The Push behind the Surge
By Jim Lobe and Michael Flynn | January 11, 2007

Neoconservatives and their allies are practically the only supporters 
of the "surge" idea to send more troops to Iraq. But this doesn't 
seem to bother the president, who was given a brand new blueprint for 
"victory" last week, gift-wrapped by the same ideologues at the 
American Enterprise Institute who helped lead the country into war. 
Full story below.

The Hawks' Hawk
By Jim Lobe | January 11, 2007

J.D. Crouch, the deputy national security adviser, played a key role 
in shaping the Bush administration's "surge" strategy in Iraq. 
<>Read full story.

See Also: New Right Web profile of 
<>J.D. Crouch II

Right Web Profile: <>Frederick Kagan
Neoconservatives are riding a wave of optimism about Iraq, led by 
Kagan's assertion that victory there is attainable - with tens of 
thousands more troops, that is.

Right Web Profile: <>Randy 
Expected to be Sen. John McCain's foreign policy guru during the 2008 
presidential campaign, Scheunemann's experience includes serving as a 
lobbyist for gun groups and founding the Committee for the Liberation 
of Iraq.

Right Web Profile: <>John Negroponte
The man slated to be the next number two at State has a reputation as 
someone who gets the job the done - however "dirty" or undiplomatic.

Right Web | Analysis | The Push behind the Surge
The Push behind the Surge

Jim Lobe and Michael Flynn | January 11, 2007

IRC Right Web

President George W. Bush's plan to "surge" more than 20,000 
additional U.S. troops into Iraq without any deadline for withdrawal 
has garnered little support, except from neoconservatives and their 
increasingly isolated allies in the hawkish wings of the Republican 
and Democratic parties. Not only are the new Democratic majorities in 
both houses of Congress lining up in opposition to the surge plan, 
but a growing number of Republican lawmakers-including some staunch 
Bush loyalists-are also voicing serious reservations. For the 
neoconservatives, on the other hand, the only problem with Bush's 
plan is that it doesn't go far enough, arguing in their own recently 
released plan for "victory" that troop levels should be boosted by 
more than a third.

A good example of the opposition Bush is facing is Sen. Norm Coleman 
(R-MN), an erstwhile supporter of the war who faces reelection in 
2008 and just returned from visiting Iraq. He told the Los Angeles 
Times last week: "Baghdad needs reconciliation between Shiites and 
Sunnis. It doesn't need more Americans in the crosshairs."

Even retired Lt. Col. Oliver North, a far-right talk-show host who 
gained fame as the White House coordinator of what became the 
Iran-Contra affair 20 years ago, reported that his recent interviews 
with officers and soldiers in Iraq persuaded him that adding more 
troops to the 140,000 already deployed there would be a mistake.

But the tepid support for what critics call an "escalation" has not 
dampened the enthusiasm of the neoconservatives. At the American 
Enterprise Institute (AEI) last week-with Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and 
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) in attendance-neoconservatives unveiled 
a new report: "Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq." The AEI 
report argues that substantially increasing U.S. troop strength in 
Iraq is essential to avoiding a defeat that could lead to "regional 
conflict, humanitarian catastrophe, and increased global terrorism."

The two senators, who recently returned from a fact-finding trip to 
Iraq, have been heavily criticized on both the left and right for 
their support of the surge plan. "McCain and Lieberman talked to many 
of the same officers and senior NCOs [non-commissioned officers] I 
covered for FOX News during my most recent trip to Iraq," North 
asserted in his syndicated column last Friday. "Not one of the 
soldiers, sailors, airmen, Guardsmen, or Marines I interviewed told 
me that they wanted more U.S. boots on the ground. In fact, nearly 
all expressed just the opposite. 'We don't need more American troops, 
we need more Iraqi troops' was a common refrain. They are right.

"A 'surge' or 'targeted increase in U.S. troop strength' or whatever 
the politicians want to call dispatching more combat troops to Iraq 
isn't the answer. Adding more trainers and helping the Iraqis to help 
themselves is. Sending more U.S. combat troops is simply sending more 
targets," North wrote.

