G'day Kirk,

Mercola says the bird flu is a hoax.
Rumsfeld Bird Flu Hoax
      Original breaking story that you won't find anywhere else in the news. 
Read what the media won?t tell you about the Avian flu hoax.
 - Mar 23, 2007 -

 Also I think Mark means when he says that the FDA says Tamiflu is
safe is that it does not take it off the market but merely says "be careful" 
shortly after the shot is adminstered.
All drugs are to be used as directed, right? I think Mark is much more right 
than wrong on this. Yes, he can be shrill but I think
he is that way because he sees his job as one of waking people up. (plus I 
think he is weary and POed) We are at a point in history where our health 
freedom is in a precarious position. As you know most people are either 
apathetic, ignorant,
or cannot bring themselves to believe what Big Pharma has in store for them. 
We live now with freedoms of
choice here that have already disappeared in other countries. It looks like 
the USA is the last country that is
supposed to give up our vitamins, supplements, etc. The Codex Alimentarius 
is due to kick in on Dec 31,
2009. We're to be pushed into a "killer" system which intends not to heal 
but to mask symptoms with toxic
drugs, surgeries, and radiation; all expensive and deadly.
Peace, D. Mindock

> Hello DM
>>Tamiflu is just one of many cases where children are dying and the
>>FDA stands firm declaring it safe.[i]
>>[i] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said it received 103
>>reports of delirium, hallucinations and other unusual psychiatric
>>behavior, mostly in Japanese children treated with Tamiflu, between
>>Aug. 29, 2005, and July 6, 2006.
> Not correct. See:
> http://sciencedaily.healthology.com/infectious-diseases/article3955.htm
> Tamiflu Linked to Self-Injury, Delirium
> November 16, 2006
>>(HealthCentersOnline) - Reports of self-injury and delirium
>>associated with the use of Tamiflu has prompted the U.S. Food & Drug
>>Administration to require new warning be inserted in the prescribing
>>and patient information. ... the revised patient information
>>includes the following warning:
>>"People with the flu, particularly children, may be at an increased
>>risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking TAMIFLU and
>>should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior. A
>>healthcare professional should be contacted immediately if the
>>patient taking TAMIFLU shows any signs of unusual behavior."
> That was quite widely reported (on MSN eg). Mark Sircus is writing
> three and a half months later. Sloppy. He should be more careful. I
> wonder what else he didn't get right.
>>Donald Rumsfeld is a good example of a modern day Herod who sends
>>"his" toxic chemicals out into the world (aspartame and Tamiflu)
>>knowing full well people are suffering and dying in huge numbers
>>because of them.
> Hm. Not if you look at the death certificates though. Yes yes I know,
> but it doesn't help to be shrill and inaccurate.
> I don't know what Mercola says about Rumsfeld in his bird flu scam
> book, but apart from the Rumsfeld-Gilead connection
> (see
> <http://www.politicalfriendster.com/showPerson.php?id=3415&name=Avian-
> FluAvian>)it's worth checking what the GRAIN reports on bird flu I
> posted the other day have to say about Rumsfeld.
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/msg69185.html
> [Biofuel] Fowl play: The poultry industry's central role in the bird flu
> GRAIN: February 2006
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/msg69187.html
> [Biofuel] The top-down global response to bird flu
> GRAIN: April 2006
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/msg69181.html
> [Biofuel] Bird flu: a bonanza for 'Big Chicken'
> GRAIN: March 2007
> Briefly, Rumsfeld was chairman of GD Searle (Nutrasweet - aspartame)
> and was allegedly instrumental in getting aspartame declared safe
> when it shouldn't have been. Monsanto bought Searle, Rumsfeld left
> with a $12 million payoff. Ten years ago Rumsfeld became chairman of
> Gilead Sciences, which developed Tamiflu and owns the Tamiflu patent.
> Rumsfeld is still the largest or one of the largest shareholders in
> Gilead. Gilead sold the exclusive license for Tamiflu to Roche. The
> WHO and Western governments are pushing Tamiflu as the best defence
> against a possible human flu pandemic arising from bird flu, and
> Rumsfeld is making millions out of it.
> Read on...
>>Of pandemics and patents
>>The H5N1 virus was first noticed and identified when it took its
>>first human victims in Hong Kong in 1997. A few years later, in
>>2003, similar deaths were reported in Viet Nam and then in Thailand.
>>The following year it killed people further afield in Indonesia,
>>China and Cambodia. Until mid-2005, bird flu was generally seen as
>>an 'Asian' problem. Then the World Health Organisation took the huge
>>political decision to tell the world that we are on the verge of a
>>global human pandemic that could kill 150 million people. As
>>intended, the effect was dramatic.
