     There doesn't seem to be any majik bullet for this.

     The rate of diffusion is related to the kintetic energy (or vapor 
pressure?) of the ethanol, its concentration, and the surface area it is 
diffusing through.

     I wonder if the problem extracting ethanol from wine is that it only 
represents 12 - 13% by volume. as concentration of ethanol drops/water rises 
that azeotropic deal becomes more of a factor.

     It may be necessary to first distill the alcohol .....   50%, 60%, 80% ??
     Then dry it with the castor oil screen.

     If so, the picture that is starting to develop is not a pretty one:
   A.  Fermentation   .....   distill ferment  .....   castor oil screen allows 
        recovery of some anhydrous ethanol. 
        At some point ethanol conc. drops "screening" is no longer feasible.
   B. Return "exhausted" ethanol/water mix to the still along with next 

     Thanks for the time and effort you are putting in. I think that 
ultimately, the successful production of energy on a small-scale, and hence 
local level ..... intergrated with sustainable farming, will include ethanol 
     Now go have a drink.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Joe Street 
  Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 9:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Making Methanol)

  Hi Tom

  Well I put a couple of bottles of my hooch in a flask and dumped enough 
castor oil on top to form a layer about 2cm thick. Heated to 60 degrees C and 
started to nod off while waiting for something to happen.  So I went to bed and 
left the hot plate on overnight......well in the morning......I crept 
downstairs....full of anticipation, like a child on Chritmas morning 
and......there was this collosal.....huge.......disappointment.  There was 
nothing interesting. Even though I had crossed my heart and hoped to die. So I  
reduced the oil layer to about 2mm to try again.  It is stormy here today and 
the temperature controller I am using is digital and uses pulse control for 
power modulation with a solid state relay.  I didn't feel comfortable leaving 
the experiment running while I went to work in case of a surge on the 
electrical which could result in the loss of the relay and the hot plate then 
running full blast so I shut it down.  I'll try again over the weekend if I 
can.  It looks like the diffusion rate of alcohol through the castor oil is 
depressingly slow.  It may still work though but may require a lot of time.  If 
so it might be a candidate for some type of solar heated affair that you just 
let sit for days.  Dunno. It's no majik bullet at least.  Maybe seives is still 
the best bet. Haven't tried corn grits yet either....


  Thomas Kelly wrote:

         What's the word?
         I've had my fingers, eyes,and heart (?) crossed for days now  .....  
on the edge of my seat, "waiting a shivers" for the results of the castor oil 
screen/ pinot noir experiment. My fingers and eyes are holding up but my heart 
is starting to cramp up.
         Encouraging? Discouraging? Inconclusive?

         If I recall correctly, any response with the term bat guano in it 
    "Sorry, I don't want to talk about it."
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Joe Street 
      Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 10:09 AM
      Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Making Methanol)

      Hi Tom;

      Yes you got the idea I am thinking about.  I worked a bit on the setup 
last night.  I've got some old pinot noir I made a few years back ( which is a 
difficult grape at the best of times) which is a bout a 0000 on the dryness 
scale.  I'll take a bottle or two and put it in a flask and pour in some castor 
oil  which will float on the surface.  Since the flask narrows at the top it 
won't take too much castor oil to form the barrier layer.  I'll heat to just 
below the boiling point and see what happens.  Perhaps the alcohol molecules 
will drag some water with them as you said.  The only way to know is to find 
out.  In the very least I'll have some high potency ethanol for making herbal 
tinctures. If I'm lucky I'll have dry ethanol!!  Fingers crossed, eyes crossed, 
heart crossed, hoping to find out.....


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