I wonder how the incorporation of the effect of sensitivity to economies of 
scale, if it could be quantified, would influence that score? I think the 
Bentley and the Lambo would score a bit better?

Personally I find no advantage in the "greenest" 12 over the "meanest". Being 
actually legal for sale, they all entrench corporate power, encourage mass 
production, exascerbate the false social division between producer and 
consumer, and tend to reduce us to a passive, uncritical circus-audience by 
resisting our technological engagement and participation.

I'll not have any one of them on my property (but then I'll have no car 
designed after 1975...)


From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2007 00:12:20 +0900
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Subject: [Biofuel] Greenest and meanest of the year
Message: 1
Sigh... (once again)

GreenerCars.com: The Greenest Vehicles of 2007

GreenerCars.com: The Meanest Vehicles for the Environment in 2007

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