>>Bird flu is essentially a poultry disease. The WHO [Feb 2006]
>>tallies less than 200 confirmed human cases of H5N1 and under 100
>>deaths, most of them through contact with infected chickens. The big
>>worry is that H5N1 will mutate into a form that is readily
>>transmitted from human to human. After all, influenza viruses
>>replicate like crazy, but very sloppily, generating constant
>>mutations. Once this happens, the consequences could be immediate
>>and severe, as it is assumed that most people do not have antibodies
>>against H5N1.
>>The WHO pronouncement triggered, for the first time, concern about
>>avian flu in the West. In no time at all, the spotlight fell on the
>>Swiss drug giant, Roche. Roche has the exclusive license to produce
>>Tamiflu (the trade name for oseltamivir), an anti-viral believed to
>>have some effect in reducing the spread of avian flu in humans. It
>>was developed and patented by Gilead Sciences, a US drug firm which
>>gave Roche the exclusive right to manufacture the pill. With huge
>>corporate media attention, Tamiflu -- and Roche -- suddenly became
>>the answer to the potential pandemic.
>>It is, however, not at all certain that Tamiflu would be a help,
>>should a human pandemic break out. Tamiflu's effectiveness is highly
>>contested, and it carries important side-effects as well. It does
>>reduce the symptoms of influenza, but taken in low dosage it could
>>actually exacerbate the spread of the disease through a rapid
>>emergence of resistant strains and/or because sick people feel
>>better and let their guard down against infecting others. The low
>>dosage risk is very real. One reason is that there is a worldwide
>>shortage of Tamiflu. Roche's version is produced with shikimic acid
>>extracted from Chinese star anise pods, the best of which comes from
>>only four provinces of southwest China. (A full 90% of their
>>production is bought by Roche.) And Roche has been reticent to
>>sublicence the rights to produce it. The other reason is that Roche
>>recommends prophylactic use of Tamiflu for human influenza, though
>>this is not effective. Numerous people taking Tamiflu in Viet Nam
>>have died of H5N1 because the drug only helps if you take it within
>>18 hours of infection.
>>Making money from misery
>>Tamiflu has, however, been a big money-spinner for its owners. The
>>patent is owned by Gilead while Roche has the sole licence. Roche's
>>sales of Tamiflu -- a drug that hardly sold prior to the WHO
>>announcement -- went up 400% in 2005 while Gilead's royalty earnings
>>from the patent grew by 166%. In the US, the drug industry is
>>intimately connected with the highest levels of government. In
>>November 2005, Bush announced a set of domestic measures to fight
>>the possible pandemic which included an envelope of US$1.4 billion
>>to go shopping for Tamiflu. This was a gift, not only for Roche and
>>Gilead, but also for people like US Secretary of Defense Donald
>>Rumsfeld, board member and former chairman of Gilead. He currently
>>owns somewhere between US$5 million and $25 million of Gilead
>>equity, making him possibly the largest shareholder. Other people
>>who stand to gain from this policy are Gilead board members George
>>Schultz, former US Secretary of State and Bush campaign advisor,
>>Etienne Davignon, Vice-Chairman of Suez-Tractebel and Honorary
>>Chairman of Bilderberg, and John W Madigan who among other things is
>>on the Defense Business Board, a corporate advisory council to the
>>US Department of Defense.
>>Beyond the inevitable conspiracy theories, the bigger controversy
>>came from Roche's handling of the licencing issue. The pressure to
>>allow poor countries to produce or buy the generic form of
>>oseltamivir has been great: some 150 generic manufacturers and
>>governments have requested a sublicence. Roche, caught between a
>>rock (poor public relations ratings) and a hard place (its own
>>shareholders) held back, despite pressure from Gilead, from
>>governments, and even from Kofi Annan, who came out of the woodwork
>>to announce that he did not want a repeat of the AIDS drug crisis.
>>Finally Roche decided to selectively soften up and grant a few
>>limited sublicences, but the damage had been done. Once again, the
>>conflict between exclusive commercial interests, which patents
>>serve, and the higher social interest in public health, which
>>governments are supposed to serve, was laid bare.
