Soil and Health library had the original Royal Medical Society debates re 
Jenner and the fraud starts there. He used "grease from a horses hoof" and that 
doesnt meet germ theory. The idea that cow pox and small pox are related enough 
to confer immunity may be a little more palatable but still incorrect.
  The last pertussis outbreak in Washington state saw 80% of the hospitalized 
childen with thei vaccine and all boosters. Where was the conferred immunity?
  The US Army smallpox eradication effort in the Phillipines saw the next year 
with most of the new cases where they had already innoculated.
  The smallpox effort in England with Jenner saw a 10 fold death increase the 
next year.
  We routinely innoculate newborns with Hepatitis B vaccine yet the literature 
says infants have an immature immune system and are incapable of forming an 
immune response.
  Advocates point to the polio campaign in the US and show the curve with its 
steep decline in cases as proof. They neglect to show the curve for 3 years 
prior where the infection rate was declining at the same step rate.
  We know that the SV40 is still in polio even after 3 times they supposedly 
removed it. We know SV40 in humans causes brain and kidney cancer. We know 
there is more SV40 virus in polio vaccine than polio virus. Only an investor in 
such things would advocate it. The Bush family is heavily invested in vaccines. 
Bush gave vaccine companies immunity from liability.
  That is criminal. His daddy was censured when VP for unlawful lobying for a 
pharma co. That company was Eli Lilley. At that time the largest single 
stockholder was the Quayle family. Recall that name?
  Jenner did not come up with the idea. The wife of the British ambassador to 
Turkey brought tales of the practice to Jenner. Just another example of pharma 
  My grandsone had no shots. He has never even had an ear infection.
  On the local level our school nurse was in the local paper amazed that the 
children in the outbreak of chicken pox had their innoculations - where is the 
conferred immunity?
  Germany stopped innoculating under 12 months of age. SIDS fell by 90 %.
  If you cant find this info on the web you arent looking.

Thomas Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's not my intention to argue for or against vaccination of children. 
I am interested in the possible relationship between vaccination and the 
rise in certain diseases/disorders.
Perhaps you can clarify a few points:

> "This is not a rare occurrence. Epidemics in fully vaccinated 
>populations are a rule rather than an exception..."
> Dr. Viera Scheibner, Australia 

I did not find this quote at the site you referred to.

> "The DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among >those who 
had been vaccinated."

Who are you quoting? Where can I find more info.
If 50% of the unvaccinated population contracts smallpox, and 50% of 
these people die from it = 25% of the unvaccinated pop dies from smallpox
If 1% of the vaccinated pop. contracts smallpox and 51% of these 
people die from it = 0.5% of the vaccinated pop die from smallpox.
This would not be an argument against vaccination.

> "It is a well documented fact that the incidence and mortality from 
> >infectious diseases fell by 90% well before any vaccine was even 
> >introduced... So [the U.S.] mandated vaccination and it resulted in a 
> >three-fold increase in whooping cough..."

Again, where did this quote come from?

I would like to know if this ("infectious diseases fell by 
90%")corresponded to the time period in which Joseph Lister associated 
bacteria with infection with, and then Robert Koch demonstrated that "germs" 
can cause disease. Improved sanitary methods/aseptic procedures result in 
dramatic decreases in infectious disease even today. Given a choice between 
one or the other, I would go for improving sanitary conditions over 
vaccination. In itself, that would not argue against vaccination.

>In the March 4, 1977 issue of Science Jonas and Darrell Salk warn, >"Live 
virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance 
>produce the disease it intended to prevent. The live virus against measles 
>and mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis (brain >damage).

This is taken from:
"Control of influenza and poliomyelitis with killed virus vaccines"
J Salk and D Salk
Science 4 March 1977: 834-847.

The article referred to does, in fact, warn against the use of live 
viruses in vaccines. I don't think any vaccines today use live viruses.
It also, in part, explains some of the problems Dr. Howenstine refers 
to in his 2003 article "Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines" Many of the problems cited 
occurred in the late 1800's and first half of the 1900's when live viruses 
were injected to confer passive immunity.

I think many of us are concerned with possible links between multiple 
vaccinations' "tricking" of our immune system and the rise in asthma, for 
example; with the addition of mercury and/or aluminum to vaccines and the 
rise in autism and attention deficit disorders. It has been difficult to 
separate the role vaccines play in the dramatic rise in many 
diseases/disorders from other factors: mercury and other heavy metal 
contaminants in food and water, pesticides, artificial colorings, 
flavorings, and other food additives.
Any help in this regard is appreciated.
I don't see any benefit to adding heavy metals, pesticides and 
other carcinogens to my food and water. I am not convinced that vaccinations 
are without benefit.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kirk McLoren" 
To: "biofuel" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:41 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Vaccine Quotes Worth Repeating

> Vaccine Quotes Worth Repeating [and remembering]:
> "The only safe vaccine is one that is never used." Dr. James R. 
> Shannon, former Director, National Institute of Health
> "Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each 
> instance produce the disease it intended to prevent. The live virus 
> against measles and mumps may produce such side effects as encephalitis 
> (brain damage)" Jonas and Darrell Salk, 
> 1977
> "The DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among those who had 
> been vaccinated."
> "It took over three years of research before we looked at each other and 
> said 'Vaccines are killing babies'."
> "It is a well documented fact that the incidence and mortality from 
> infectious diseases fell by 90% well before any vaccine was even 
> introduced... So [the U.S.] mandated vaccination and it resulted in a 
> three-fold increase in whooping cough..."
> "This is not a rare occurrence. Epidemics in fully vaccinated 
> populations are a rule rather than an exception..."
> Dr. Viera Scheibner, Australia 
> Do you still believe vaccines are safe? 
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