Just wanted to commend you on your excellent and well organized proposals.

"Act locally about energy" is your overarching theme, and I absolutely agree. 
Grand schemes always seem to lead to grand corruption. 

Local closed resource loops usually make the most sense, whether for food, 
goods, or energy. The world will be a nicer place when we realize that the 
'benefits of scale' are often really the 'benefits of passing hidden costs to 
others'. Only the most complex technologies, e.g. clean-room semiconductor 
manufacturing, really benefit from scaling up.

Of course, in this group, i'm preaching to the choir ;)


On Jun 14, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Darryl McMahon wrote:

> Dear Jim (and others),
> IMHO, looking to create an industry may be the wrong perspective for 
> making biofuels actually work for your community (county).
> Rather than starting with a grand plan, which will inevitably get 
> undercut and underfunded when it comes to implementation, why not start 
> with a lot of low-cost, small initiatives.  These should focus on the 
> local 'waste' materials, determining how they can be utilized, and 
> matching them up to uses.  This can lead to the development of small 
> businesses, and as an economic development director, I'm sure you know 
> that small businesses create more jobs per dollar of investment than do 
> large businesses.  Small businesses are less likely to relocate away, 
> and they create the underpinnings for communities that work. ... [and many 
> creative proposals]

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