Hi All ;

>  Nice, Dawie.

Yes, very succinct and insightful.

> This piece be might be pertinent:
> <http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/80481/game-changer?page=0,0>
> Game Changer
> Why Wikileaks will be the death of big business and big government.

Keith, let me say that nothing would make me happier than if you were correct, 
alas there is another more sinister viewpoint.  Is WikiLeaks.org “the 
Internet’s 9/11?”

Best Regards,
Peter G.

WikiLeaks: Now a Household Term
By Josh Ogden

Neithercorp Press – 12/24/2010

A couple of months ago, if I had stood up at a dinner party and proudly
declared that I had to take a “Wikileak,” nobody would have gotten the
joke. I would have made a fool of myself! What changed? Well, I may
still be a fool, but now everybody and their grandmother knows what
WikiLeaks is, and I think if I hear Assange’s name one more time, I’m
going to have a brain aneurysm.

Did WikiLeaks do something
different? The November 28 release of US diplomatic cables (dubbed
‘Cablegate’) may have been larger in file size than previous data
dumps, but has it yet revealed anything as visceral or intense as the
17-minute video (released in April of 2010) in which 12 people,
including two Reuters journalists, are gunned down by an AH-64 Apache

The difference lies, almost entirely, in the way the
corporate media is now treating the subject. There has been a clear
shift in the posture and strategy of mainstream news sources, US
officials and prominent political figures. WikiLeaks.org has been
thrust to the forefront of the global news cycle.

As we all know, the most important news is often that which is reported
least; those stories which are aggressively censored and sometimes even
retro-actively removed from mainstream news feeds. Suddenly, the
innermost circles of controlled media appear to be playing a different
game with WikiLeaks. They have pointed their spotlight at it. This is
what originally raised my suspicions that something must be amiss.

Perhaps most suspicious of all was when Time magazine began extensively
covering WikiLeaks, and named Julian Assange as Readers Choice for
Person of the Year. Though that “honor” officially went to Facebook.com
creator and NSA darling Mark Zuckerberg, the sustained focus on Assange
and WikiLeaks by Time and other elite publications was a major red
flag. It became apparent that the globalist establishment had taken a
special interest in WikiLeaks, and that they wanted it to become a
household term.

Many people believe that when a story dominates
the international news cycle for weeks on end, it’s because that story
is important, or because it’s something the public wants to read about.
They have it backwards.

Media monopolists have known for a long
time that they are the ones who decide what’s “important,” and they get
to decide what the public “wants” to read about. In the spirit of the
examples set by Time Magazine and old Bill Hearst, media does not
reflect public interest and opinion, it aims to manufacture it. It’s
this reversal of causality that makes media consolidation so dangerous.

Julian Assange and his associates may have made WikiLeaks.org, but the 
mainstream media made it famous.

Questions Abound

Is Mr. Assange an asset? Is the intelligence cooked? Did some George Soros 
foundation provide funding for WikiLeaks?

What games are afoot here???

First off, let me address the Soros angle. John Young of Cryptome.org has
conducted an investigation into the allegations that WikiLeaks was
financed through some George Soros organization, and could not confirm
any of these claims. You can read that thread here, along with email
responses from representatives of Soros’ Open Society Foundations and
tax reports which make no mention of WikiLeaks. Do we trust Soros’
underlings to tell the truth? Not likely! Conclusion: this can be
neither confirmed, nor denied. (But if Glenn Beck’s talking about it,
it’s probably a dead-end.) Moving on…

Julian Assange has a long
history of outspokenness against corruption, and considerable “street
cred” among hackers. His skills and intelligence are beyond question.
But we all know that there are innumerable ways by which people can be
made to compromise their ethics.

Although I have modified my
stance several times already as new information comes to my attention,
I do not currently believe that Julian Assange is an intelligence
asset. However, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt on that,
especially considering his troubling remarks about 9/11. Forgive me if
I’m out of line here, but I think the guy who invented deniable
encryption should be smart enough to know that skyscrapers don’t just
magically demolish themselves when the smoke detectors go off. Which
leads me to the next question…

Where’s the hard-hitting 9/11
evidence? Among all the data released thus far, I don’t think there has
been so much as a single memorandum, or even a sticky note, pertaining
to that fateful day. In fact, very little has been revealed that was
not already widely known or suspected. This point has been raised by
some in support of the argument that the content of the leaks is
“cooked,” or controlled in some way by US intelligence. I agree, and
disagree. Allow me to explain.

