Hello Keith

KA> "To give an example: The God Delusion trumpets the fact that its
KA> author was recently voted one of the world's three leading 
KA> intellectuals....."

I searched for the corresponding terms (I've got TGD as an ebook); the
book contains no such passage. Perhaps McGrath was refering to a blurb
on the cover of the paper version, in which case Dawkins can hardly be
held accountable for that. This would be entirely in keeping with the
distortion and intellectual dishonesty so often displayed by
religionists (McGrath is a theologian, not a secularist).

I've read several of Dawkins' books & I've seen & heard numerous
interviews with him and talks given by him. He's not interested in
self-aggrandisement. I'd be the first to lambast Dawkins if I thought
he were on an ego trip.

McGrath is upset because an interview that Dawkins conducted with him
during the making of the TV programme "The Root Of All Evil" wasn't
included in the programme. It was the people at Channel 4 (I think) who
decided what bits of footage were going to be used, not Dawkins. He
(Dawkins) is also on record as having said that he was not at all
happy with the programme's title. His intention was not to assert that
religion is the only or even the main cause of evil.

KA> "....... The title of the
KA> review? "Dawkins the dogmatist.""

If instead of religion, Dawkins had written a similarly robust
criticism of Marxism, or economic libertarianism, or astrology, do you
think people would be accusing him of dogmatic fundamentalism?
Religion is granted a special privilege; we're not allowed to
criticise it. If someone points out that there is not one single shred
of evidence to support its claims, religionists and theologians get

KA> That's from McGrath's piece, it makes a valid point.

I beg to differ.

>>A disturbingly large percentage of the population of the world's
>>economically and militarily most powerful country, which is also the
>>world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, seriously believe that a
>>mythical being called Jesus will during their lifetimes descend from
>>the clouds like a superhero and escort his true believers to heaven
>>and then destroy the planet and the rest of of humanity with it. These
>>people therefore don't have the slightest interest in doing anything
>>about environment/climate issues. Religion is relevant.

KA> Yes, yes, David, and if you dig back a little (or a lot) you'll find 
KA> that the first and main source of information here about that has 
KA> been me.

I know. I lurked in this list for a long time before I posted
anything, and this was where I first learned about the existence
of the armageddonists. I wrote the above because other people might be
following this thread who don't know about the armageddonists and the
degree of influence they wield.

KA> As I said, I'm not taking sides, yet you seem to assume that because 
KA> I've posted an article which criticises Dawkins and his book I'm 
KA> somehow condoning excesses of religious extremism such as the 
KA> Armageddon-craving insanities of America's millennial 
KA> dispensationalist madmen.

I hope it's clear now that I most definitely did not make such an

KA> McGrath says they're often
KA> people who would previously have supported Dawkins

McGrath the theologian would previously have supported Dawkins?

KA> I must say I didn't see Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins as a very
KA> effective counter to that.

Who or what would in your view be an effective counter?

KA>  You'd do better in the list archives (and
KA> emerge unassailed by Harris's anti-Islam jingoism and apologisms for 
KA> torture, furthermore).

I searched in the archive for sam+harris+torture & found nothing apart
from this current thread. I'm not entirely comfortable about his
position on torture, but that doesn't invalidate his criticism of
religion. As to "anti-Islam jingoism": political correctness requires
us to say that Islam is a religion of peace and it's being hijacked
by extremists. Islam is a not a religion of peace. The reason most
Muslims aren't homicidal maniacs is that they don't take their
religion as seriously as they might. A genuine religion of peace cannot
have extremists. A genuine religion of peace would not have any
passages in its scriptures that could be construed as sanctioning or
calling for violence.

KA> Not a polarised response? Just take a look 
KA> at how you've tried to pigeonhole me into the enemy camp. "If you're 
KA> not for us you're against us"?

I hope you realise now that I had no such intention.

>>KA> Doesn't your
>>KA> imagination stretch that far? Give it some exercise.
>>You're making some rather unwarranted assumptions about the elasticity
>>of my imagination. I can conceive of, and do not categorically rule
>>out, the existence of some kind of spiritual dimension. But since it's
>>perfectly possible to live morally and ethically without such a
>>belief, I don't give the matter very much thought.

KA> That is apparent. There's been some discussion quite recently on 
KA> whether the spiritual dimension or whatever is merely an object of 
KA> belief or something that can be experienced, with posts from people 
KA> to whom it is a matter to experience. And to whom you must seem like 
KA> a blind man pontificating about colour.

I wrote "I can conceive of, and do not categorically rule out ....".
So where am I pontificating?

>>bandwagon, but the fact remains that he says nothing that hasn't
>>already been said and refuted countless times.

KA> You're being as shrill as both Dawkins and McGrath.

I'm sorry, but I can't find anything shrill in my sentence above.

KA> Atheists who see religious belief as the main threat to civilisation
KA> and our future .....

You're ascribing a viewpoint to me that I do not hold. See my comment
above regarding TGD.

KA> You
KA> might enjoy this, if you haven't read it already:
KA> http://journeytoforever.org/rrlib/greenspan.html
KA> Toward a Psychology of Interdependency - A Framework for 
KA> Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation

When I've got 3 or 4 hours free I'll read it. It's v.long.

KA> I've never had 
KA> much time for Dawkins, he's always seemed flat and narrow to me. The 
KA> Selfish Gene = not a lot more than chickens vs eggs, his concept of 
KA> memes is rather simplistic and not exactly new, yawn.

The gene-centred view of evolution - as opposed to organism-centred or
species-centred - provides a very good explanation for altruistic or
non-selfish behaviour, something that had always puzzled evolutionary
biologists. Dawkins is often at pains to emphasise that the stress
should be on "gene" and not on "selfish". The corollary of this is
that ethics and morals are based in biology, so it is indeed a lot more
than chickens vs eggs. Like yourself, however, I'm not overly
impressed by the memes idea. I can't think of any phenomenon that this
concept enables us to understand better than previously.

KA> By the way, very sorry, I didn't spot this at the end your original 
KA> post that started the thread:

KA> "Keith, do you have a program that does line wraps when you post web
KA> articles? I had to do it manually."

KA> What a PITA. I do have, but it's for Macs (OS9, but probably 
KA> available for OSX too), do you use a Mac?

Windbag 98 I'm afraid.

KA>  It's called SpellTools, by 
KA> Newer Technology, nice bit of kit, it does a few other useful things 
KA> too. Actually Tex-Edit also does that, one click, "Strip CR/LFs" 
KA> (carriage returns and line feeds), so does BBEdit I think. There must 
KA> be such things for PCs.

Dumb of me not to think of doing a spot of googling. I've addded it to
my to-do list.


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