> -- Fowl play: The poultry industry's central role in the bird flu crisis
> GRAIN | Briefings | 2006 |
> http://www.grain.org/briefings/?id=194
>>... Such consequences for the poor [small farmers with backyard
>>poultry flocks] are not what the governments or the international
>>agencies commanding the global strategy to control bird flu are
>>preoccupied with. By contrast, WHO, which has shown scant regard for
>>the impacts of its recommended control measures on small farmers,
>>has been remarkably sensitive to the interests of pharmaceutical
>>corporations and the ambitions of collaborating scientists. The
>>password for its database of bird flu sequence data, the most
>>important in the world, is available to only 15 laboratories
>>worldwide.13 This sequence data is extremely valuable in the global
>>race for bird flu vaccines and diagnostics - a market that could
>>prove colossal if a human pandemic breaks out. Some scientists and
>>governments are now publicly challenging the WHO to make the data
>>public in the interests of global health, but the WHO is dragging
>>its feet, insisting that this would discourage countries and some of
>>its collaborating labs from submitting data, presumably because they
>>want to retain rights over the information.14
>>The WHO doesn't name which collaborating labs are resisting the
>>publication of bird flu sequence data, but it's clear to all
>>observers that the US is a major obstacle. The US Centre for Disease
>>Control (CDC), one of four WHO "Collaborating Centres" on influenza
>>and the nerve centre of the US government's global influenza
>>surveillance programme, refuses to make most of its sequence data
>>public. US health industry consultant David Webster speculates that
>>the CDC is concerned that sharing data would jeopardise its vaccine
>>R&D partnerships with private companies.15
>>The US-held sequence data comes, of course, from bird flu samples
>>collected in other countries. During outbreaks of bird flu, samples
>>of the virus are either sent to the WHO's collaborating labs for
>>testing or directly collected by various US surveillance programmes,
>>such as that handled by the Department of Defense's global network
>>of Naval Medical Research Units (NAMRU).16 The NAMRU in Cairo, which
>>is the WHO's Collaborating Centre for Emerging and Re-emerging
>>Infectious Disease in the Middle East and Mediterranean region, has
>>done extensive sequence collection in bird flu-affected countries
>>such as Azerbaijan, Iraq and Egypt.17 There's also a NAMRU in
>>Indonesia, which simultaneously serves as the WHO Collaborating
>>Centre for Infectious Diseases in Southeast Asia.18 But after 30
>>years of cooperation, the Indonesia government told NAMRU to pack up
>>by the end of 2005, when its contract was expiring. An official with
>>the Foreign Ministry admitted that the Indonesian government's
>>change in position was linked to the potential development of a bird
>>flu vaccine that could be worth "billions" and that it would only
>>consider renewing NAMRU's contract if Indonesia were afforded the
>>appropriate intellectual property protection over the samples
>>collected within its territory.19
>>However the story in Indonesia plays out, the general picture is
>>that just a few major labs in the industrialised countries are
>>amassing control over vital genomic information through their
>>privileged position in the international bird flu effort, with the
>>WHO facilitating this process. Most developing countries diligently
>>follow the WHO protocol and submit their data to its collaborating
>>labs, which are concentrated in a handful of countries, or welcome
>>its international surveillance teams within their borders.20 The WHO
>>has no authority over its collaborating laboratories and unless
>>there are clear agreements of the kind Indonesia is demanding,
>>there's nothing preventing these labs from cutting exclusive deals
>>with pharmaceutical corporations, which could generate serious drug
>>access problems for developing countries if a human-to-human
>>transmissible strain of the bird flu virus emerges.21 It is not
>>reassuring that the man in charge of the NAMRU network is US
>>Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, a long-standing pharmaceutical
>>industry insider.22
> -- The top-down global response to bird flu
> GRAIN | "Against the grain" | 2006 |
> http://www.grain.org/articles/?id=12
> More about the Indonesian case in the third GRAIN report:
> Bird flu: a bonanza for 'Big Chicken' > Privatising bird flu: the
> ultimate health threat
> GRAIN | "Against the grain" | 2007 |
> http://www.grain.org/articles/?id=22
> Meanwhile, as of January 2007, "Rumsfeld has left the Pentagon but
> not the Defense Department". Is he still calling the shots? Probably.
> http://www.ichblog.eu/content/view/175/1/
> Rumsfeld is still running the War Department
> Sunday, 28 January 2007
> By Mike Whitney
> Where's Rummy?
> The WHO probably isn't exaggerating when it says 150 million people
> could die in a human flu pandemic, and indeed it could arise from
> HPAI H5N1 bird flu virus (the highly pathogenic form).
> But the HPAI H5N1 bird flu virus is a creation of the industrialised
> factory farming system, which also spreads it, and the world
> authorities and Western governments are finally being forced to admit
> it, after blaming small outdoor flocks and wild birds, killing about
> 200 million healthy chickens on suspicion, and forcing millions of
> small farmers to adopt the industrial model (the cause of the
> problem) or die, basically.