Of course the content of
classified US documents is controlled. Just because it’s a secret, does
not make it true. The leak of the diplomatic cables has given us a
glimpse at some of the US government’s internal propaganda. Face it, if
“grunts” (Kissinger’s word, not mine) like Private Bradley Manning had
access to this stuff, there’s not going to be anything in there about

The government’s own people need to be constantly
reassured about the official story on every subject, for the sake of
consistency in their dealings with the media and the public. This
accounts for much of what we are seeing.

Additionally, it seems
as though the mainstream media has been ‘cherrypicking’ when it comes
to deciding which cables are “newsworthy.” This explains why internal
propaganda, particularly that which promotes common globalist talking
points, tends to feature so prominently in mainstream coverage. The
most obvious example would be the large volume of internal strategic
assessments on Iran, which allege (among other things) that Iran has
been exerting influence upon Iraq, and inventing fancy new suicide
vests for “Al-Quada” to use against coalition forces.

On the other hand, there have also been some revelations, discussed mostly in 
foreign and independent press, which do nothing for the globalist agenda, and 
are more than just “embarrassing.” For example, one leaked cable quotes a 
Pfizer executive in Nigeria admitting that the company hired private 
investigators to dig political dirt on a Nigerian
attorney general, forcing him out of office and successfully convincing
him to drop a lawsuit regarding a drug trial that caused deaths and
deformities among Nigerian children.

Of course, those of us who
follow alternative media sources have known about this developing
situation for years. It first made international headlines in 2004,
when Nigerian officials began destroying and banning Polio vaccines
which they believed to be causing HIV/AIDS and making their population
infertile. But these new details, straight from the horse’s mouth as it
were, lend further credibility to long-held suspicions regarding the
malicious nature of these campaigns.

So far, only about 1
percent of the total cache of 250,000 diplomatic cables has been
publicly released through WikiLeaks.org. Even that small portion has
not been fully analyzed by the alternative media. Earlier this week, a
Norwegian newspaper called Aftenposten claimed that it had received the
full cache, as has the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, but these
organizations have yet to release any new materials.

The point is that the vast majority of this data has not yet been analyzed. Not 
to mention the mysterious 1.4 GB file titled “insurance.aes256,” which has been 
released but remains encrypted pending Assange’s untimely death. (I will 
discuss this further in my next article.)

There is a lot of sifting yet to be done. It is up to individuals, not news 
organizations, to volunteer their time, pore over these cables, and
publish their findings however possible. I am convinced that there is
much yet to be seen. In time, perhaps we actually will get to learn
something new about 9/11.

Incidentally, this is latest directive
(dubbed “Operation Leakspin”) issued on 4chan.org to the members of the
loose hacker collective commonly known as “Anonymous.”

These are the people who, in the immediate wake of the suspension of
WikiLeaks’ funding sources, retaliated with DDOS attacks against major
corporate websites including those of Mastercard and Paypal (dubbed
Operation Payback). A fool’s errand, and an irresponsible strategy, but
one that was quickly corrected.

This latest Anonymous directive
is a hopeful sign, indicating to me that Anonymous is not just a
leaderless group of reckless vandals, as the mainstream media would
have us believe.

Sure, many of the denizens of 4chan are just
teenage hacker wannabes. These people we call “script kids,” meaning
all they really know how to do is download and run malicious scripts
written by someone else. Don’t be fooled though; these impressionable
young ones are quite capable of causing serious damage to information
systems, when given the right “help.” This makes them prime targets for
Feds and other infiltrators hoping to provocateur and incite
destructive acts.

However, there is a minority of very clever
individuals that dominate these communities. They are the ones issuing
the directives. They see the big picture, they understand that this is
a war for public opinion, and they know that any further destructive
acts would only play into the hands of an establishment that is just
begging for an excuse to intervene on the web. I will further explore
the dynamics of this conflict in my next article.

Thus far, I
have discussed the mainstream media, Assange, and the contents of the
leaks themselves. I have posed just some of the many unanswered
questions surrounding this whole mess. Now it is time to have a closer
look at WikiLeaks.org…

Encryption as a Tool for Social Justice

In my conversations over the past few weeks, I have found that many people 
still don’t really understand how WikiLeaks works. You or I could not simply go 
out, buy webspace, and start publishing classified documents. Even if one had a 
way to securely obtain such documents, the prospect of hosting them on the 
internet is a problem unto itself. So what makes these guys so clever? What did 
they do differently?

The concept
of deniable encryption was introduced over a decade ago by Julian
Assange and ultimately developed into a filesystem called Rubberhose.
The basic idea was to create a method of file encryption that is
resistant to threats of torture against the sender or recipient.

File encryption can be taken to extremes. 256 bit AES encryption, for
example, is virtually impossible to break using brute force methods.

