Bush is an oilman. What do you expect?

sail4free <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: sail4free <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:20:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [LittleHouses] There Is No Gas Shortage

It's rare that I would post a complete article -- especially one that is 
arguably OT -- but this one strikes to the heart of what is going on with our 
rapidly escalating fuel prices (with no end in sight). FWIW, we here in Idaho 
(on average) have reduced our demand nearly 10% from one year ago -- no doubt 
as a direct result of high prices. If you read only one article about the WHY 
of gas prices this year, this needs to be that article:
Viewpoint April 1, 2008
There is No Gas Shortage, but Washington, Wall Street, and ethanol and oil and 
gas companies want you to think there is, says automotive expert Ed Wallace:
"They see speculation in the market, I see decline in global inventories. I 
don't think this is a big surprise, that we've had a jump in price when there 
has been a decrease in crude inventories."— Energy Secretary Sam Bodman, 
Bloomberg News, Mar. 5, 2008 
"It should be obvious to you all that the [gasoline] demand is outstripping 
supply, which causes prices to go up." — President George W. Bush, Associated 
Press, Mar. 5, 2008 
One wonders if verifiable facts ever get in the way of this administration's 
statements on issues that are critical to the average American's wellbeing. 
After all, last time I checked, when politicians are elected to public office, 
or appointed, as is Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman, they must take an oath 
to the American people before assuming their new positions. How can they forget 
a sacred oath so quickly? Were they daydreaming when they took it, so it never 
meant anything to begin with? Maybe it's just another promise you have to make 
to get into office: When you're securely incumbent you can ignore even solemn 
oaths you took. 
Obviously, the two quotes that led this article came from discussions 
concerning the current high price for oil on the futures market. Bodman appears 
to be protecting the speculators in oil, as opposed to looking after the 
interests of all Americans. President Bush, apparently, has never talked to the 
Energy Dept.'s Energy Information Agency to see whether gasoline demand is 
actually up. More troubling, the writer of that particular Associated Press 
article obviously didn't look up the EIA's numbers to verify the President's 
assertions. They weren't accurate. 
1. There Is No Shortage 
Gasoline reserves on hand are at the highest levels since the early 1990s, 
which is remarkable considering the nation's refineries have been cutting back 
on the production of gasoline because their margins have declined. In fact, 
average gasoline reserves on hand have risen since this past October, while oil 
reserves in this country have gone up virtually every week this year—and only 
fog in the Houston Ship Channel that kept oil tankers from unloading their 
crude one week kept it from being every week. 
In the same Bloomberg article that quotes from Bodman's CNBC appearance on Mar. 
4, he also said that it was thanks to ethanol that the gasoline problem isn't 
even worse. He then added that the fact that making ethanol is forcing up 
prices of other farm commodities, including hog and chicken feed, is "nowhere 
near as important as trying to relieve pressure on [gasoline] supplies." 
Of course, there is no pressure on gasoline supplies in this country as of 
today, but Bodman's statement must have made eyes roll among the executives at 
Pilgrim's Pride PPC; the Pittsburg, (Tex.) poultry producer announced 1,100 
layoffs on Mar. 13, closing one processing plant and 6 of their 13 distribution 
centers because their company's outlay for chicken feed went up $600 million 
last fiscal year and was on track to increase by another $700 million this 
Here's the scorecard, in case you missed it. There's no shortage of gasoline or 
oil in the U.S. today, and we have near-record reserves on hand. Meanwhile the 
Congressional mandate for ethanol has jacked up the price of chicken feed for 
Pilgrim's Pride, which is the U.S.'s largest processor of chickens and 
turkeys—by $1.3 billion. And that's for just one company processing chicken. 
This is what passes for acceptable to our Energy Secretary? 
2. Demand Is DOWN, Yet Prices Are UP 
Just so we can all get on the same page, here are the verifiable facts on oil 
supplies, production, and gasoline demand. 
In January of this year, the U.S. used 4% less petroleum than we did a year 
ago. (Oil demand was down 3.2% in February.) Furthermore, demand has been 
falling slowly since July of last year. Ronald Bailey of Reason Online has 
pointed out that worldwide production of oil has risen 2.5% in the first 
quarter, while worldwide demand has grown by only 2%. 
Production is expected to increase by 3.3% in the second quarter, and by as 
much as 4.1% by the third quarter. The net result is that the U.S. daily buffer 
for oil production against demand, which was a paltry 1.5 million barrels as 
recently as 2005, is now up to 3 million barrels in excess capacity today. 
So what is going on here? Why would our Energy Secretary say there's a supply 
