Keith, there's a myth floating around among the rich and would-be rich, 
that some very smart people saw the Great Depression coming, and made 
fortunes out of it. It's a myth that just happens to be true.

These greedheads may serve a useful purpose. If the financial people
and the comfortably-off foot soldiers of the right wing start thinking 
that the system is rotten, that they've been swindled by their leaders, 
then "the ruling circles of Wall Street" and the politicians may think 
it's worthwhile to do something about it, especially if the market 
anticipates the crash to such an extent that it's impossible for the 
smart guys to make a killing on it.

The wonders of free enterprise...

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Keith Addison wrote:
> Don't you just love the editor's note? - K
> -----
> Exclusive Interview:
> Jim Rogers Predicts Bigger Financial Shocks Loom
> Fueling a Malaise That May Last for Years
> By Keith Fitz-Gerald
> Investment Director
> 19/08/08 " Money Morning/The Money Map Report"
> [Editor's note:  After interviewing legendary investor Jim Rogers at 
> his home in Singapore back in March, Investment Director Keith 
> Fitz-Gerald caught up with Rogers again in July - this time in 
> Vancouver, where both were speaking at the Agora Wealth Symposium. 
> Rogers talked extensively about the ill-advised bailouts of Bear 
> Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the potentially ruinous 
> fallout from the financial "Super Crash" that's about to engulf the 
> U.S. market. To find out how to get a report on the 
> once-in-a-lifetime profit plays that will emanate from this so-called 
> "SuperCrash" - and to also get a free copy of noted market analyst 
> Peter D. Schiff's New York Times bestseller "Crash Proof: How to 
> Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse" - please click here. And 
> look for Part 2 of Money Morning's latest interview with Jim Rogers 
> tomorrow (Wednesday).]


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