Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio & AIDS -Live Virus Vaccines
Posted by: "Our bill of rights" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ourbillofrights
Date: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:51 am ((PST))

Monkey Biz: Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio & AIDS 


The Global Polio Eradication Program, supported by the United Nation's World 
Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, Rotary International, and the U.S. Centers 
for Disease Control (CDC), is planning to immunize 74 million African children 
in 22 countries in the coming months. 

The purpose is to stem a wild polio epidemic, the epicenter of which is 
oil-rich Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa.

The vaccine program hit a snag last Fall when Islamic clerics in the 
predominantly Muslim-populated areas of northern Nigeria claimed the WHO 
program was a plot by westerners to depopulate the area. Laboratory tests 
revealed estrogen and other female sex hormones in the polio vaccine, proof 
that the vaccines were contaminated with substances that could cause sterility. 

Furthermore, Nigerian officials became aware of internet reports suggesting the 
WHO vaccine might be contaminated with HIV (the AIDS virus) and other 
cancer-causing viruses. African blacks are as suspicious of government vaccines 
programs as American blacks.

A 1990 survey of African-Americans in New York City showed 30% believed AIDS is 
an ethno-specific bioweapon designed in a laboratory to kill black people.

Dr. David Heymann, who heads the WHO eradication program, says the oral polio 
vaccine (which contains live but attenuated polio virus) is completely safe. He 
blames Nigerians for exporting polio to surrounding nations.

The WHO, the world's leading international health and science agency, is mired 
in power politics. For example, the Bush administration now restricts 
communications between the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and 
WHO officials. 

A new HHS policy requires the WHO to submit all requests for expert scientific 
advice to political officials at HHS who will then choose which federal 
scientists will be permitted to respond. The new policy and two recent 
Administration decisions to withdraw federal scientists from major 
international health conferences are part of a disturbing pattern of political 
interference in global health issues.


In March 2004, Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist and Dean of Ahmadu 
Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, took samples of the controversial WHO's 
oral polio vaccine to India for analysis. Evidence of serious vaccine 
contamination was found. 

According to a March 11, 2004 report on, Kaita was asked why 
drug manufacturers would contaminate the oral polio vaccine. He gave three 
reasons: "These manufacturers or promoters of these harmful things have a 
secret agenda which only further research can reveal. 

Secondly they have always taken us in the third world for granted, thinking we 
don't have the capacity, knowledge and equipment to conduct tests that would 
reveal such contaminants. 

And very unfortunately they also have people to defend their atrocities within 
our midst, and worst still some of these are supposed to be our own 
professionals who we rely on to protect our interests." 

Dr. Kaita is demanding that "those who imported this fake drug in the name of 
Polio Vaccines- be prosecuted like any other criminal."

This is not the first time the WHO has been called on the carpet to explain 
their surreptitious use of antifertility vaccines. Millions of female Mexicans, 
Nicaraguans and Filipinos were duped into taking tetanus vaccines, some of 
which were laced with a female hormone that could cause miscarriage and 

In 1995 a Catholic organization called Human Life International accused the WHO 
of promoting this Canadian-made tetanus vaccine covertly laced with a pregnancy 
hormone called human choriogonadotropic hormone (HCG). 

Suspicions were aroused when the tetanus vaccine was prescribed in the peculiar 
dose of five multiple injections over a three month period, and recommended 
only to women of child-bearing age. 

When an unusual number of women experienced vaginal bleeding and miscarriages 
after the shots, a hormone additive was uncovered as the cause.

It is no secret that since the 1970's the WHO has been testing and funding 
antifertility vaccine research that would make a woman's immune system attack 
and destroy her own babies in the womb. In Geneva in 1989 the WHO sponsored a 
Symposium on Antifertility Vaccines and Contraceptive Vaccines.

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Third-world women who received the laced tetanus shots not only developed 
antibodies to tetanus, but developed dangerous antibodies to the pregnancy HCG 
hormone as well. Without HCG, growth of the fetus is impaired. 

Consequently, the WHO's vaccine served as a covert and unsuspected 
contraceptive device. Commissioned to analyze the vaccine, the Philippines 
Medical Association found that 20 percent of the WHO tetanus vaccines were 
contaminated with the hormone. 

The WHO has denied all accusations as "completely false and without basis," and 
the U.S. media never reported on the controversy. For further details, go to and type-in "WHO + antifertility vaccine", or "Philippines + 
antifertility vaccine."

Following an eight month boycott, on June 24, 2004, the recalcitrant Nigerians 
agreed to resume polio vaccinations, under the conditions the polio vaccine had 
to be manufactured in Indonesia and nowhere else.


Unlike most Americans, Africans are aware of the man-made theory of AIDS, and 
the possibility that the WHO's extensive vaccine programs in Africa in the 
1970s are connected to the severe outbreak of AIDS in the early 1980s.

On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world's most respected 
newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, "Smallpox vaccine 
triggered AIDS virus." 

The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the 
WHO was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans 
living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO. The vaccine was held 
responsible for awakening a "dormant" AIDS virus infection on the continent.

An advisor to the WHO admitted, "Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is 
the explanation for the explosion of AIDS." 

Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, "The link between 
the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I 
cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years 
that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a 
dormant infection such as HIV." Despite the tremendous importance of this 
story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and Gallo never spoke 
of it again.

In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation 
in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the 
WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus. 

In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled "W.H.O. Murdered Africa" , 
he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists 
to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive 
hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans. 

>From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), 
>he quoted a passage that stated: "An attempt should be made to see if viruses 
>can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should 
>be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if 
>the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to 
>the virus." 

According to Douglass, "That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is 
Let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an 
acquired immune deficiency.'" The entire article can be read on 
("WHO Murdered Africa").

In his 1989 book, 'AIDS: The End of Civilization,' Douglass claims the WHO 
laced the African vaccines. He blames "the virologists of the world, the 
sorcerers who brought us this ghastly plague, and have formed a united front in 
denying that the virus was laboratory-made from known, lethal animal viruses. 
The scientific party line is that a monkey in Africa with AIDS bit a native on 
the butt. The native then went to town and gave it to a prostitute who gave it 
to a local banker who gave it to his wife and three girl friends, and wham - 75 
million people became infected with AIDS in Africa. An entirely preposterous 

Indeed, in my two books on man-made AIDS - AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An 
Inquiry into the Origin of the Epidemic (1988) , and in Queer Blood: The Secret 
AIDS Genocide Plot (1993), there is much evidence to show that throughout the 
1970s (the decade that preceded the AIDS outbreak in the U.S. and Africa) there 
was widespread laboratory transfer of animal viruses, particularly 
primate/simian/ monkey/ chimpanzee viruses, by virologists. 

Various animal viruses were pumped into different species of animals and into 
all sorts of cell cultures. This experimentation was undertaken to find, 
create, and develop new cancer-causing and immunosuppressive viruses. 

It is these species-jumping laboratory primate viruses that are the source of 
"human" immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - not the animals in the wild in Africa.


Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :
May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3John 2

Jennifer Ruby

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