Pannirselvam P.V 
     My apologies to the authors of the study. My criticisms  "Sounds like a 
poorly written science project" and "it doesn't seem to make any sense" 
sprouted from my own ignorance. 
     I am doing my homework on the subject of reactive distillation.  

     I must admit to a bias that may compromise my acceptance of any "new 
process." I like the idea of being able to make what I believe to be high 
quality biodiesel, myself, on my own spot of land, using little more than what 
I can scavenge from my local scrap metal dump. A new process that goes beyond 
the reach of an average "Tom" and puts control back into the hands of big 
business may be new, but not necessarily better. As you said:  
" The new generation biofuel is like the new wave  social web2 , the free open  
process for several  billions farmer  to be free and independent of the big 
blues globalised market .This the natural way  for  green future for all , 
where all are included to have the sustainable green fuel ." 

     You may be right when you say  "... some novel modification can be 
possible to make more environmentally friendly our old two  stage proven JFT 
BioD process."

    Thank you for your response and I look forward to discussion and 
enlightenment by list members as this story unfolds. 
                                                          Best Wishes to You,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Pagandai Pannirselvam 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 8:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel "New Process"

   Dear  Cris,Thomas Kelly,Tom ,KEN , 

       From Prof Pannir,Ufrn, BRAZIL 

  2007/4/10, Thomas Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
         I agree with you when you say
          "I can't see anything new about their process and it doesn't seem to 
    make any sense.".

   Pannirbr>>>>>>Certainly the  results compared to the conventional process 
has merit and has more sense , as the cost of separation of good grade  
glycerol involve more than 50 percent the total cost of the BioD production.It  
is the fact that  It reminds us to be  of a poorly written science project as 
this is because the  information of the novel technological process are  
valuable   , but  the farming community  is one who share the knowledge 
freely.Surely Keith know well how hard for him to get the  new BioD process 
information published in JFT, but incomplete information are always  available  
and here too the same is true .However  the project has good future even for 
small scale production in farm scale  as very good results have been reported 
for the product quality of BiOD, glycerol,recovered alcohol 

         The "New Process" appears to be the two stage acid/base process. 
    Stage One involves esterification of fatty acids  ----> methyl esters. Stage
    Two is the transesterification of mono-, di-, triglycerides ----> methyl

  Pannnir >>>>>     The combined  reaction and separation known as reactive 
distillation is an advanced novel innovative  system  of chemical engineering  
process engineering subjects.I  am sure that l the small scale production in 
farm  can do benefit using this novel methods not as it is as this is complex 
units , but can be modified if one wish to get recovery of alcohol and glycerol 

         I don't know why filtration is included in each stage prior to washing.


  Pannir >>>>>>> the product glycerol combine with ester  , making the  reverse 
reaction.If you can understand also the diverse  di  glycerol byproducts  
making the biofuel with less quality.The better the separation as soon this is 
formed better the yield , product quality.

         I'm also confused about "Distilling" the washed and dried "Crude
    Biodiesel" to get "Biodiesel". While it is possible to recover methanol from
    the glycerine mix and even from the unwashed biodiesel by distillation, 
    washing removes any excess methanol, so I can't imagine why one would
    distill washed and dried BD.

    Pannirbr >>>>   Really we need more information and I can agree with you. I 
think it is not a simple distillation , but extractive distillation to recover 
back diverse  di ,tri esters formed.If you remember that this process new , the 
co products need to be recovered as  the catalyst is yet not an perfect one.

          The 30 minute reaction time referred (as an advantage of the "New
    Process" to is only for Stage One (acid esterification). There is still a
    1 -2 hour base catalyzed transesterification (Stage Two). It also claims 
    that there is "no stirring"  .....   I suspect this is wrong.

  Pannirbr>>>>>>>>>      I think,this is possible , eventhough  not  enough 
information is yet known , if one  understand well what is reactive 
distillation  some patented related with the processare known one. If you 
combine distillation and reaction,  the products , alcohol and  water are 
separated simultaneously .Several patented process  does prove that it is 
possible  to get results with out the use of  mechanical agitator's , but 
thermal energy are used , which can be recovered , thus the process is designed 
to be more energy  efficient 

          It says that the "Classic Process" cannot use soy, rapeseed, palm, 
    coconut, sunflower, jatropa, recycled oil (WVO), or lard ????????
             Wrong again.

         The acid containing  oil  as well as the water content  are yet  still 
technical problems , as the transesterification reaction  using alkai catalyst 
are  very sensitive  in terms of yield and quality . 

         It reminds me of a poorly written science project.

     The project has  merit surely , but have  very  poor content as they do 
not wish to share the technical information. There are several innovations  
especially the better quality of all the products , higher recovery , less 
reaction time , more productivity , better energy  recovery less environmental 
problems .But I agree with all the coments here  in the list that this much 
advantage is needed for the farm scale production not worthy considering the 
  In this sense  our old  JFT two sage still  can be gold.Yet some novel 
modification can be possible to make more environmentally friendly our old two  
stage proven JFT BioD process
  We from Academic research  will always  wish to invent the process , so that 
the farmer can also modify to be more productive , the better the quality of 
the products totally diferent of academic one. 

   I wish also to get the comments  as our list has so many members from 
several countries  , only very few members are involved here in recent  biofuel 
list discussions..The more younger list members views , our list leader Keith  
very balanced view need to make this topic very long debate .Thus  the simple 
BioD process can be made possible by participation of all, as the web2 social 
networking of this list members words are more powerful and useful  to make the 
good shape for the green future of new generation bio fuel from biomass for all 
the people ,which can be made possible  by active participation of our list 
members , not by academics only or by profit oriented big blue company. The new 
generation biofuel is like the new wave  social web2 , the free open  process 
for several  billions farmer  to be free and independent of the big blues 
globalised market .This the natural way  for  green future for all , where all 
are included to have the sustainable green fuel . 


  Kind regards 

  Pannirselvam P.V 


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: "Christopher & Jacqueline Tan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:53 AM
    Subject: [Biofuel] Biodiesel "New Process"

    > This website features a so
    > called 'New Process" but, frankly, I can't see anything new about their
    > process and it doesn't seem to make any sense.
    > Anyone care to comment?
    > Thanks
    > Chris
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