... ie Agrofuels, not biofuels.

No to the agrofuels craze!

See also:

Re: [Biofuel] SVO congres sept 2007 + Trade fair nov 2007



October 10, 2007
10:50 AM

CONTACT: Nick Berning,

Congressional Leadership Urged to Ditch Energy Bill Renewable Fuel Standard
Coalition of groups sends letter to Pelosi, Reid prior to energy conference

WASHINGTON - October 10 - Congressional leaders are being urged by 
environmental, family farmer, and social justice organizations to 
ensure that a radical biofuels provision passed by the Senate be left 
out of final energy legislation under consideration this fall.

In a letter 
being sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader 
Harry Reid today, the groups warn that the massive Renewable Fuel 
Standard (RFS) passed by the Senate earlier this year could lead to 
significant environmental and social harm. The RFS would mandate the 
use of 36 billion gallons of biofuel by 2022, a five-fold increase 
over current levels. Fifteen billion gallons of this total would come 
from corn-based ethanol, and the remaining 21 billion gallons would 
be so-called "advanced biofuels"-fuels that could be produced from 
anything other than corn starch, including environmentally degrading 
imported sugarcane ethanol and palm oil.

"Congress has a chance to pass an energy bill that is a major step 
forward on global warming, with stronger fuel economy standards and a 
transition to clean, alternative forms of energy," said Kate Horner 
of Friends of the Earth. "However, this bad biofuels provision, if it 
remains in the bill, will harm both the people and environment of our 

The RFS will do little to support sustainable agriculture or rural 
economies and will cause substantial environmental damage, the groups 
warned, pointing specifically to the provision's potential to lead to 
increased fertilizer use, consumption of scarce water resources, 
deforestation to produce more cropland, and further consolidation of 
corporate agribusiness. The provision could also lead to increased 
global warming emissions, the groups said.

"The U.S. government's relentless push for biofuel expansion will 
mean greater control and profit for big oil and agribusiness 
cartels," said John Kinsman, President of Family Farm Defenders. "The 
RFS mandate provides little benefit to family farmers or rural 
communities, either at home or abroad."

"The rush to convert land from food to fuel crops is a big step in 
the wrong direction," said Nikhil Aziz, Executive Director of 
Grassroots International. "We've already seen in the first wave that, 
in addition to severe environmental damage and labor rights 
violations, pursuing the industrial scale biofuel model destroys 
local communities and ways of life that, once gone, can never be 
brought back."

"Large scale, intensive biofuel production is a false solution to 
climate change," said Andrea Samulon of Rainforest Action Network. 
"The RFS mandate for increased biofuel production will hasten the 
destruction of pristine forests and threaten food security in 
countries like Indonesia and Brazil."

A recent report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and 
Development (OECD) about the costs and benefits of biofuels is 
available here.

A copy of the letter, which was sent today to Congress by the Borneo 
Project, Family Farm Defenders, Food and Water Watch, Food First, 
Friends of the Earth, the Global Justice Ecology Project, Grassroots 
International, the Institute for Social Ecology, Rainforest Action 
Network, and the Student Trade Justice Campaign, is available here.


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