> The industry, meanwhile, has very successfully used the crisis as an
> opportunity for market consolidation (control), with the governments
> doing the work for them of wiping out the remaining competition
> (small farmers).
> The longer this extraordinary non-response continues, the greater by
> the day the chances of a human-to-human form of HPAI H5N1 bird flu
> virus emerging, exit 150 million people.
> And Rumsfeld et al see *that* impending catastrophe as an opportunity
> for market consolidation. And when it happens, Tamiflu will save us
> all, hm. Including Rumsfeld I suppose. Pity about all the teenagers
> it'll probably kill, but hey that's business.
> How conveniently it all rides on the back of the fear campaign that
> propels the "War on Terror".
> Best
> Keith
>>VA - The Slaughter of Innocence - March 1, 2007
>>Posted by: "Mark Sircus Ac., OMD"
>>Thu Mar 1, 2007 2:53 am (PST)
>>The Slaughter of Innocence
>>International Medical Veritas Association
>>The killing field for babies was begun long ago with King Herod. In
>>the early morning he sent soldiers down from his fortress and
>>watched as they went through each house in Bethlehem slaughtering
>>every child less than two years of age. They dragged the children
>>from the arms of their mothers, bashed their heads against the
>>stones, slit their throats, killing them all. Or so the story goes.
>>Japanese health authorities are investigating Tamiflu, a flu after
>>a teenager who took it jumped 11 story's to his death - at
>>least the 18th juvenile fatality linked to the drug in 17 months.
>>Innocents have always been slaughtered for no good reason and
>>societies who select boys over girls have often been accused of
>>drowning infant girls at birth; the pharaoh in Egypt was also
>>supposed to have slaughtered young Jewish boys thus the story of
>>Moses. Over time, we have assumed that modern civilization has left
>>this kind of behavior behind. Unfortunately and sadly this is not
>>true. The pharmaceutical companies and most of the major medical
>>organizations in the world have conspired to create their own
>>special kind of hellish way of killing children.
>>Tamiflu is just one of many cases where children are dying and the
>>FDA stands firm declaring it safe.[i] The 14-year-old boy's death
>>follows a similar case two weeks ago when a girl of the same age
>>died after jumping from an apartment building. 54 people have died
>>in Japan alone using Tamiflu though most of the deaths were caused
>>by shock, liver damage or other physical ailments. But in the case
>>of children, they appeared to have been caused during episodes of
>>abnormal behavior. In an earlier case in Japan, a 17-year-old boy
>>who had taken Tamiflu before going to bed had walked out of the
>>house and stood in front of an oncoming truck. The truck driver told
>>police the boy was smiling at the moment of impact.[ii]
>>Drugs prescribed to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
>>will include guides to alert patients and parents of the risks
>>of mental and heart problems, including sudden death.[iii]
>>Washington Post
>>Today we have armies of doctors, scientists and nurses who are
>>seriously harming the innocent but because they wear white coats and
>>are backed by the government we pretend they are good people
>>innocent of doing any harm. Herod supposedly killed about 2000
>>babies but modern industry and medicine hurt and kill hundreds of
>>thousands, if not millions, around the world each and every year.
>>Donald Rumsfeld is a good example of a modern day Herod who sends
>>"his" toxic chemicals out into the world (aspartame and Tamiflu)
>>knowing full well people are suffering and dying in huge numbers
>>because of them.
>>Incredibly, the CDC still cannot say with any
>>certainty that autism is actually affecting more
>>children despite all the autistic kids everywhere.
>>Anne McElroy Dachel
>>There are dozens of reports from states (Michigan, Florida and Texas
>>to name a few) about how infant mortality rates continue to rise in
>>mainly black and Hispanic communities. Even though many babies die
>>who shouldn't, many more have their lives slaughtered without
>>actually going as far as killing them. Autism, which has the medical
>>community very confused, has gone from 1 in 10,000 twenty years ago
>>to about 1 in 166 five years ago, is racing through to the 1 in 100
>>mark. New Jersey finds autism rates to be even higher at 1 in 94
>>children (one in ever 60 boys) with no explanation given. Yet
>>despite this New Jersey wants to become the first jurisdiction
>>anywhere in the world to make flu shots and meningococcal shots
>>mandatory. These shots contain mercury. It also wants to require
>>Prevnar, a poorly tested and ineffective shot that is unusually
>>likely to cause adverse effects. Of course the CDC is happy about
>>this and would like to see the same instituted in all fifty
>>states.[iv] Obviously they enjoy the act of poisoning children and
>>do not have either the intelligence or the heart to see that this is
>>more than wrong. It is a tragedy and shame beyond all reckoning, a
>>crime against humanity that puts the entire reputation of allopathic
>>medicine at risk.
