Thanks some following up to do.  After eeading comments on this 
story, it sounds like the author doesn't understand the issue or especially 
the legislation, whatever it might be.  So now I'm confused as to the issue 
and even more so the legislation. EFF may be the place to go to ask 
questions, lead me to the legislation.  I found the same thing with Real ID. 
Little by little I've been able to find reliable sources, starting with 
reading the legislation itself.  Oh well, snow on the ground and absolutely 
frigid outside.  What better way to spend the day indoors than to try and 
knock down a few...doors.  lol  Mike

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Monkey Biz: Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio & AIDS 
(Add Long Live the Internet and Net Neutrality)

> >Keith and List...1) I've read the article and tried to followup by
>>asking the author what legislation she's talking about, but that
>>trail ends short of being able to contact her, so can anyone tell me
>>exactly what legislation we're talking about?  I want to call my ISP
>>and ask them about this and if they are complying, but I don't know
>>what legislation we're talking about; 2) No doubt about it that a 6
>>year old can see through all this.  Catch this story.  When I
>>attended the press conference of Missouri House Rep Jim Guest
>>announcing a resolution to have Missouri not comply with Real ID, I
>>was told by his chief of staff that they had first heard about Real
>>ID from a phone call made to their office by a 6 year old who was
>>home schooled and saw the voting on C-SPAN.  The 6 year old had been
>>taught well enough to know that this legislation was not what Mommy
>>and Daddy wanted so she called Guest's office!!!!  Ain't that a
>>freakin HOOT!!!
> LOL! Out of the mouths of babes...
>>and 3) "When will the assault on our privacy and First
>>Amendment rights end?" The assault will stop with the implementation
>>of Real ID.  After implementation, there will be no more privacy and
>>First Amendment rights to assault...we will have let them all become
>>as so much dust in the wind.  Let me say that again...WE will have
>>let them all become as so much dust in the wind.  Here I agree with
>>the author that "If we consumers stand by and allow the expansion of
>>federal eavesdropping from basic phone calls to cell phones to
>>emails, and now to Skype, or Internet calls, then we have only
>>ourselves to blame. It's time that not only civil libertarians, but
>>Internet Service Providers, stand up to this administration's
>>ongoing assault on privacy, and the First Amendment. We must
>>consider a boycott of those companies, and service providers, who
>>comply with these new rules that are scheduled to go into effect in
>>May." Absolutely.  For the time being, until we are told what to
>>buy as Real ID slowly unwinds through our society, we make ourselves
>>heard most clearly by how we spend our money.  You've heard it
>>before, we vote with our pocketbooks.  So now we have more work to
>>do, call our ISPs and find out if they are complying...but with what
>>legislation???? Mike DuPree
> Dunno. I found this though:
> _b_40039.html
> The Blog | Jayne Lyn Stahl: Coming Soon: More Big Brother to Love |
> The Huffington Post
> With some comments, might be useful.
> Ask the EFF?
> EFF: Homepage
> Best
> Keith
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Keith Addison"
>>To: <<>>
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 6:18 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Monkey Biz: Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio &
>>AIDS (Add Long Live the Internet and Net Neutrality)
>> > Hi Mike and all
>> >
>> > Re the Internet and Net Neutrality:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > The Government Wants to Tap Your Internet Calls
>> >
>> > By Jayne Lyn Stahl, Posted February 14, 2007.
>> >
>> > First it was land lines, then it was cell phones. Now it's Internet
>> > calls. When will the assault on our privacy and First Amendment
>> > rights end?
>> >
>> > Over the past several months, the FCC and Justice Department have
>> > been working overtime, and fighting hard to tap not only your land
>> > line phone and cell phone, but to tap Internet calls, as well.
>> >
>> > Effective in May, those who provide "voice transmission" and
>> > broadband services will have to ensure that their equipment that is
>> > wiretap-ready, and accessible to your local police force and the FBI.
>> > The new legislation is modeled after the 1994 Communications
>> > Assistance for Law Enforcement, or CALEA, which was designed
>> > primarily to facilitate wiretapping of mobile phones. This new
>> > legislation is intended to expand governmental surveillance powers to
>> > cover companies like Vonage, so the progression evolves thus: First
>> > we can tap Ma Bell, then Cingular Wireless, then Yahoo emails, then
>> > Vonage.
>> >
>> > The rules set to go into effect in a couple of months were challenged
>> > by a U.S. appeals panel back in July, and U.S. District Judge Harry
>> > T. Edwards called courtroom arguments made by the FCC "goobledygook."
>> > He was, in my opinion, being kind. Civil liberties groups have
>> > expressed outrage over the FCC expansionism, claiming that this
>> > legislation doesn't take into account the fundamental difference
>> > between the telephone, a vehicle for conversation, and the Internet,
>> > a tool by which information is acquired and conveyed. Lawyers for the
>> > government argued only that the 1994 legislation intended to be
>> > applied to future technology; the Judge wasn't buying that, and
>> > neither should we.
