Sinus Infections and the  Candida Yeast Infection Connection 
There are two ways to get fungal sinus infections. The first  is simply by 
breathing in fungus (most commonly Aspergillius) and mold spores  from the air. 
They are abundantly present in the environment and will attach to  trapped 
nasal mucus when sinuses are swollen from allergies or bacterial sinus  
The second way is connected to overgrowth of *bad* bacteria in  our gut - 
**Candida albicans** - causing *Candidiasis*, a rapidly growing yeast  
When the delicate balance of our *good* and *bad* intestinal  bacteria is 
upset (see our antibiotics page), our body is then primed for  candida yeast 
infections. The good bacteria can be killed off by one or more of  these 
-- frequent or high-dose antibiotics and anti-inflammatories 
-- chemotherapy for cancer 
-- auto-immune diseases like AIDS, arthritis and muscular  deterioration 
-- high stress and low cortisol (cortisol is the body*s stress  response 
In the absence of good bacteria, the bad bacteria, normally  present in 
controllable amounts, can *explode* in number. 
This results in a friendly breeding environment for the  candida yeast (link 
to other candida pages when ready) and it grows out of  control - clinging to 
intestinal walls, mucous membranes like nasal and  bronchial passages, the 
genitals (mostly in females), and even producing toxins  in the bloodstream. 
Certain antibiotics are now well-known for creating subsequent  vaginal yeast 
infections or oral *thrush* (white coating in mouth and on  tongue). Some 
doctors will give an anti-fungal prescription at the same time as  the 
(see our information on *fluconazoles* 
(   ). And vaginal 
yeast relief requests have become so prevalent that some gentle  fungicides are 
now available over-the-counter. 
But less commonly known is that this nasty candida yeast  fungus is a vast 
cause of sinus infections – and doctors may just prescribe even  more 
How much can our digestive system have to do with  Sinus Infections? 
Our digestive system is the key to good health in our entire  body. When it 
is not functioning properly it affects the central nervous system  which sends 
alarms everywhere. 
Oral, nasal or vaginal yeast may be a sign that the  candida fungus has 
infested the gastrointestinal tract, and treatment  for the surface infections 
alone will not get to the root problem. More  antibiotics will only add to the 
yeast build-up. 
The spreading yeast fungus prevents proper digestion of all  nutrients – the 
food we eat, the vitamins and minerals we take – thereby  depriving the body 
of what it needs to remain healthy. It can trigger an  over-reaction of white 
blood cells which normally gather to heal infection,  making our immune system 
either over-active or under-active, and multiple health  problems can take 
Proper bowel function may go downhill. As this happens, more  and more waste 
toxins remain inside us and can get in the bloodstream. The yeast  loves this 
and will be transported to the mucous membranes. 
It then gets into the sinuses and nasal passages, either  bringing bacteria 
with it or attaching itself to existing bacteria from outside  elements – free 
radicals, airborne mold, etc. 
Diagnosing a Candida Yeast Infection in the  Sinuses 
It’s hard to get yeast fungus out of sinus mucus. If any is  left, the yeast 
multiplies again. Moreover, symptoms may be the same as any  other sinus 
infection and it’s hard to diagnose, although it may sometimes  result in 
glue-like clumps being expelled from the nose. 
See an alternative practitioner for specialized  testing. 
Whether sinus infections have Aspergillius or Candida yeast  fungus involved, 
using anti-fungals wouldn’t hurt. There are a number of herbal  products 
which can help clean out chronic sinus infections. See our homeopathic  and 
natural remedies page for sinus infections. 
Non-Antibiotic Prescription Medicine for Sinus  Infections 
Quinolone and Fluconazole
The Natural Way to Sinus Infection  Relief:
Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies
Mayo Clinic Study Implicates Fungus As Cause Of  Chronic Sinusitis 
ScienceDaily (Sep. 10, 1999) — **We can now begin  to treat the cause of the 
problem instead of the symptoms**. The researchers  studied 210 patients with 
chronic sinusitis. Using new methods of collecting and  testing mucus from the 
nose, they discovered fungus in 96  percent of the patients' mucus. They 
identified a total of 40 different  kinds of fungi in these patients, with an 
average of 2.7 kinds per patient.  
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