Re this:

>  >>  Anyway, I don't believe
>  >>  that feral Muscovies cause any harm or damage.

"Native to South America, their original name was "Musco duck" 
because they ate so many mosquitos. The Russian Muscovites were one 
of the first to import them to their country. Being very hardy, 
Muscovies are still roaming wild in the South American jungles today. 
Even here in North America, several states, such as Florida and 
Georgia, have wild Muscovies. These "wild" Muscovies are responsible 
for eating literally millions of pests every year. Were it not for 
them, these states would undoubtedly have more millions of "pests" 
that like to dine on people."



>Fwd, FYI:
>Muscovy Ducks Soon to Be Illegal to Own
>CFR 21.54 - Muscovy Duck
>George Allen of the FWS
>>   > >Subject: Re: Muscovy ducks
>>>   >
>>   > >I am a housewife who raises Muscovy ducks for personal satisfaction
>>>   >and consumption. They are the only animal that has food value that
>>>   >can be raised in our city limits. I have just found out that as of
>>>   >March 31, 2010 the Fish and Wildlife service has made the Muscovy
>>>   >duck a migratory bird! It will be illegal to raise them or eat their
>>   > >eggs, or to breed them as show animals. Mr. George Allen, of the FWS
>>>   >has stated that he was not aware that people showed muscovies, so
>>   > >was unaware of their interest, so they were not included in the
>>   > >exclusions. Only commercial farms which produce meat for sale are
>>>   >going to be allowed to raise muscovies! This is an outrage! Just to
>>>   >control the feral populations found in some state, no one will be
>>>   >allowed to raise the live animals!
>>>   >
>>   > >Can you help get the word out and contact the FWS , Mr George Allen,
>>   > >to see if a compromise can be reached? Help please! This is slipping
>>   > >under the radar and soon we will not be allowed to show our children
>>>   >how to raise these animals!
>>   > >
>>   > >I don't know what else to do! I don't know where to turn. Your site
>>>   >was what first showed me these beautiful birds and I love raising
>>>   >them. I want to continue to raise them!
>>>   >
>>   > >Sincerely,
>>   > >Shannon Robinson
>>   > Hello Shannon
>>>   I heard about this, I think it's ridiculous, and, as anyone who knows
>>>   anything about Muscovies will know, it won't work anyway, in the long
>  >>  run. Muscovies are smarter than bureaucrats! Anyway, I don't believe
>>>   that feral Muscovies cause any harm or damage.
>  >>
>>>   I can't help though, we're not Americans, and we're not in the US,
>>>   we're in Japan.
>>>   I think the best bet is to link this issue with the rapidly growing
>>>   influence of the local food, urban food, grow-your-own food movement.
>>>   After all, the Muscovy is a better backyard bird than a chicken, if
>>>   you have to choose between them (much as I love chickens), and local
>>>   bylaws prohibiting urban backyard chickens are steadily being
>>>   overturned.
>  >>  There's also a rising tide of protest against large-scale commercial
>>>   "farms", especially of meat (Smithfields, Tysons, Purdue). That
>>>   industrial farms should qualify to keep Muscovies but backyarders,
>  >>  homesteaders and small farmers are excluded is in direct
>>>   contradiction of all current trends in the US. Why weren't the small
>>>   "stakeholders" like you consulted?
>  >>
>>>   So, IMHO, you have a strong case, and you'll win. You need to do a
>>>   lot of networking though - join the food/homesteading/organic
>>>   gardening/community farming/CSA/grow-your-own forums and discussion
>>>   groups on the Internet. Form a new group perhaps - lots of people
>>>   feel the same way.
>>>   >I don't know what else to do! I don't know where to turn. Your site
>  >>  >was what first showed me these beautiful birds and I love raising
>>>   >them.
>>>   That's good to know, thanks!
>>>   >I want to continue to raise them!
>>>   Don't take No for an answer, stick to your guns, you're right,
>>>they're wrong.
>>>   Best of good luck
>>>   Keith Addison
>>>   Journey to Forever
>>>   KYOTO Pref., Japan
>>   >
>>>Thank you for your rapid reply! I will try your suggestions. We may
>>>have a strong case, but it is US gov't! When has being in the right
>>>ever mattered to them before! ... I will try your suggestions to
>>>rally the troops! Thanks again for the prompt reply!
>  >>Shannon Robinson

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