     Thanks for the info.
"I am working on other idea  for destilling ethanol with less energy. If it 
work i will let you know "

     Please do.
                       Best of luck,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "NV Dhana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Making Methanol)

> Tom. Castor oil idea is a bum. I pour 100 ml of castor oil ln flask
> containing 500ml of fermented broth with about 7.5% ethanol. stirred it 
> good
> and left it over night. I did not see any volume increase in castor oil. I
> made more test and find out, negligible amount of ethanol was dissolve in
> castor oil. i miix 99% pure ethanol with castor oil, which mix very well. 
> i
> think, bond between water and ethanol in aquviose condition is much
> stronger. Castor oil also killed all yeast too. I am working on other idea
> for destilling ethanol with less energy. If it work i will let you know
> later. Navnit
>>From: "Thomas Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Making Methanol)
>>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 20:14:19 -0500
>>      What's the word?
>>      I've had my fingers, eyes,and heart (?) crossed for days now  .....
>>on the edge of my seat, "waiting a shivers" for the results of the castor
>>oil screen/ pinot noir experiment. My fingers and eyes are holding up but
>>my heart is starting to cramp up.
>>      Encouraging? Discouraging? Inconclusive?
>>      If I recall correctly, any response with the term bat guano in it
>>"Sorry, I don't want to talk about it."
>>                                                          Tom
>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>   From: Joe Street
>>   To:
>>   Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 10:09 AM
>>   Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Making Methanol)
>>   Hi Tom;
>>   Yes you got the idea I am thinking about.  I worked a bit on the setup
>>last night.  I've got some old pinot noir I made a few years back ( which
>>is a difficult grape at the best of times) which is a bout a 0000 on the
>>dryness scale.  I'll take a bottle or two and put it in a flask and pour 
>>some castor oil  which will float on the surface.  Since the flask narrows
>>at the top it won't take too much castor oil to form the barrier layer.
>>I'll heat to just below the boiling point and see what happens.  Perhaps
>>the alcohol molecules will drag some water with them as you said.  The 
>>way to know is to find out.  In the very least I'll have some high potency
>>ethanol for making herbal tinctures. If I'm lucky I'll have dry ethanol!!
>>Fingers crossed, eyes crossed, heart crossed, hoping to find out.....
>>   Tirah
>>   Joe
>>   Thomas Kelly wrote:
>>     Hi Joe,
>>          I didn't follow you when you wrote:
>>     "I am really curious about the castor oil trick.  I wonder how to do
>>it?  I think the methanol I have recovered is already over 90% pure and I
>>think the castor oil would sink to the bottom.  If there was a high
>>percentage of water the oil would float on top and you could do something
>>like normal distillation through the oil layer evaporating pure alcohol 
>>the top of the oil layer and gradually removing it from the water below. 
>>haven't done any experiments yet. Of course the goal is to move to ethyl
>>eventually as well."
>>          I thought the idea was to dissolve the distilled alcohol in
>>castor oil, then remove the water that does not dissolve and then proceed
>>to distill the alcohol from the castor oil.
>>         This would require alcohol to be highly soluble in castor oil (or
>>a lot of castor oil). The more soluble, I think, the more energy to 
>>the alcohol out.
>>          What you are saying, if I have it right, reminds me of a
>>selectively permeable membrane. A fairly small volume of castor oil
>>floating on a large volume of hydrated alcohol would, in a sense, act to
>>select which molecules get to pass from the bottom layer (liquid) to the
>>top layer (vapor).
>>     Even at low temps (35 - 40C?), the alcohol would vaporize from the
>>castor oil. As it was removed (vacuum?) from the still its partial 
>>would remain low ------->  a continuous stream from the liquid through the
>>castor oil to the vapor layer and out.
>>          Would the repulsive force (hydrophobic interaction) between 
>> water
>>and castor oil be sufficient to prevent water vapor from "pushing" through
>>the oil layer into the vapor layer?
>>          Would the interactions between the alcohol and water allow water
>>to travel with the alcohol through the oil? (Cotransport systems like this
>>occur in living cells).
>>          Maybe I have it all wrong.
>>          You do have me thinking. The last time that happened ..
