Randall wrote:
> Terry,

> But, I suppose the important and "inconvenient truth" in this matter is that 
> Al is a politician--period.  Actions speak MUCH MUCH louder than words..

Nonsense, they most certainly do not.

End of the day, there are hundreds of thousands of folks walking the
talk. Millions perhaps if you look at it world wide.

Walking the talk in this particular arena, *almost* by definition
translates into having very little if *any* political power.

Gore's documentary wasn't news to me. I already knew all the back
story, and I thought his presentation of the science was
a soft sell. And I nearly fell asleep during the 'human interest'
bits. Nearly everyone I've exposed to it, has complained that
Gore's use of the word "I" was way too heavy.

The science he presented, has all been presented before,
in many arenas, in many ways, by many folks. Some of
whom ride bikes to work, and all that stuff.

But until Al took the show on the road, who heard

Folks who were directly interested.

Al has broadened the audience, very much so.
In the year since documentary was released, I personally
(from this US centric view) have been just flat out
stunned by the shift in the dialog.

Fact is, Al Gore (whom I used to refer to as the Manchurian
Candidate) was *almost* president of the US. Some say he
in fact was elected to the office. This I will not debate,
because there really is no point. However, you don't get
to be president by living a low impact life. There are
a number of brilliant folks living low impact lifestyles
out there, some of which would no doubt be up to the task
of directing the show here in the US. However, we'll not
hear from them, because they are busy. Busy living
low impact lives. It is a lot of effort, as any of
us who are expending effort in this direction know quite well.

As to his energy holdings, make note of the sad fact that
money is fungible. Folks who hold interest in diversified
funds, all hold bits and pieces of energy companies. Some
more than others. The more you are vested, the more influence
you have. If you have no influence, then who cares what you

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