Hi Frank

>I was wondering why Journey to Forever wasn't included amongst their links. 

I didn't check, but I'm not surprised. I don't get it with this guy. 
He seems to have eradicated any potential usefulness from that page 
at his site, so why bother to have it at all? It used to have the 
diagrams at least, which are essential, but they're gone now, and 
adding the ToC of the manual serves no purpose that I can see. Short 
of doing a proper job he could easily fix it with a link to us or if 
he doesn't like us with a link to Mother Earth News, which also has 
it online these days, and which he mentions anyway. Maybe he's lost 
interest in his project, which would be sad. But the site lists the 
Latest Update as Friday, January 26, 2007.

First I heard of him (his name is Mofwoofoo Woofuaza, San Francisco) 
was in 2001 after I posted a message at the Community Gardens list 
and he emailed me proposing collaboration. He got an encouraging 
reply but that was the last I heard until our MEN waste oil heater 
page surfaced there. I sent him an email about it but didn't get a 
reply and forgot all about it until now.

Oh well. The more the merrier I suppose, never mind how (which is 
also how some people feel when bits of their website get ripped of 
and sold at eBay),



>On 1/27/07, Keith Addison 
> ><http://www.bagelhole.org/>http://www.bagelhole.org/
>Um... sharing them perhaps, but only after "borrowing" them from
>elsewhere, without acknowledgement, in some cases at least. This for
><http://Bagelhole.org>Bagelhole.org Information Center for Low-tech 
> >> > That comes straight from our site, without a please nor a thankyou
> >> > nor even an acknowledgement or a link. It&#39;s a straightforward lift,
> >> > graphics, scans, layout, everything. But they&#39;ve left out the second
> >> > page. Couldn&#39;t even do it properly. Go here:
> >> >
> >> > MOTHER's Waste Oil Heater
> >> > 
> >> >
> >> > Instructions in a nutshell -- with photographs
> >> > 
>Bagelhole has since added permission from MEN at the end, and Journey
>to Forever&#39;s layout and typography have been dumped, along with the
>diagrams, and the Table of Contents of the Mother Earth Alcohol Fuel
>manual has been added, since it&#39;s linked at the end of the JtF page,
>but without any content or link to the content. Pretty useless.
>I don&#39;t really care much, as with the folks who rip off this stuff
>from our site and other sites and sell it at eBay. It&#39;s just the
>principle, or lack of it. Naah.

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