>>The majority of flu shots still contain 25 micrograms of mercury,
>>an amount considered unsafe under government agency
>>guidelines for anyone weighing less than 550 lbs.
>>Parents who have to deal with autistic children know what I am
>>talking about when I say their lives have been slaughtered. And when
>>you look at the overall learning disorder statistics, which reflect
>>lighter grades of neurological damages, it is sickening. Add to this
>>the numbers of children coming down with diabetes, asthma and cancer
>>and we begin to get a sinking feeling that something is not quite
>>right in modern civilization with TWENTY PERCENT OR MORE OF THE
>>below the UN calculates the number to be a cool billion, but they
>>are not counting in the least lowered IQs, neurological damage that
>>does not show itself in the clear. Neurological degeneration is not
>>an all or nothing thing, its more like an iceberg with much more
>>happening below the water line than easily believable.
>>Regardless of the number of autistic kids sitting in their waiting rooms,
>>doctors are satisfied that it's all due to their keener sense of 
>>Anne McElroy Dachel
>>I really do not know anyone who does not know how utterly stupid
>>some doctors can be. It was just reported that the presentation on
>>thimerosal by Dr. Jay Lieberman (Pediatric Infectious Diseases,
>>University of California, Irvine) to an Institute of Medicine
>>meeting last week was disastrous. As expected, he referred only to
>>pharma-friendly studies and suggested that thimerosal can actually
>>be beneficial! He poo-pooed the Geiers (Dr. Mark Geier and his
>>research assistant and son David) and apparently made some comment
>>about "us" crazy parents that had the committee chuckling. Reported
>>one mother who was receiving early reports from the meeting: "These
>>people are as corrupt as it gets. They're all pigs, living large at
>>our kids' expense. It's criminal".
>>So sick are the medical and health authorities that they laugh and
>>scorn the suffering of others and make light of the deadly poisons
>>they endorse in vaccines and prescription drugs. They accomplish
>>this by hiding behind the Neanderthal type of rationality that says
>>the dose makes the poison, meaning essentially that it's perfectly
>>all right to poison the babies "a little bit."[v] (See Beyond
>>Paracelsus in upcoming IMVA Publication's Survival Medicine for the
>>21st Century.)
>>It is absurd to label water as poisonous
>>simply because one can drown in it.
>>Isn't it funny, for example, that pregnant women are told to avoid
>>alcohol and smoking during pregnancy to protect the child yet almost
>>every single OBGYN clinic in the U.S. has signs hanging up that
>>strongly recommend pregnant women receive a flu shot? Are we
>>supposed to believe that the mercury in the flu shots won't harm the
>>child in the womb? Parents and health advocates are rightfully
>>expressing outrage over the recommendation from the Centers for
>>Disease Control and Prevention's Advisory Committee for Immunization
>>Practices (ACIP) that pregnant women, infants and children continue
>>to be exposed to mercury contained in the flu vaccine despite
>>recommendations from the Institute of Medicine that mercury not be
>>injected into these sensitive populations since 2001.[vi] Obviously
>>there are madmen afoot who believe potent neurological poisons are
>>nothing to worry about and these same mad men and woman are paid a
>>lot of money to think so. To them neurological poisons are not
>>poisons at all, but medicines. And the moon is made of Swiss cheese!
>>I think it's absolutely criminal to give mercury to an infant.
>>Dr.Boyd Haley
>>University of Kentucky
>>Even though the 2004 Institute of Medicine Report accepted that
>>under certain conditions, infections and heavy metals, including
>>thimerosal as mercury preservative in vaccines, can injure the
>>nervous system, doctors continue to inject mercury into their baby
>>patients. More than 90% of this year's flu vaccine supply will
>>contain 25 micro grams of mercury, which means there is not enough
>>mercury-free flu vaccine available for pregnant women and children
>>under the age of three (8 million being made versus a 15-20 million
>>estimated need).
>>A Sanofi-Pasteur spokesman, the only vaccine manufacturer making
>>thimerosal-free flu vaccines, confirmed that enough vaccine to
>>supply all children could be made, and in this article he noted "he
>>had no idea why health officials were not ordering more mercury-free
>>vaccine." It is very difficult for most people to understand how
>>pathologically sick "normal" people can be. We do not want to admit
>>how monstrous people who wear suits and ties can be. And certainly
>>we battle deeply implanted images of goodness when we think of
>>medical professionals in their white coats never ever wanting to
>>admit that often we are surrendering and trusting a form of thinking
>>that can kill us and our children.
