You can treat it with antibiotics should she contract tetanus. The odds are 
very slim. Tetanus is associated with rusty nails and barnyards.
  In the US the "doctors" routinely innoculate although the Merck vetinary 
manual clearly states there has NEVER been a case of tetanus in the rockies. 
Something to do with subzero temperatures I suspect

Thomas Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You wrote:
> I fully agree with you.
> But I think the toxic overload of food, air, water, soil, and
> virtually everything we come into contact with is now so extreme that
> the days are over when we could expect to find single causes of
> health problems.
>In the US there is no national
> mechanism for tracking links between diseases and chemical exposures,
> while institutional and corporate resistance to the Precautionary
> Principle continues, though it's steadily being eroded.
>Sorry, that's not a very happy picture. But, as you say, it is
>possible for individuals to act - essential rather, no matter how
>discouraging the odds may seem.

The actions of the individual, no matter how seemingly insignificant, 
give strength to the individual, and I suspect, to a growing movement. There 
are many things about which I don't know what to do. There are others where 
the choice is clear. Food: grow your own; grow it right; buy locally from 
those who grow it right. Fuel/energy: use less; make your own; support 
sustainable sources. (others) Each act seems to deflect one back to a course 
in which other choices become clear.

I'm still trying to work my way through the whole vaccination dilemna.
I just returned from a visit to the Emergency Room at my local hospital. My 
wife put the needle from her sewing machine right through her finger 
....Ooouch! (She was patching a favorite shirt of mine.)

Records indicated that she was due for another tetanus shot. This one 
also contained pertusis (whooping cough) vaccine. I asked why there was 
pertusis vaccine in with the tetanus vaccine?
We had a nice chat with the Doctor regarding increased incidence of 
pertusis in adults who had been vaccinated as children. When I asked if 
vaccinated adults had less severe cases than unvaccinated adults he 
indicated that it was unclear. The severity of the illness varies from 
individual to individual. He said there was now better diagnosis and 
treatment, making it less of a life-threatening event for otherwise healthy 
individuals. It was still to be avoided and that the vaccine was effective 
in doing that. Hopefully the "new, improved" one would last a lifetime.
The attending Nurse had spent years in pediatrics and had experience 
with young children who had contracted pertusis. She indicated that although 
she knew of vaccinated children contracting it, it was invariably less 
severe than cases involving unvaccinated children, which she described as 
being definitely life-threatening.
I have a few more years left on my current tetanus shot .... time to 
learn more about vaccination in general and specifically if the 
tetanus/pertusis mix contain mercury, aluminum, or anything else I've been 
trying to say "No Thanks" to.
Best to You. Eat Good Food ..... Stay Healthy,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Addison" 
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaccine Quotes Worth Repeating

