharger Project Page
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