>Another member mention filters/message rules, that's how manage the
>volume of email I elected to receive. I use the filters to direct new
>email from each list into it's own folder.  That way the email in my
>inbox are the ones that may really need my attention.  When I turn my
>attention to the specialized folders, I may elect to delete all the new
>posts there based on the subject lines or read those of interest.  After
>you get used to using the filters you will discover how to refine the
>Doug, N0LKK
>Kansas USA inc.

Why delete? There's little or no advantage to it and you lose a lot.
Deleting - Re: [biofuel] Politics and Biofuels



>Kurt Schasker wrote:
> >
> >
> >     Biofuelers:
> >     I have been lurking on this list for awhile, but never actually
> >     participated.
> >
> >     I am wondering if there is some way I could filter the posts to read
> >     only those that directly related to biofuel issues?

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