Keith Addison wrote:

>No problem if you compost the cake. (It's not yellow, is it, the 
>cake?) (And is your compost Bin Laden with nice organic compostibles?)
LMAO where do you get your material? Too funny.  You put me in such a 
good mood I think I need to listen to some music.  Maybe I'll go buy 
some Anthrax cd's

>Trouble with castor oil for biodiesel is the high viscosity, exceeds 
>all standards specs. Pannir said the problem could be solved but 
>didn't say how. Maybe by using ethanol as an additive? But I think 
>that wouldn't fit the standards specs either.
Well I have been injecting recovered methanol into my engine's air 
intake just recently and it seems quite happy to run on it. This turns 
out to be easier than reusing it in the biodiesel process. Water in the 
methanol lowers combustion temperature and thereby reducues oxides of 
nitrogen.:) sweet. I don't know yet whether ethanol shares methanol's 
lack of detonation under high compression but if it does I think that 
would be the answer as it would be ok to have in the fuel system, unlike 
methanol.  Would probably help the winter issues somewhat as well.

>Still no "best crop" though, it depends in the circumstances. And 
>yield might not be the only consideration.
What. You mean like you might consider something else like whether there 
might be another side to unleashing non native speicies into the great 
outdoors or something like that? What?


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