please tell me how you aquired the seeds. thanks, Mike
--- James Quaid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Keith,
> I'm doing a Jatropha cultivation experiment in AZ.
> It survived the 115F. 
> But the 24F killed a 1/3 of my test planting. It is
> very sensitive to a 
> hard freeze. And according to what I've read,
> standard breeds will 
> produce 300 gal/ acre 600 gal/acre if it blooms
> twice. Jatropha 
> originally from Central America. I'd be very
> interested to see what the 
> GMO stuff does especially in cold climes.
> I'm having a heckuva time sprouting seedlings. The
> current batch of 
> seeds I have is from Suriname. We will be doing an
> acre test planting on 
> a farm with saline wells. Jatropha can allegedly
> handle salt pretty well.
> Here's what the Germans are doing with it:
> <>
> Regards,
> JQ
> Keith Addison wrote:
> >
> > track=mostemailedlink
> > 'Farming our fuel'
> > Officials from a local company will tout the
> jatropha plant today in 
> > Tallahassee. "We're doing things right here in
> Orlando that are going 
> > to change America."
> >
> > Rich Mckay | Sentinel Staff Writer
> > Posted April 17, 2007
> >
> > What is it?
> > Biodiesel is a fuel made from rendered vegetable
> oils or animal fats 
> > refined through a chemical reaction with an
> alcohol.
> > What can be used to make it?
> > Soybean oil is used to make most of the biodiesel
> in the U.S. 
> > Restaurant grease or any vegetable oil such as
> corn, canola, 
> > cottonseed, mustard oil also can be used. Jatropha
> oil is widely used 
> > in India and Asia. Other companies are developing
> ways to make 
> > biodiesel out of algae, restaurant scraps and even
> animal carcasses.
> > Why bother?
> > Biodiesel is considered an alternative to
> petroleum diesel because it 
> > can be grown, rather than pumped from a well. It
> is also considered a 
> > neutral gas. It doesn't put back into the
> atmosphere anything it 
> > didn't absorb when it was part of the environment.
> > Is it as powerful as diesel?
> > It is considered to have the same power as
> petroleum diesel.
> > What engines can use it?
> > It can be mixed with petroleum diesel and used in
> unmodified diesel 
> > engines. Engines can be modified to run 100
> percent on biodiesel.
> > What does biodiesel smell like?
> > That depends its source. Some say it smells like
> french fries. 
> > Biodiesel made from jatropha doesn't have a strong
> odor.
> > SOURCE: Sentinel research
> >  
> > America, meet your next tank of gas -- made from
> superpowered seeds.
> >
> > A couple of Orlando entrepreneurs say that a
> Malaysian variety newly 
> > approved for U.S. import could help solve
> America's energy woes and 
> > boost Central Florida's economy with a new cash
> crop.
> >
> > State Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson,
> along with executives 
> > from the Orlando-based Xenerga Inc., are scheduled
> to introduce a 
> > patented version of the jatropha plant today in
> Tallahassee.
> >
> > "We're doing things right here in Orlando that are
> going to change 
> > America," said Dave Jarrett, a company spokesman.
> "Just wait and see."
> >
> > The oil pressed from the jatropha nut can be used
> to make biodiesel, 
> > producing six to eight times the amount of energy
> extracted from 
> > soybeans -- the most common crop used for
> biodiesel in the U.S.
> >
> > Xenerga president Jason Sayers and his business
> partner Victor Clewes 
> > have the exclusive patent on the high-octane
> version of the plant 
> > with seeds that grow inside bunches of fat green
> pods the size of 
> > peach pits.
> >
> > It can produce 1,600 gallons of biodiesel per
> acre, compared with 
> > soy's 200 gallons, Sayers said.
> >
> > A Lake Wales farmer is ready to grow 5,000 acres
> of the genetically 
> > enhanced jatropha, Jarrett said. And unlike soy,
> which takes lots of 
> > tending, fertilizer and water, the jatropha plant
> can grow happily in 
> > arid soil, with little water and almost no
> tending.
> >
> > "Think of it as farming our fuel," Sayers said.
> >
> > President Bush mandated that refineries should
> have renewable fuels 
> > blended into 7.5 billion gallons of the nation's
> fuel supply by 2012.
> >
> > Only about 75 million gallons of biodiesel were
> sold in the U.S. last 
> > year, compared with about 6 billion gallons of
> petroleum diesel, 
> > according to the National Biodiesel Board, a trade
> organization.
> >
> > "Biodiesel is huge in Europe and Asia," Sayers
> said. "America is just 
> > now catching up."
> >
> > So Sayers and his associates are also launching a
> venture with 
> > Xenerga that will sell prefabricated mom-and-pop
> biodiesel refineries 
> > for about $2 million.
> >
> > Their plan is to sell turnkey operations,
> manufactured in Germany and 
> > shipped here, and promise a steady supply of raw
> materials and 
> > customers. They have contracts to build about 16
> of the refineries. 
> > Each refinery, if running at capacity, can produce
> 5 million gallons 
> > of biodiesel a year. Jarrett said they already
> have a slew of 
> > inquiries and expect to have 100 refineries
> throughout the country up 
> > and running in 18 months.
> >
> > Besides the jatropha nut, his other sources will
> include a plentiful 
> > supply of restaurant grease. Through Sayers' other
> business, 
> > FiltaFry, which cleans restaurant fryers, he
> spotted a potential 
> > energy source in leftover grease.
> >
> > The National Biodiesel Board said the industry is
> growing fast, with 
> > about 90 plants operating now and another 60 under
> construction.
> >
> > While Xenerga won't have its first plant, in
> Kissimmee, up and 
> > running for two more months, Silver Bullet Energy
> has a small plant 
> > in Groveland that started making biodiesel this
> year out of grease 
> > extracted from sewage.
> >
> > Another company, Southeast BioDiesel, plans to
> make about 6 million 
> > gallons of fuel a year from restaurant grease or
> soybean oil. It 
> > expects to be up and running in Sanford this
> summer.
> >
> > And MetroWest developer and entrepreneur Kevin
> Azzouz said he's 
> > getting into the business with a company called
> Clean 
=== message truncated ===>
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