Hello Mike, welcome Kurt

>If you switch to a linux-based email system you could use procmail to
>filter the messages for you...otherwise I am sure you can set up filters
>in Microsoft Outhouse
>er, Outlook and numerous other clients...

Kurt uses hotmail. Could always be wrong but I don't think there's 
any good way to handle a mailing list with hotmail.

Otherwise there's this, which is reffed at the list subscribe page:



>Kurt Schasker wrote:
> >
> >
> >     Biofuelers:
> >     I have been lurking on this list for awhile, but never actually
> >     participated.
> >
> >     I am wondering if there is some way I could filter the posts to
> >     read only those that directly related to biofuel issues?
> >
> >      This listserve is very active, and I really do enjoy reading some
> >     of the posts, so I am not asking for, nor wanting to, have
> >     anything change on this listserve.
> >
> >     However, this list has active threads going right now on solar
> >     energy, wind energy, converting plastics to oil, recycling,
> >     outboard motors, and hemp, just to name a few.  By my definition,
> >     these ar not biofuel topics.  Of course, the readers of this
> >     listserve may have different definitions.
> >
> >     So, once again, I do not want anything changed, I just wondered if
> >     anyone knows a way I could digitally filter out the non-biofuel
> >     posts so I can read what I want?
> >
> >     The shear volume of posts on this listserve is quite intimidating,
> >     and so, I am afraid, I often ignore this listserve as a result.
> >
> >     Please accept my apologies, in advance, if this post is at all
> >     presumptuous or offensive.
> >
> >     I was warned that this was a very active listserve when I first
> >     joined.  It also seems that there were warnings that the topics
> >     were often "far-reaching".

"All aspects of biofuels and their use are covered -- biodiesel, 
ethanol, other alternative fuels, related technologies and issues, 
energy issues, environment, sustainability and more."

Biofuel mailing list

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