> Hi Tom
> Below...
>>Hi Keith,
>> Thanks for the info.
>> I don't think there is a question that environmental contaminants 
>> are
>>having a harmful effect on us. It is also clear that the most susceptible 
>>the harmful effects are the smallest, youngest, who literally have no say 
>>what they are exposed to.
>> In the area of US that I live in (New York State) warnings come with
>>fishing licenses regarding eating fish due to accumulated toxins. Pregnant
>>women are advised not to consume certain species from particular bodies of
>>water. The very reservoirs that were created to supply good clean water to
>>New York City have warnings regarding mercury. Much of the mercury
>>present is due to the way the reservoirs were formed - flooding lush
>> Mercury emitted from coal-fired power plants travels across state 
>> lines
>>and comes down in our rain.
>> It is possible for individuals to act. We can make choices. I am 
>> able
>>to purchase electricity that is from 100% renewable sources. My family is
>>still exposed to the mercury drifting 100's of miles form distant power
>>plants. We can shield ourselves and our families, at least to some extent
>>from "mercury-rich" foods. I love tuna; I don't eat it.
>> There are other more difficult choices. Should a person with amalgam
>>fillings have them removed or leave them in place?
>> Should a parent refuse to have their child vaccinated if the vaccine
>>contains mercury? ....... aluminum ?
>> Should a parent refuse all vaccines for their children?
>> Note: I am a firm believer that vaccination should be a choice; not
>> I'm thankful that I don't have to decide about vaccinations for my
>>children. They had them years ago when the question of doubt had not yet
>>visited me.
>> I don't get flu vaccines even though I know what the flu is like. I
>>wonder what I'll do when it's time for my next tetanus shot.
>> Thanks again for the solid information.
> I fully agree with you.
> But I think the toxic overload of food, air, water, soil, and
> virtually everything we come into contact with is now so extreme that
> the days are over when we could expect to find single causes of
> health problems. The US uses more than 1.2 billion pounds of
> pesticides a year. About 100,000 chemicals are in use, many unknown
> in nature, virtually nothing is known of their synergistic effects.
> Whole classes of products in common daily use turn out to be toxic.
> Most food is denatured, and the way it's grown it didn't have in it
> what it takes to maintain health in the first place. It's laced with
> thousands of additives, most people eat the equivalent of 13
> aspirin-sized tablets of food additives a day, again little is known
> of their synergistic effects. 125 million Americans suffer from
> chronic diseases, and a whole lot more have the multi-symptom
> alphabet-soup afflictions like CFS and so on that the medical
> profession is in denial about. In the US there is no national
> mechanism for tracking links between diseases and chemical exposures,
> while institutional and corporate resistance to the Precautionary
> Principle continues, though it's steadily being eroded.
> All of which makes it difficult to pin down the cause of something
> like autism, and having pinned it down to do something about it.
> Sorry, that's not a very happy picture. But, as you say, it is
> possible for individuals to act - essential rather, no matter how
> discouraging the odds may seem.
> By the way, the last time I had a flu vaccine was in 1975, as
> prescribed for all staff by the management of the newspaper I was
> working for. It gave me the worst dose of flu I've ever had. My
> temperature went up to 104F that night, I really thought I was dying.
> It didn't last long though, by the next afternoon it was gone, and so
> was my willingness ever to take another flu vaccine. (My bosses
> thought it was funny. Ha ha.)
> Regards
> Keith
>> Tom
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Keith Addison" 
>>Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:59 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaccine Quotes Worth Repeating
>>> From: Institute for Children's
>>> Environmental Health, Feb. 20, 2008
>>> version]
>>> Environmental agents associated with neurodevelopmental disorders
>>> A new Scientific Consensus Statement on Environmental Agents
>>> Associated with Neurodevelopmental Disorders,
>>> released this week, summarizes the
>>> latest science about environmental contaminants associated with
>>> neurodevelopmental disorders, such as learning disabilities, autism
>>> spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
>>> intellectual disabilities and developmental delays.
>>> The statement was
>>> published by the Collaborative on Health and the Environment's
>>> Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative.
>> >
>>> The statement, which summarizes over 200 studies, was drafted and
>>> reviewed by a prestigious committee of scientists and health
>>> professionals based in North America. They concluded:
>>> "The scientific evidence reviewed in this statement indicates
>>> environmental contaminants are an important cause of learning and
>>> developmental disabilities (LDDs)....
>>> "The consequences of learning and developmental disabilities are most
>>> significant for the affected individual but also have profound
>>> implications for the family, school system, local community and
>> > greater society. Despite some uncertainty, there is sufficient
>>> knowledge to take preventive action to reduce fetal and childhood
>>> exposures to environmental contaminants. Given the serious
>>> consequences of LDDs, a
>>> precautionary approach is
>>> warranted to protect the most vulnerable of our society.
>>> "Given the established knowledge, protecting children from neurotoxic
>>> environmental exposures from the earliest stages of fetal development
>>> through adolescence is clearly an essential public health measure if
>>> we are to help reduce the growing numbers of those with learning and
>>> developmental disorders and create an environment in which children
>>> can reach and maintain their full potential."
>>> "We know enough now to move on with taking steps to protect our
>>> children. This document pulls that knowledge together to further this
>>> vital effort," said reviewer Martha Herbert, PhD, MD, an assistant
>>> professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School and a pediatric
>>> neurologist with subspecialty certification in neurodevelopmental
>>> disabilities at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
>>> Other researchers on the review committee underscored the cost-
>>> savings, policy-related and ethical implications of this consensus
>>> statement. "We could cut the health costs of childhood disabilities
>>> and disease by billions of dollars every year by minimizing
>>> contaminants in the environment," said Phil Landrigan, MD, MSc, of
>>> the Children's Environmental Health Center at the Mount Sinai School
>>> of Medicine. "Investing in our children's health is both
>>> cost-effective and the right thing to do."
>>> "The overwhelming evidence shows that certain environmental exposures
>>> can contribute to life-long learning and developmental disorders,"
>>> noted Ted Schettler, MD, MPH, with the Science and Environmental
>>> Health Network. "We should eliminate children's exposures to
>>> substances that we know can have these impacts by implementing
>>> stronger health-based policies requiring safer alternatives. Further,
>>> we must urgently examine other environmental contaminants of concern
>>> for which safety data are lacking. "
>>> "The proportion of environmentally induced learning and developmental
>>> disabilities is a question of profound human, scientific and public
>>> policy significance," said lead author
>>> Steven G. Gilbert, PhD, DABT, of the
>> > Institute of Neurotoxicology & Neurological Disorders, "and has
>>> implications for individuals, families, school systems, communities
>>> and the future of our society. The bottom line is, it is our ethical
>>> responsibility to ensure all children have a healthy future."
>>> This document is designed for researchers, health professionals,
>>> health-affected groups, environmental health and justice
>>> organizations, policymakers and journalists to use as a resource for
>>> understanding and addressing concerns about links between
>>> environmental factors and neurodevelopmental disorders.
>>>> As I stated, my interest is mainly in regard to increased rates 
>>>> of
>>>>autism, and attention deficit disorders as relating to mercury and/or
>>>>aluminum in vaccines, and to increased rates of asthma, possibly due to
>>>>"tricking" the immune system with multiple doses of vaccines.
>>>>>> "This is not a rare occurrence. Epidemics in fully vaccinated
>>>>>>populations are a rule rather than an exception..."
>>>>>> "The DEATH RATE from smallpox was actually higher among
>> >>>those who had been vaccinated."
>>>>Caught my attention. I wanted to know who is being quoted and where I 
>>>>find the info.
>>>> I don't think I suggested that passive immunity is as effective 
>>>> as
>>>>active immunity. I certainly do not wish to defend the pharmaceutical
>>>>> If you cant find this info on the web you arent looking.
>>>> You can find just about anything you want on the web (or is it at
>>>>Alice's Restaurant?). You can even learn how to make biodiesel the wrong
>>>>way. Just go to infopop.
>>>> You put quotation marks around statements in your post. I merely
>> >> wanted
>>>>to know who was being quoted and where I might find the quotes.
>>>> One of your quotes had a reference, but I couldn't find the quote
>>>> when I
>>>>looked there.
>>>> I had a case of the real deal flu a couple of years back. The
>>>> thought
>>>>of getting it again scares me; no joke. I refuse to get a flu 
>>>>have my reasons. Before I tell anyone else what to do in regard to
>>>>vaccinations for themselves or their children I want to have solid
>>>>information. If you can help, thanks. If not, thanks anyway.
>>>> Tom
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>From: "Kirk McLoren" 
>>>>Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 2:39 PM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Vaccine Quotes Worth Repeating
>> >>> Soil and Health library had the original Royal Medical Society 
>> debates
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