>>The art and practice of terrorism has taken on an entirely new look
>>in the medical profession, and the leaders of medical terrorism now
>>work inside the FDA, CDC and most of the major medical organizations
>>like the AMA and APA. Most of these leaders have simply sold their
>>souls to pharmaceutical money. (See later chapters on pharmaceutical
>>Preliminary data for 2002 indicate an increase in the infant mortality
>>rate (IMR) to 7.0 deaths per 1,000 live births from 6.8 in 2001.
>>In drinking water, mercury cannot exceed 2 parts per billion. With
>>more than 200 parts per billion of mercury, liquid is considered
>>hazardous waste. A mercury-containing flu shot vial has 50,000 parts
>>per billion of mercury. Now how can something with 250x the mercury
>>level of hazardous waste are deemed safe? Obviously it's easy for
>>the medical insane mind committed to medical and pharmaceutical
>>terrorism to pronounce highly toxic poisons safe for children.
>>Vaccines are at the heart of medical insanity and the mercury issue
>>highlights this clearly. Rapists and child sexual abusers are
>>usually not proud of the harm they do but doctors are of a different
>>breed with their ability to rationalize and deny everything. Anne
>>McElroy Dachel wrote The Really Big Lie About Autism, which
>>describes the crazy way health officials rationalize and deny a
>>health care disaster. It works for them very well but our children
>>continue to pay an unspeakable price.
>>Regardless of the number of autistic kids sitting in their waiting rooms,
>>doctors are satisfied that it's all due to their keener sense of 
>>Anne McElroy Dachel
>>The Centers for Disease Control released a study in Pediatrics that
>>cited a correlation between thimerosal-containing vaccines and both
>>"tics" and "language delay" in children but apparently they are not
>>even capable of listening to themselves. Thus state officials have
>>to take responsibility in areas that federal officials refuse to
>>recognize. California is the only state this year with a ban of
>>thimerosal-containing flu shots for pregnant women and children
>>under three. Thimerosal is made of mercury, which is 1000x more
>>toxic than lead. If lead were in vaccines, the world would be in an
>>uproar because lead's toxicity is well known, but thimerosal is ONE
>>THOUSAND TIMES WORSE. But that should not worry anyone according to
>>the best and brightest pediatricians in America. I hope the reader
>>is beginning to discover why I reserve the harshest language
>>possible when speaking about public health officials and especially
>>about pediatricians who prey on the young.
>>Health experts said it is common
>>for teenagers to faint from vaccinations.[vii]
>>There have been 542 adverse health complaints with the new cervical
>>cancer vaccine. Injection site soreness was reported by nearly 20
>>percent, fainting or dizziness was reported by 11 percent, and fever
>>or nausea was reported in 9 percent.[vi] The governor of Texas
>>recently made it mandatory for young girls, but the uproar has been
>>such that Merck announced it was dropping its lobbying campaign to
>>persuade states to make the cancer vaccine compulsory for adolescent
>>girls attending public school. Yes, government and medicine can (and
>>do) team up to force the needle on the young and the situation,
>>though already devastating, is about to get much worse with many new
>>vaccines under development. Draconian laws are already in place in
>>the United States and in other places to brutally force vaccines on
>>the public. Beware - medical bullies are prepared, they are
>>self-righteous and fascist down to their very core.
>>A study concluded that mothers to-be who took antibiotics
>>greatly increased the risk of their youngsters developing
>>asthma, eczema and hay fever later in life. Experts found
>>that babies born to women prescribed two or more courses
>>of the drugs were 60 per cent more likely to be asthmatic.[viii]
>>Looking backwards a bit we look at the scope of the disaster. In the
>>United States nearly 12 million children under 18 years of age (17%)
>>suffer from deafness, blindness, epilepsy, speech deficits, cerebral
>>palsy, delays in growth and development, emotional or behavioral
>>problems, or learning disabilities (Boyle et al. 1994). Learning
>>disabilities (LD) alone affect 5-10% of children in public schools
>>(Parrill 1996). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
>>conservatively affects 3-6% of all school children. (Goldman et al.
>>Approximately one third of people with LD also have ADHD.
>>Let's advance in time a bit. Roughly 30 - 50% of the population has
>>undiagnosed learning disabilities. (Source: National Institute for
>>Literacy) Almost 3 million children (ages 6 through 21) have some
>>form of a learning disability and receive special education in
>>school.[ix] Since 1992, the percentage of students who spend 80% or
>>more of their time in school in special education classes increased
>>from 21% to 45%. (Source: 23rd Annual Report to Congress, 2001)
>>Specific learning disabilities have increased 22% over the past 25
>>years. In the past decade, the number of students ages six to 21
>>years identified with specific learning disabilities has increased
>>by 38%. [x] In 2003, approximately 7.8% of U.S. children aged 4--17
>>years had ADHD diagnosed.
