>Go Linux

Why would I want to do that? That's for Windozers when they wake up, 
not for Mac users when they fall asleep.

(How much of that message did you actually read?)


>Keith Addison wrote:
> >>BEFORE he was extradited to the United States, Hew Griffiths, from
> >>Berkeley Vale in NSW, had never even set foot in America. But he had
> >>pirated software produced by American companies.
> >>
> >>Now, having been given up to the US by former justice minister Chris
> >>Ellison, Griffiths, 44, is in a Virginia cell, facing up to 10 years in
> >>an American prison after a guilty plea late last month.
> >>
> >>http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2007/05/06/1178390140855.html
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I guess by now we've all seen those heart-rending pictures of poor
> >old Bill Gates sitting at the street corner in New York with his hat
> >out on the pavement, poor feller, driven to pennilessness by
> >dastardly software pirates. It's said 70 percent of all the software
> >in use worldwide is pirated - but for these filthy criminals Bill
> >could have had that money, instead of his paltry $20 billion, and he
> >wouldn't be in this sad state that he's in now. Disgraceful - where's
> >the law when you need it???
> >
> >This is a little difficult to explain though:
> >
> >http://www.josephjenkins.com/books_humanure.html
> >Joseph Jenkins, Inc. - The Humanure Handbook
> >
> >This is where Joseph Jenkins sells hard-copies of his popular
> >Humanure Handbook online at his web store. Scroll down a little and
> >you'll find these links:
> >
> >$25.00 US -- BUY NOW or read the book free on the web.
> >
> >And:
> >
> >Buy a Book Now
> >Read the Book for Free
> >
> >Read the Book for Free:
> >http://jenkinspublishing.com/humanure_contents.html
> >Joseph Jenkins, Inc. - Humanure Handbook Table of Contents
> >
> >Full text, free online.
> >
> >He's been doing that for at least seven years now, and he's not the
> >only one. Yet the book's sold 30,000 copies, not bad going. No way to
> >know, but I'd bet that if he didn't give it away for nothing online
> >he wouldn't have sold so many.
> >
> >This crap about software piracy always reminds me of a restaurant
> >owner I used to know in Hong Kong. I dropped in at his place for some
> >coffee one afternoon during an economic crisis, the property market
> >had crashed, quite a few folks went out of business and so on.
> >"How're you doing?" I asked him.
> >
> >"Terrible!" he answered. "I'm losing 20,000 dollars a day!" [USD1=HKD8]
> >
> >It turned out that before the crash he'd been making $60,000 a day,
> >but now he was only making $40,000 a day.
> >
> >But I wonder if so many copies of Windoze etc would have been sold
> >but for all the pirating?
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Keith

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