It pays to read labels but tricks are used to hide MSG's presence. Hydrolyzed 
protein, textured vegetable
protein are two ways to hide the MSG. MSG is a neurotoxin. It is commonly found 
in kimshi and I suspect
it is why Koreans have an inordinate number of strokes and stomach cancers.   
Peace, D. Mindock

With special thanks to: Wayne Erickson MSG Information Center

Extracted from: <>What is MSG?

Current research links MSG to neurodegenerative 
diseases like Alzheimer's, Huntington's, 
Parkinson's, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

FDA records show that MSG was never actually 
tested, but it was given an automatic GRAS 
(generally regarded as safe) status as were salt and pepper in the 1950s.

Children and elderly are most vulnerable to the degenerative effects of MSG.

Here is a brief list of common effects of MSG and 
some curious statistics published by national organizations.

Heart maladies- More than 70 million Americans 
have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease 
and 43% of all deaths in the U.S. are related to 
these problems. The number of cardiovascular 
operations went up 287% from 1980-1990.

Alzheimer's disease, not an identifiable 
healthcare cost in 1980, now ranks third after 
cancer and heart disease among the most costly 
health problems in America. Four million people 
afflicted at a cost of $47,000/person/ year, is 
$188 billion/year in healthcare costs.

Headaches & Migraines- $2.2 billion/year are 
spent on drugs to treat headaches, with a 74% 
increase in these chronic conditions between 1980-1990.

Asthma, which was on the decline until the 
mid-eighties, now shows a 100% increase in the 
death rate among children and seniors. Incidence 
has increased 600% in the last 10 years. The FDA 
recognizes that uncontrollable asthma" can be 
caused by MSG, but stops there, unfortunately.

Tumors- There has been an 88% increase in tumors since 1982.

Birth Defects and Reproduction Disorders - MSG is 
a known mutagen" (mutates fetuses) and causes 
significant damage to intellectual development, 
growth patterns, reproduction and gonadal functions.

Neurological/Emotional Disorders - Lab studies 
show devastating effects on brain development 
including dyslexia, autism, attention deficit 
disorder, hyperactivity, schizophrenia, violent 
episodes (rage), panic attacks, seizures, 
paranoia, depression, and cerebral palsy. Humans 
are 5 times more sensitive to MSG than rats which were used in tests.

Obesity is one of the most consistent effects of 
excitotoxin exposure and is a growing problem, 
nationwide, that knows no age or sex boundaries. 
In fact, scientists feed glutamate to young 
laboratory animals as a reliable way of inducing 
obesity. MSG triggers an insulin/adrenalin/fat 
storage/food craving response. This depletes 
seratonin levels which trigger headaches, 
depression, fatigue, and leads to more food cravings.

Fibromyalgia is a growing epidemic. Fibromyalgia 
patients who eliminated MSG and aspartame during 
a study conducted by the University of Florida 
reported complete relief of symptoms (2001).

Parkinson's, ALS, MS, and Huntington's diseases, 
like Alzheimer's, are all progressive neurogenic 
diseases showing brain/nerve cell damage.

Other symptoms of MSG sensitivity include: 
swollen throat and tongue, racing heart, joint 
pain, vertigo, skin disorders, sleeping 
disorders, burning, tightness or redness on face, 
and gastrointestinal complaints.

Tests and Misinformation Dr. Adrienne Samuels 
(Ph.D. in Research) in a 1999 industry journal 
("Accountability in Research") stated that human 
tests of MSG, . were often poorly designed, 
included inaccurate data and came to misleading 
conclusions." She wrote, "flawed research, 
suppression of facts and dissemination of 
inaccurate information are all tools that are 
used by special interest groups to misle ad the 
public and government agencies." Her research 
showed that all tests to date have been funded by 
or had ties to the food industry. These lobby 
groups are comprised of the largest food 
companies in America who profit from MSG use.
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