>>"harmonic mixing"  ...  I almost buzzed a finger on the table saw. Today I
>>do some grunt work   .....  nothing dangerous.
>>           Best to you  ....   don't hesitate to correct me if I have it
>>all wrong.
>>                                                                   Tom
>>       ----- Original Message -----
>>       From: Joe Street
>>       To:
>>       Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 4:36 PM
>>       Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethyl Esters (was Making Methanol)
>>       Well Tom;
>>       Seives will definitely do but there are the nagging problems we
>>discussed.  You could make a trap by welding or modifying a suitable
>>pressure vessel.  I was thinking of using a scrapped fire extinguisher. 
>>  a fitting on the other end end and screens in the bottom to keep the
>>seive pellets inside.  Wrap the whole thing with heater tape and 
>>insulation.  That would be sweet but if you ever had a boilover it would
>>mean oil contaminating the seives......a risk I guess.
>>       I am really curious about the castor oil trick.  I wonder how to do
>>it?  I think the methanol I have recovered is already over 90% pure and I
>>think the castor oil would sink to the bottom.  If there was a high
>>percentage of water the oil would float on top and you could do something
>>like normal distillation through the oil layer evaporating pure alcohol 
>>the top of the oil layer and gradually removing it from the water below. 
>>haven't done any experiments yet. Of course the goal is to move to ethyl
>>eventually as well.
>>       soon
>>       Joe
>>       Thomas Kelly wrote:
>>         Joe,
>>              I got a bit discouraged re: the distillation of ethanol.
>>              I have plans for making a reflux still out of a beer keg. I
>>think it will distill to 92 - 95% purity. A friend gave me a beer keg
>>.....   problem: It's full of beer !!! Got to get a tap and empty it.
>>              I think your idea of a trap, containing zeolite, between the
>>still and the condenser is a good one. Vacuum would allow for regeneration
>>of the zeolite at temps low enough to be energy efficient and would not
>>damage the zeolite.
>>              How do we heat the trap?
>>              I'm at the beginning, middle, end of about a dozen projects
>>....   some have stalled due to loss of interest  ....  I've got to rally.
>>              "Time to get back to it!  We should work together.  I really
>>want to get off the meth....;)"
>>              Ditto
>>              Maybe this little methanol price "crisis" will serve as a
>>wake-up call   ...
>>              Good to hear from you
>>              Hope you're on the mend
>>                                                  Tom
>>           ----- Original Message -----
>>           From: Joe Street
>>           To:
>>           Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 11:58 AM
>>           Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Making Methanol
>>           Hi Tom;
>>           I couldn't agree more.  I have always planned to attempt ethyl
>>esters.  That's one of the reasons I went for vacuum as I understand the
>>limits for water are much tighter with ethyl esters production.  Don't
>>forget about the castor oil method for drying alcohol.  I got some castor
>>oil to experiment with but due to an injury I have been laid up for a 
>>and haven't done much.  Time to get back to it!  We should work together.
>>I really want to get off the meth....;)
>>           Joe
>>           Thomas Kelly wrote:
>>      Thanks for the info.
>>      Doesn't sound like something I'll be doing at home.
>>      People get into producing their own BD for a variety of reasons
>>including the feeling that someone's (petroleum industry) got you in a 
>>and can simply squeeze you at a whim. My concern is that methanol supply
>>could be the Achille's heal of BD production. It's still the main link
>>between BD and fossil fuels, and what compromises BD's carbon neutrality. 
>>wish I could make it/get it from a renewable/carbon neutral source.
>>      Jim's reminder re: ethyl esters may get me back to looking at 
>> ethanol
>>                     Thanks again,
>>                                    Tom
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Kurt Nolte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 9:38 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Making Methanol
>>   It's possible, using the same process as rendering methanol from 
>> natural
>>gas, but as I recall some of their catalysts are pretty nasty. Takes a
>>good bit of steam, too, at least during certain portions of the process.
>>Thomas Kelly wrote:
>>          It appears to be difficult to make methanol from wood.
>>      Is it possible/reasonable to make methanol from methane gas?
>>      Methane gas generated from manure would make the methanol
>>produced from it renewable and carbon neutral.
>>                                                                Tom
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