>> >
>> > Moreover, sophistic claims by the Justice Department that not
>> > increasing wiretapping capability to encompass the rapidly
>> > proliferating Internet phone industry will transform the Web into a
>> > refuge for "criminals and terrorists" are not only hackneyed, they're
>> > transparent enough for a 6-year-old to see through.
>> >
>> > Alarmingly, with all the discourse about theoretical differences
>> > between online, and real time telephonics, what seems to have been
>> > lost in arguments for and against the FCC's new rules to require ISPs
>> > to ensure that their equipment can be hacked by law enforcement is
>> > that this is yet another pernicious step on the part of this
>> > administration to use technology that is so advanced that it can
>> > sidestep FISA and cut right to the chase -- the chase, of course
>> > being, access to your personal conversations and mine.
>> >
>> > Those judges on the panel who attempted to justify court-ordered
>> > wiretaps of Voice Over Internet Protocols, like Vonage, using the
>> > flawed logic that they are essentially no different from traditional
>> > telephones are myopic in their inability to acknowledge inevitable
>> > future technological inroads, and the potential threat to the First
>> > Amendment that inheres in laying the groundwork for this kind of
>> > Internet eavesdropping by the government on unsuspecting, and
>> > undeserving citizens.
>> >
>> > If we consumers stand by and allow the expansion of federal
>> > eavesdropping from basic phone calls to cell phones to emails, and
>> > now to Skype, or Internet calls, then we have only ourselves to
>> > blame. It's time that not only civil libertarians, but Internet
>> > Service Providers, stand up to this administration's ongoing assault
>> > on privacy, and the First Amendment. We must consider a boycott of
>> > those companies, and service providers, who comply with these new
>> > rules that are scheduled to go into effect in May.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >>Hi D and List...from the article: "Furthermore, Nigerian officials
>> >>became aware of internet reports suggesting the WHO vaccine might be
>> >>contaminated with HIV (the AIDS virus) and other cancer-causing
>> >>viruses."
>> >>
>> >>And this exchange between List member/administrator from another
>> >>recent post "Truth or Propaganda?":
>> >>
>> >>">    The propaganda machine is SO well oiled and widespread it's
>> >> >becoming nearly impossible to find "truth" in news reporting . . .
>> >>
>> >>But not entirely impossible. You have to use the Internet though,
>> >>IMHO, use good news feeds and so on. The problem isn't so much that
>> >>the news isn't available, it's that it's not on FoxTV and so many
>> >>Americans are wilfully deaf to it anyway. But so many aren't, any
>> >>longer, it must also be said."
>> >>
>> >>I ask: how important is the Internet and "Net Neutrality?"  Ask
>> >>folks whose lives are being saved by it and those whose eyes are
>> >>being opened by it.
>> >>
>> >>Also from the article: "The WHO, the world's leading international
>> >>health and science agency, is mired in power politics." I commented
>> >>to someone recently, and I think it's appropriate to mention it here
>> >>that "bigger is better when better is bigger."  That's what the
>> >>Internet appears to be providing, bigger better, as we watch the
>> >>bigger institutions that have failed to provide better solutions for
>> >>the real people they are supposed to serve dissolve according to the
>> >>ineptness of their immoral agendas.
>> >>
>> >>So, long live the Internet and Net Neutrality...and to those in the
>> >>USA, hammer your State Reps to REJECT REAL ID and your Federal Reps
>> >>to REPEAL REAL ID.  Don't take just any warmed over responses to
>> >>your request to Reject/Repeal Repeal ID.  Get them to commit.  Let
>> >>them know you have an email address book and you're using it.  Let
>> >>them know what you know and if you don't know, get the FACTS.  As of
>> >>this writing we in the USA are just 451 Days, 18 Hours, 12 Hours and
>> >>counting
>>> )
>> >>from losing all touch with our senses, from becoming a mental, if
>> >>not physical, lipofat farm to Big Biz.  Yeah, I'll be honest, my
>> >>motivations are purely selfish.  I don't want to have to become a
>> >>blubbering idiot, sometimes screaming, "I TOLD YOU SO!!!!"
>> >>
>> >>Good night and Good luck.  Mike DuPree
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>----- Original Message -----
>> >>From:
>> >>To:
>> >>Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 5:32 PM
>> >>Subject: [Biofuel] Monkey Biz: Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio & AIDS
>> >>
>> >>Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio & AIDS -Live Virus Vaccines
>> >>Posted by: "Our bill of rights"
>> >>ourbillofrights
>> >>Date: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:51 am ((PST))
>> >>
>> >>Monkey Biz: Cancer-Causing Vaccines, Polio & AIDS
>> >
>> > <snip>
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