>>The incidence rate of autistic spectrum disorders in Thailand
>>among out patients aged younger than 12 years has increased
>>from 1.43 per 10, 000 in 1998 to 6.94 per 10, 000 in 2002.[xi]
>>Dr. Paul King reports that "the increase of autism spectrum
>>disorders (ASD) in NJ from 99/10,000 to 106/10,000 clearly seems to
>>indicate that ASD cases were increasing at a rate of about "3" % per
>>year." Reviewing the reported findings for children in the UK and
>>Ireland Dr. King reports that autism increased up to 8-fold or, if
>>all ASD cases are presumed to be autism cases under Kanner's broad
>>definitional umbrella, then anywhere from 16- to 23- fold."
>>The U.S. government has ordered stronger warnings to be carried
>>on the labels of an asthma "wonder" jab widely available in the UK.
>>The move comes after some users developed a delayed and potentially
>>life-threatening reaction to Xolair, which was licensed in the UK in 2005.
>>Looking bad? The most recent test results from the National
>>Assessment of Educational Progress, commonly known as the national
>>report card, finds that American 12th graders are actually
>>performing worse in reading than 12th graders did in 1992. The new
>>scores, based on tests given in 2005, show that only about 35
>>percent of 12th graders are proficient in reading. Simply put, this
>>means that a majority of the country's 12th graders have trouble
>>understanding what they read fully enough to make inferences draw
>>conclusions and see connections between what they read and their own
>>experiences. The math scores were even worse, with only 23 percent
>>of 12th graders performing at or above the proficient level.[xii]
>>The disaster gets worse year by year but government and public
>>health officials are just not capable of coming clean with the
>>causes of neurological degeneration. "Much research is now being
>>done to determine causes of learning disabilities. Experts are not
>>yet sure as to the cause," is what you will read over and over but
>>this kind of communication is only there to deceive us. The official
>>party line you read from many sources is that when studying the
>>contribution of toxic environmental chemicals to these disorders it
>>is important, but frequently difficult, to accurately measure or
>>estimate exposures to toxic chemicals. This is particularly
>>problematic when the relevant exposure may have occurred to the
>>fetus during pregnancy or during early childhood but the impact did
>>not become apparent until much later. Finally, even when there
>>appears to be an association between exposure to a toxic chemical
>>and abnormality of brain development, researchers often disagree
>>about when a cause-and-effect relationship has been demonstrated or
>>how large an exposure is necessary to cause the effect. As a result,
>>there is often considerable debate and disagreement about the role
>>that environmental factors play in some commonly encountered
>>disorders of brain development and function.
>>Infant mortality in D.C. jumped 19 percent in 2005.
>>More than 70 percent of the deaths in 2005 were attributed to
>>premature births and complications such as low birth weight.
>>The poisoning of the young goes on and on but the doctors just don't
>>get it. Even when something is discovered that would help the
>>children the medical establishment ignores the fact. I discovered a
>>great example of this last week and it surprised and delighted me
>>greatly. An obviously important study was published back in February
>>of 1995, in Vol. 95, Number 2, p. 263 of Pediatrics. It showed that
>>very low birth weight babies have a lower incidence of cerebral
>>palsy (CP) when their mothers are treated with magnesium sulfate
>>soon before giving birth. Meaning many babies could be helped using
>>the transdermal magnesium oil I champion, which could easily be
>>applied to women's bellies.
>>This intriguing finding means that use of a simple medication
>>could significantly decrease the incidence of cerebral palsy and
>>prevent lifelong disability and suffering for thousands of Americans.
>>Dr. Zach W. Hall
>>Director of National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
>>Dr. Karin B. Nelson speculated that magnesium may play a role in
>>brain development and possibly prevent cerebral hemorrhage in
>>preterm infants. In animal models magnesium has been associated with
>>decreased brain injury after the brain has been deprived of oxygen.
>>This is especially important for humans because doctors and nurses
>>tend to cut the cord much too quickly simultaneously reducing blood
>>volume, pressure and oxygen to the brain. Just recently it was
>>discovered that a quarter of babies born vaginally suffer small
>>hemorrhages in their brains, perhaps from compression of the head
>>during delivery, according to researchers who performed the first
>>high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging studies on healthy
>>newborns.[xiii] Most of this is probably due to the unnatural
>>position women in hospitals are forced into. Women on their backs
>>and sacrum force the birth canal into constriction closing the
>>vaginal canal by as much as thirty percent. Naturally this would put
>>a big squeeze on infants' brains as they come through. Only about 15
>>to 25 percent of children eat the recommended amount of magnesium.