Like the administration's surge idea, the new 
neoconservative-supported report, written by AEI scholar Frederick 
Kagan, whose brother Robert and father Donald are both influential 
figures in neoconservative circles, calls for a sustained increase in 
the number of U.S. troops in Iraq, arguing that "victory is still an 
option" if the nation remains committed. Among the AEI plan's 
proposals: a "surge of seven Army brigades and Marine regiments to 
support clear-and-hold operations" beginning this spring, which would 
be aimed at securing "the Iraqi population and contain[ing] the 
rising violence"; lengthening the tours of ground troops and 
increasing deployments of National Guard forces; making a "dramatic 
increase in reconstruction aid for Iraq"; and mobilizing military 
industry "to provide replacement equipment" for troops.

The AEI report warns that the number of additional troops that Bush 
plans to send to Iraq will be inadequate. "We are going to be very 
uncomfortable with any force level that is below" five more brigades 
in Baghdad and two in Al Anbar, said Kagan at the conference. "We are 
not really prepared to compromise on that." Kagan had previously 
called for adding at least 50,000 troops to gain control of Baghdad 
alone. This position was echoed by other neoconservative-inclined 
commentators, including the popular blogger Andrew Sullivan, who 
charged that Bush's surge plan was "anemic." Writing immediately 
after Bush's Wednesday address, Sullivan wrote in his Daily Dish 
blog: "If the president tonight had outlined a serious attempt to 
grapple with this new situation-a minimum of 50,000 new troops as a 
game-changer-then I'd eagerly be supporting him. But he hasn't. 
21,500 U.S. troops is once again, I fear, just enough troops to lose."

The release of the AEI report represents the latest effort by 
neoconservatives to win back momentum lost during the past two years 
as the war they vociferously championed has gone steadily downhill. 
Their declining influence was underscored by the Bush 
administration's decision early last year to agree to allow Secretary 
of State and Bush family confidant James Baker, an early opponent of 
the war, to produce a new plan that could extricate the United States 
from Iraq. Baker's Iraq Study Group (ISG), which he co-chaired with 
former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN), concluded in a long-awaited final 
report released in December that there was "no magic bullet" that 
could solve the debacle in Iraq. It argued that the United States 
needed to approach Iraq's neighbors, including Syria and Iran, as 
part of a "diplomatic offensive" aimed at easing tension in the 
region. And although it called for a short-term increase in the 
number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq, the increase would be largely 
devoted to training Iraqi soldiers, with the goal of bringing U.S. 
troops home by early 2008. (For more on the ISG, see Leon Hadar, "The 
Baker-Hamilton Recommendations: Too Little, Too Late?" Right Web 
analysis, December 12, 2006.)

The Baker-Hamilton report seemed to provide impetus for the 
neoconservatives, spurring AEI to create a study group of its own to 
counter the ideas of the ISG. The AEI shadow study, the Iraq Planning 
Group, was led by Frederick Kagan and retired Gen. Jack Keane and 
included about a dozen other AEI scholars (most notably Michael 
Rubin, Thomas Donnelly, Danielle Pletka, Gary Schmitt, and Reuel Marc 
Gerecht). Other participants included several retired army officers 
as well as Michael Eisenstadt, a senior fellow at the Washington 
Institute for Near East Policy.

Responding to the tremendous attention garnered by Baker's ISG, the 
AEI group hurriedly put out in mid-December an early version of 
Kagan's "Choosing Victory" report, a 52-page bullet-pointed PDF, 
"easily translatable into the Pentagon's indigenous language of Power 
Point," as Spencer Ackerman of the American Prospect derisively 
commented. The authors were then given the opportunity to present 
their plan to Bush and five other national security higher-ups.

The neoconservative media machine quickly got into gear to champion 
the AEI plan. "Alone among proposals for Iraq, the new Keane-Kagan 
strategy has a chance to succeed," declared the Weekly Standard, 
which, like the AEI fellows involved in the Iraq Planning Group, 
pushed for going to war in Iraq.

