
Keith Addison wrote:
> The IRS has mercy? If so it seems to get left out in the telling, the way 
> Americans tend to tell it.

That's the joke, yes. The FDA is like the IRS without mercy; like the 
Spanish Inquisition without the light hearted humor and clever reparteé.

>> [...] For example, NSAIDs, drugs that help prevent heart problems,
> NSAIDs stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. I'm aware that, as 
> well as for the anti-inflammatory effect, they're used to lower fever and for 
> pain relief, but (apart from aspirin) this is the first time I see them 
> described as drugs that help prevent heart problems.

My mistake.

>> As implied, I often found dealing with the FDA to be like living in one of 
>> the circles of hell. In spite of all of it, however, I think the system is 
>> basically sound and that the ideas underlying it are reasonable. Of course 
>> we need to test drugs. Of course we need to have solid evidence of safety 
>> and efficacy. Science actually works.
> Science does, yes, within its limitations, when it's allowed to. Too often it 
> depends who's paying the piper.
> Equating science with the FDA is stretching it more than a little...

Having been on the wrong end of the FDA's gun, I still think that the 
majority of what the Agency does is soundly based. And when I speak of 
the wrong end of the gun, I mean (for example) that our company suffered 
from the abuse of science at FDA's hands. They once quoted a 
peer-reviewed paper at us in the attempt to demonstrate that our device 
could potentially damage nerves. We happened to know the guy that wrote 
the paper, and he was kind enough to write them a letter saying "This is 
a misuse of my work." We further demonstrated that the parameter they 
said was dangerous in our device was 100 to 500 times worse in 
already-approved devices, or to turn that around, our device was 100 to 
500 times safer than approved devices. FDA had to back off. Science won 
that round, and often does.

In other words, I don't necessarily raise a salute when FDA marches 
past, and in saying the system is basically sound, I am not saying that 
I agree with everything the Agency does. I most certainly don't. What it 
does mean, however, is that we need a system that uses good science and 
valid statistics (perhaps an irreconcilable oxymoron) to demonstrate 
that the treatments and drugs that are used are safe and effective. The 
European system, in my view, is far superior, because it is not as much 
of an adversarial system. In Europe, there are three parties involved: 
the company, the government, and the Notified Bodies. These last are 
like consulting organizations, hired by the companies, and they are 
charged with insuring the law is followed. If the NBs fail to do that, 
they can lose their certification, which means they lose their place on 
the gravy train. So the NBs have to find the sharp edge of the blade in 
balancing between the government and the companies. Of course, there are 
abuses, mistakes and problems in that system as well.

In the US, it's just the companies and the FDA, and there can be a bit 
of the revolving door. Even so, the situation with the FDA is far 
superior to what it would be without the FDA. In the end, however, the 
finest rules and regulations will fail precisely to the degree the 
people are corrupt, greedy, ignorant, or asleep.

David William House
"The Complete Biogas Handbook" ||

"Make no search for water.       But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst."
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)
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