Kieth, all,

Keith Addison wrote:
> Someone just asked me this:
>> id like to know if this conversion is possible for any diesel, and if so how 
>> and how easy is it?
> Any good answers?

I can respond with what little I know, which is that in general diesel 
engines can fairly easily be run on biogas. L. John Fry was able to run 
one of his two diesel engines with essentially no conversion, as he 
generally describes in a Mother Earth interview which is posted on your 
estimable site at and 
at Mother's site 

John was very intelligent and forward thinking, but not particularly 
scientific, and as such although he says he saw little difference when 
running his engines between removing CO2 and leaving it in the biogas, 
he would have produced power more efficiently had he scrubbed. With 
regard to science, however, in most circumstances this would not be 
evident without putting the engine on a dynamometer. Even so, the fact 
that it's not required to scrub CO2 to successfully use biogas in an 
engine shows that it's generally not difficult.

One of the better resources about the subject is the Deutsche 
Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (try GTZ) publication 
"Engines for Biogas", which is best seen as a complete document 
(although as a number of web pages) on Alex Wier's CD3WD site at It's 
also available on Travis Hughey's fastonline site as a PDF 
but in the conversion from HTML to PDF, somehow a number of the 
illustrations were left out.

David William House
"The Complete Biogas Handbook" ||

"Make no search for water.       But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst."
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)
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