However, despite the neoconservatives' efforts to build support for a 
surge, it seems clear that the public, unlike during the buildup to 
the war in Iraq, is disinclined to rally behind the effort. According 
to recent public opinion polls, nearly three out of four U.S. 
respondents now say they disapprove of Bush's handling of Iraq, while 
confidence in his overall leadership has fallen to record lows. 
Despite having ostentatiously devoted most of the past month devising 
a new strategy for Iraq, a CBS poll last week found that the public 
does not believe Bush has a "clear plan" for dealing with the 
situation there.

The same poll showed that the war in Iraq is also considered far and 
away the most important priority that people want the new 
Democrat-led Congress to take up, a finding that no doubt encouraged 
the two Democratic leaders, House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) 
and Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), to announce in a 
letter to Bush released last Friday that they will oppose any 
increase in U.S. troops in Iraq.

"Adding more combat troops will only endanger more Americans and 
stretch our military to the breaking point for no strategic gain," 
wrote the two leaders, citing recent testimony to that effect by 
senior U.S. military officers, including the outgoing commanders of 
U.S. forces in Iraq and the Middle East.

"After nearly four years of combat, tens of thousands of U.S. 
casualties, and over $300 billion, it is time to bring the war to a 
close. We, therefore, strongly encourage you to reject any plans that 
call for our getting our troops any deeper into Iraq," they added in 
what a number of political analysts described as a surprisingly 
strong stand, given traditional Democratic fears of being depicted as 
weak on defense.

"This is a great statement," said Jim Cason, an analyst at the 
anti-war group the Friends Committee on National Legislation, in an 
interview with the Inter Press Service. He noted, however, that short 
of denying funds for the war, Congress has few tools with which to 
stop Bush from going ahead with a deployment.

One such tool, however, could be Bush's anticipated request for $100 
billion, in addition to the $75 billion already approved by last 
year's Republican-led Congress, to fund U.S. military operations in 
both Iraq and Afghanistan in fiscal 2007.

While no one expects the Democrats to oppose the budget request as a 
whole, the critical issue is whether they will attach conditions to 
the defense appropriation. Cason said Democrats should at least 
impose conditions requiring Bush to adopt key recommendations of the 
Iraq Study Group and set a timetable for withdrawal. Sen. Edward 
Kennedy (D-MA) announced a day before the president's announcement 
his intention to introduce legislation that would force the 
administration to get congressional approval for any additional troop 
deployments and funding.

Even before his Wednesday address, Bush had all but rejected the 
ISG's most important recommendations, including the call to withdraw 
virtually all U.S. combat forces from Iraq within 15 months and to 
engage Syria and Iran as part of a regional effort to stabilize Iraq. 
But the ISG's recommendations have been largely endorsed by the 
Democratic leadership and by moderate-and even some 
right-wing-Republicans, pointing to the possibility of a relatively 
strong bipartisan majority in Congress opposed to escalating the war.

"To be successful, the opposition has to include some Republicans, 
and it's clear that more Republicans are challenging the president's 
Iraq war strategy," according to Cason, who noted that some 
Republican aides have reported a substantial rise in anti-war mail 
from constituents since the Democrats' victory in the November 

Aside from constituent pressure, Republican lawmakers are also likely 
to be impressed by a recent poll of U.S. military personnel conducted 
by the Military Times that found only about one in three officers and 
enlisted service members approve of Bush's handling of the war and 
that nearly three in four said they believe the armed forces are 
stretched too thin to be effective.

Despite the growing opposition, the neoconservatives remain 
undaunted, with some extreme elements of the political faction urging 
more dramatic action than a mere troop surge. In a January 9 "Memo to 
the President," the hardline Center for Security Policy commended 
Bush for heeding the advice of those who reflect the president's 
"laudable determination to prevail." The memo then argued that any 
modifications to the plan in Iraq also must have as a goal taking on 
Iran and the threat of "Islamofascism": "Your new strategy must make 
clear that it is being designed to counter Islamofascist Iran both in 
terms of its subversion in Iraq and with a view to working with the 
Iranian people to bring down a government that they hate as much as 
we do."

Jim Lobe is the Washington bureau chief of the Inter Press Service 
and a Right Web contributing writer. Michael Flynn is the director of 
the Right Web project at the International Relations Center 

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