>Hi Kirk,
>I am not sure were your 3000 acres are but here in BC, Canada, you 
>would have to have a farm inspected by  certified organic 
>Verification people not only for fertilizer but for pesticides and 
>herbicides and the oats you feed your chickens would have to be 
>certified as organic as well plus many other conditions such as no 
>drugs or antibiotics.

To what avail Terry?

To get a label so WalMart can sell it for a better margin a thousand 
miles away?



>Terry Dyck
>>From: Kirk McLoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Power Use
>>Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 13:48:03 -0800 (PST)
>>We ran 3000 acres. A small operation. My stepdads brother ran the 
>>slaughterhouse and meatmarket in town. The only grain they got was 
>>a scoop of feed so their head was down so you could put the rifle 
>>against the back of their skull.
>> I am familiar with the business.
>> As for our chickens they got oats and wheat. We didnt fertilize so 
>>I guess it was "organic".
>> Old hens have fat but fryers are lean meat.
>> As for hog and chicken "farm" pollution it is a travesty and the 
>>monied such as Tyson get away with it because of who they are and 
>>who they know.
>> The biggest dead zone that I actually saw the satellite photos of 
>>was the spraying in Nam. The chemical companies assured the 
>>military the die off would be in river plumes maybe as far as 50 
>>miles. When the die off was larger than Nam itself spraying was 
>> Nothing has changed. Except we are the Vietnamese now courtesy of 
>>Monsanto and others.
>> Kirk
>>Terry Dyck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Kirk,
>>Even the so called grass fed cows spend their last days on special feed lots
>>to fatten them up. When I was involved with a certification of organic
>>farming organization I approached a chicken farmer who always complained
>>that he couldn't go completely organic because the cost of organic feed was
>>too high. I suggested that he could just let the chickens eat like wild
>>birds and he mentioned that that would be very healthy for the chickens but
>>no one would buy the meat because the chickens would be too skinny. The
>>farmers have to purchase or grow special grains that are certified organic
>>and feed this to the chickens to produce more fat.
>>Also, there are many dead zones now in our oceans were fish can not survive
>>and the cause is run off from factory cattle and hog farms. There are lots
>>of scientific studies done on this.
>>Terry Dyck
>> >From: Kirk McLoren
>> >Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>> >To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Power Use
>> >Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 12:36:39 -0800 (PST)
>> >
>> >There are so many assumptions made in these "analysis" I fail to get
>> >excited. When man was chipping flint and buffalo herds took a day to run
>> >past a point how much methane was there? There was more forest too and
>> >rotting vegetation and termites. As for fertilizer for feed that means
>> >feedlots and most beef in the west is sold from open range. Grass one day
>> >then a train ride to swift and armour. No feed lot involved. The biggest
>> >feed lot operator I know ships all his meat to Japan. American consumers
>> >dont want to pay that much.
>> > For every cow I see on a lot I see 10 or more on grass.



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