and demand problem when none exists? Why would he say that speculators have 
little or nothing to do with the incredibly high price of oil and gasoline, 
when it's clear they do? President Bush—a former oilman—gives the ever-growing 
demand for gasoline as the primary reason prices are so high, yet that notion 
can be dispelled with one minute of research. That's the problem with rhetoric; 
it rarely matches the facts. 
3. Speculation is Up, and the Dollar Is Down 
On the same day the President and our Energy Secretary made those foolish 
comments, no less an authority than ExxonMobil (XOM) Chief Executive Officer 
Rex Tillerson was quoted by Marketwatch as saying, "The record run in oil 
prices is related more to speculation and a weakening dollar than supply and 
demand in the market." He added, "In terms of fundamentals, fear of supply 
reliability is overblown." 
As for the speculators, in 2000 approximately $9 billion was invested in oil 
futures, while today that number has gone up to $250 billion. Now, if any 
publicly traded company had an additional $241 billion put into its stock in 
the same period, its stock would rise out of sight too—even if the company was 
not worth anywhere near that amount of market capitalization. 
Moving on to the weak U.S. dollar as a primary cause for skyrocketing oil 
prices—there is "some" truth in that statement. But consider this: The dollar 
has depreciated 30% against the world's currencies since 2002, while the price 
of oil has gone up 500%. So is it the weak dollar that has caused a 500% 
increase in the price of oil, or is it the extra $241 billion worth of 
speculation? You can make the call on that one. 
Possibly just to ensure oil prices don't respond to real-world market 
conditions, Goldman Sachs (GS) forecast on Mar. 7 that turbulence in the oil 
market could cause oil to spike as high as $200 a barrel. This flies in the 
face of all known information—but then again, Goldman Sachs is the world's 
biggest trader of energy derivatives, and its Goldman Sachs Commodities Index 
is a widely watched barometer of energy and commodities prices. 
What Is Washington Thinking? 
Rounding out the list of experts discussing our oil and gasoline situation is 
Bill Klesse, head of San Antonio (Tex.) Valero Energy (VLO). He spoke in San 
Diego a week after those comments from Goldman Sachs, the President, and 
Secretary Bodman. Believe it or not, Klesse said poor margins may cause Valero 
to sell one-third of its refinery operations; he stated that poor margins in 
recent months had caused planned refinery expansions—which would have produced 
500,000 more barrels per day—to be canceled. Moreover, according to a report 
from Reuters on Mar. 11, 2008, Klesse recently released the information that 
gasoline production has been curtailed in response to slowing demand. 
Imagine that: Refiners cut gasoline production, yet gasoline reserves have 
grown to their largest since late 1992. So much for "surging demand." 
Klesse also called for the government to start imposing a tariff on imported 
gasoline to protect U.S. refiners' profits. Protectionism? As famed economist 
John Kenneth Galbraith correctly said, "In America, the only respectable form 
of socialism is socialism for the rich." 
Which takes us back to the original question: Why is Washington doing 
everything it can to convince us there is a shortage when there isn't one? 
After all, the only people they're protecting are those heavily invested in oil 
futures—and that's to the detriment of all other Americans. 
We're Paying for What? 
When it became undeniable that poor decision-making by company executives had 
put a respected 85-year-old U.S. institution in financial peril, why did the 
Federal Reserve rush in to save investment bank Bear Stearns (BSC)? Of course, 
we need to restore confidence in our financial institutions, but why protect 
the personal assets of those who were responsible for the mess? Both the 
corporation's officers and its board members should contribute their personal 
assets toward saving the bank they put in the ditch—the bank all of us are 
going to pay to bail out. 
Instead, the Bush administration is protecting those responsible for creating 
yet another speculative bubble in oil futures, and is protecting investors in 
the ethanol industry—much to the detriment of food-processing companies such as 
Pilgrim's Pride. And the net result of all this is that the prices of crude and 
gasoline rise ever higher thanks to a "shortage" that does not exist, while 
food costs are soaring thanks in part to the ethanol mandate. 
The Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, but the cost of mortgages goes up 
six weeks in a row—and last month Bank of America (BAC) credit-card holders 
started being charged more than 24% interest on new purchases. 
This is what they call "Republican Prosperity?" Ronald Reagan was both right 
and wrong when he said, "Government is not the solution, government is the 
problem." And government is still the problem. Instead of a fair and open 
market they gave us a free-for-all marketplace with no regulations at all, 
which lately these "bubble boys" have sent south for all of us. 
One would guess that Washington missed the obvious: Protect all U.S. consumers 
and you're also protecting business expansion. 


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