Hi Robert and All ;

>     No.  Christians are people who follow the
> teachings of Jesus 
> Christ.  Either Jesus was who he claimed to be, or
> he was a raving 
> lunatic.  You can't just say: "He was a nice guy and
> a wise teacher" 
> while ignoring his other claims about himself.

For me this is a digital question : either He was who
He said He was, or He wasn't.  Digital.  Yes or no
answer.  Simple.

So if we examine this case by case, if He wasn't then
we don't really need to discuss it, right?  Then skip
the next paragraph.

For the case where He was who He said He was, may I
also point out that He could have stopped the
crucifixion any time He wanted.  But He suffered
terrible wrong, right to the end, and didn't complain.
 Now hanging there with nails in your hands and feet
HAS GOT to hurt.  In other words, a lot of people were
crucified but they did not have a choice to stop it. 
If they did they certainly would have.  If He was who
He said He was then He had the choice to stop it, but
He didn't.  I know I could not have done this, and you
probably could not either.

Why would He do this?  There is a perfectly logical
reason, but you won't find it written anywhere.  Does
anyone know what it is?

Peter G.

(PS. Sure sounds a lot different from the "Christians"
who bomb innocent people in other countries for no

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