Ok everyone, here's a bit more info . . .

This evening I noticed dozens of dark, soft bodied insects crawling up 
the trunks of my plum trees.  They're grey on the undersides, with 
segmented abdomens, and have rather pretty orange stripes on either side 
of their bodies.  I watched some of these crawl out to the tips of the 
branches and begin sucking on leaves.

I made another batch of soap mix and sprayed the trees again.  (It's 
been raining and cool for the past few days, so the stuff I'd sprayed on 
earlier has likely washed off.)  The insects die quickly when hit with 
the soap.  (I don't like watching anything die, but I HAD to be sure the 
soap was working!)

The plum trees haven't dropped any of their fruit, and while I was 
spraying, I noticed that they're vigorously sending out new shoots and 
leaves to replace the insect-damaged ones.  I suppose I should take 
heart in this, as it's an indicator that my trees are "fighting back."  
Of course, the new growth seems quite attractive to this variety of 
insect--which I believe is some form of aphid, given the appearance of 
their eggs and the fact that they're being protected by ants--so unless 
I can get the infestation under control, the insects have an ongoing 
supply of tender food!

One of my clients works on a poultry farm.  She asked if I'd be 
interested in some chicken manure.  I intend to pick some of this up and 
let it compost over the summer.  Perhaps I can mix it into my regular 
compost and apply it to the ground in the autumn.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
"The Long Journey"
New Adventure for Your Mind

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