>>A chapter like this could go on and on. The bottom line is that
>>babies and young children are getting sick and are dying in
>>increasing numbers and the fat cats in medical organizations and
>>public health officials are busy riding around in their BMWs
>>enjoying the good life. Never have there been such people on earth,
>>such enemies of children. For many it is a matter of pure ignorance.
>>Here in Brazil doctors are deaf, dumb and blind to the fact that
>>many of their vaccines are loaded with thimerosal and no one is even
>>thinking of taking it out. In Brazil they still stab the newborn
>>baby on its first day of life with the Hep B vaccine that contains
>>50 micrograms of thimerosal/25 micrograms of mercury or 3,000
>>trillion atoms of the stuff.
>>When it comes to discussing thimerosal, it's hard to tell where the
>>pharmaceutical industry leaves off and where the CDC begins.
>>Claire Bothwell
>>NAA board chair
>>In America officials are not so dumb. They are just mean arrogant
>>bastards that laugh at any attempt to bring medical reason and truth
>>to vaccine or general drug issues. They are chemical rapists who
>>think they have the right to poison our children. They are
>>disgusting in their inhumanity. The closest associations we have in
>>our racial consciousness were the Nazi doctors working in the
>>concentration camps who did all kinds of sickening things to people.
>>Medicine in general has been infected with repulsive thinking and
>>practices and it is our children who are paying, suffering and dying.
>>Young children whose mothers have college educations and higher
>>incomes are less likely to fully vaccinate their children than
>>children with mothers with less education and lower incomes, a new
>>study suggests. Using data for nearly 12,000 U.S. children between
>>the ages of 19 and 35 months, researchers found that those whose
>>mothers had less than a high school education were 16 percent more
>>likely to be up-to-date with their immunizations than children whose
>>mothers were college graduates.[xiv] There are no surprises here.
>>The medical establishment depends on ignorance to get away with its
>>dangerous vaccination program. The more parents know the less likely
>>they are going to act like fools and do everything the doctors tell
>>them to do to their children.
>>Pediatricians are the last people we should trust with our children.
>>Beware and take care or you might suffer a torment that has no end.
>>They have a special power to abuse and manipulate the caring for our
>>young ones and they have been trained to do just that. They play on
>>parents' fears and on parental caring and love. In the United States
>>child sexual offenders have to register and a parent can go on the
>>Internet and see a map that shows who is living near their children.
>>Parents need to put pediatricians on similar maps and study up on
>>safe appropriate ways of taking care of their own children's health.
>>There is no excuse for surrendering our children to sexual predators
>>any more than there is for handing them over to medical predators.
>>Rape or child sexual abuse is something that harms children for a
>>lifetime, and medicine that so casually injects pure poisons easily
>>and routinely does precisely the same thing.
>>Mark Sircus Ac., OMD
>>Director International Medical Veritas Association
>>International Medical Veritas Association
>>Copyright 2007 All rights reserved.
>>IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The communication in this email is intended
>>for informational purposes only. Nothing in this email is intended
>>to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
>>To unsubscribe write to <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>[i] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has said it received 103
>>reports of delirium, hallucinations and other unusual psychiatric
>>behavior, mostly in Japanese children treated with Tamiflu, between
>>Aug. 29, 2005, and July 6, 2006.
>>[v] With the exception of E = mc2, perhaps no other single statement
>>has wielded such force in establishing the popular notoriety and the
>>professional stature of an individual in the history of science as
>>the dose makes the poison. It would be difficult to imagine either
>>the medical or pharmaceutical world today without this principle in
>>operation. Now we have to question, is allopathic medicine killing
>>millions with this principle? It should be noted that Paracelsus has
>>not been quoted as saying, thou shall use the most toxic and
>>dangerous substances for he himself used common minerals of low
>>toxicity in his medical practice.
>>[ix] (23rd Annual Report to Congress, U.S. Department of Education,
>>2001) Source: National Information Center for Children and Youth
>>with Disabilities
>>[x] (Source: National Institutes of Health, 2003 -
>>[xi] Autism incidence up sharply in Thailand from 1998-2002. J Med
>>Assoc Thai. 2005 Jul;88(7):891-7.
>>[xiv] SOURCE: American Journal of Public Health, February 2007.
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