Also the proliferation of Frankenfood. If you buy commercial products you are 
eating it.
  Monsanto has done more evil than Stalin or Hitler. We will be with these 
"improvements" forever. Not only a crime against humanity, a crime against 
  Pillars of the community. Monsanto rats.
  Nukes are pikers compared to GM. It at least has a half life.

Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I suppose most folks are aware that there is a radical increase
in food allergies or sensitivities worldwide, that is growing
all the time. Folks becoming intolerant to food products in ways
never even heard of just a generation ago.

I've heard conjecture that the base causality may possibly be
traceable to the radical increases in worldwide personal hygiene
and the strong trend to urbanization with folks being exposed less
and less to regular ole dirt.

While that kinda makes sense to me, I keep thinking that it may
be at least as likely that the root cause may be found in the
decrease in the quality of the food supply. Not in calories or
even in proteins and vitamins, but the drastic increase in
'artificial' toxins (pesticides and herbicides) in the food
supply around the world.

Has anyone read or heard of any developing hypothesis along these

Just curious.


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