Hi Doug

>Good to hear, Keith. Have you ever thought of moving to Australia?

Yes I did think about it, quite a lot of good friends there. It was a 
vague plan when I left Europe in 1993, and stopped off in Hong Kong 
for a while first, for eight years, as it turned out. Lots of people 
in Hong Kong tell such stories. So I never did get to Australia, 
downright pity. Next move is westwards, imsh'allah, not southwards. 
But it's only a small planet with a slippery surface, so who can say.

>With the
>exception of the government, it is a very stable continent! (The Government
>stability is due to our following a would-be-Demi-god like leader of another
>well known Northern section of another continent!

:-) Now let me see, who on earth could he be talking about...

>regards Doug
>PS: I have just heard on the news about David Hicks, an Australian citizen who
>has been interned in Guantanamo Bay for 5.5 years suffering alleged
>pyschological abuse, with no charges laid until recently, when he was charged
>with this new offence. He has pleaded guilty to the charge of aiding
>terrorism (a charge that did not exist when he was alleged to have actually
>performed the act)


There have been some really disgusting reports recently on US abuse 
of their "war on terror" suspects. David Hicks might be lucky, it 
seems he can still string two words together at least.

>I fear this is a major win (or possibly windfall) for the
>Neo-cons. Our Govt goes to the polls this year: I guess this will be used to
>prop up the Prime Ministers fear of Terrorism campaign.

Woe unto those who think they win from such things.

Is that really what you call it, his fear of terrorism campaign? LOL!



>On Tuesday 27 March 2007 03:14:27 am Keith Addison wrote:
> > >Hey Keith and Midori...you and yours okay after the Earthquake?  It
> > >looks like you are not far from the epicenter.  Mike DuPree
> >
> > Hi Mike
> >
> > Thanks so much for asking. We're okay, no sign of the earthquake
> > here, not even a tremble. The epicentre was about 200 km from here
> > (125 miles), in Noto Peninsula. We got used to the whole place
> > shaking all the time when we lived in Tokyo, but we seldom get a
> > tremor here. Though Noto hadn't had an earthquake for 75 years.
> >
> > Thanks again
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Keith

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