Breaking a symmetric 256-bit key by brute force requires 2^128 times more
computational power than a 128-bit key. A device that could check a
billion billion (10^18) AES keys per second would in theory require
about 3×10^51 years to exhaust the 256-bit key space. 


Of course, there are other methods besides brute force (which is arguably
primitive, even with a supercomputer) but AES encryption is still very
strong. Therefore, the weakest link is clearly the human element. If
you want to know what the secret message says, you simply find the
person who sent it, and torture them until they tell give you the key.
(This is where the name “Rubberhose” came from, in case you didn’t
already guess.)

Additionally, the founders of WikiLeaks had the
foresight to set up their servers in Sweden and several other
countries, taking advantage of the legal protections that those
countries offer.

The site claims to have been “founded by
Chinese dissidents, journalists, mathematicians and start-up company
technologists, from the US, Taiwan, Europe, Australia and South
Africa”. Assange describes himself as a member of WikiLeaks’ advisory
board. However, according to Wired Magazine, Assange once described
himself in a private conversation as “the heart and soul of this
organisation, its founder, philosopher, spokesperson, original coder,
organiser, financier, and all the rest”. This is probably closer to the

Please see the Wikipedia page on the Cypherpunk movement,
with which Assange was involved. It is brief, and I think a quick
perusal would benefit the reader greatly in understanding Assange’s
background and political ideals. It also details some interesting ideas
regarding the application of encryption technologies for political and
revolutionary purposes.

Next, please peruse this archived
snapshot of WikiLeaks.org’s ‘About’ page, from March of 2008. (Don’t
worry, the link goes to the internet archive, not to the WikiLeaks

It does not indicate any author, unless I missed it,
but it seems to be the result of collaboration. As you read it, you
will see a certain personality begin to emerge. The author(s) express
outrage at injustices world-wide, and indicate a strong sense of
humanitarian compassion, but with only vague notions regarding the
causes of these social ills. How many people do you know with a similar
political outlook? I also find it amusing that they explicitly state:
“WikiLeaks is not a front for the CIA, MI6, FSB or any other agency.”
(What kind of intelligence front would even address this question?).
Finally, and perhaps most interestingly, the writer(s) seem acutely
aware of the possibility that WikiLeaks could become “a tool for

I believe that it finally has, but not necessarily in the way they expected.

Was all this rhetoric genuine? Was it really just a bunch of leftist
hackers who wanted to use their powers for good, only to end up
embroiled in a game of international intrigue and deception for which
they were hopelessly unprepared? There’s not much about the WikiLeaks
controversy that is truly certain. I hope that things will continue to
clarify themselves as more information comes to light. For now, I am
mainly concerned with how people and governments react to the
highly-sensationalized controversy. As too, I imagine, are the

So assuming WikiLeaks truly is “legit,” what about
this creepy Cass Sunstein article? Why would this wicked creature wish
to call attention to something that could severely damage his way of
life? To me, it is an indication that as of 2007, the elites already
had their radar pointed squarely at WikiLeaks.org, and were casing it
as a potential tool for political leverage. It should be considered a
great compliment to be targeted by the globalists in this way.

it could mean (as some have inferred) that WikiLeaks was set up by the
elites from the beginning, and the whole operation is a psyop, but
again, I don’t personally think this is the case. I may change my
opinion as I learn more.

Regardless of whether the Powers That
Be were aware of or responsible for the embassy cables leak, they were
certainly ready for it; and they now appear to be reacting in a very
clear and coordinated way. Therein lies the psyop; not in WikiLeaks
itself, but in the reaction to this most recent leak. Remember, this
response marks a clear departure from the way the establishment has
dealt with previous leaks.

Just because WikiLeaks is legit, does
not mean that a psyop is not taking place. So what is the psyop? What
is the reaction the social engineers are hoping to achieve by
simultaneously demonizing and martyring Julian Assange?

Is WikiLeaks.org “the Internet’s 9/11?”

Please check back for my next installment, entitled “Wikileaks and the
Hegelian Dialectic,” in which I will attempt to answer these questions,
and explain the globalists’ strategy as I see it.

note: I hope this article has been both enlightening and thought
provoking. I feel that I have only just scraped the surface, and there
is much I have written that did not make it into this edit. Since this
issue is a bit time-sensitive, I decided to cut it into several pieces
and release the first part now. 

As I continue my research and
prepare my next installment, I invite suggestions, tips and corrections
from our friendly and abnormally intelligent readers.

Merry Christmas to our Christian readers, and to everyone else, have a rockin’ 
Solstice party. Thanks for visiting us!


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